My fanstalker has reached the 10 year mark in his obsession with me and it got me thinking. There may be a Netflix special in this sort of thing. Baby Reindeer was very popular and that was about some asshole who got stalked by a desperate fat chick and I guess there was some other shit that went on and entertasined the normies. Then there was the story of the Tiger Freaks and their internet drama. Maybe I could get my own series with @Ten Lubak . If you combine his ten years of stalking with my interesting internet history with furries and freeky geek culture we could have a whole series going. This leads to one problem which would be the rule about exposing our identities. I have moved on from places due to permabans before, but Ten seems like he might be a few dilithium crystals short of a warp drive if you know what I mean. If he were to lose his favorite person he might go canadian psycho and kidnap one of the people doing research for the special and surgically alter them into a beaver and then fuck him to death before Johnny Depp can rescue him. So can I get you guys to maybe suspend the rule regarding doxxing for this one time and maybe the netflix people would do interviews with you. There could be a spin off series for the dayton years too so do not discount this as a one off for Tererune. Maybe dicky could be the next silent bob in the basement doing comic book things? Just think about it for a little while and I will lose interest and find some other shiny thing to occupy my mind.
UA and Jenee, but Jenee actually shuts him up with pegging. "Performative woke!! Performative this! Performative that! " *Squish!* "OOOHHHHHH!!! ". "Lying bullshitters!! Twisting my words!! " *Squish!* "OOOHHHHHH!!! ". "I won't indulge your make-believe!! " *Squish!* "OOOHH-prah Winfrey!!!!! ".
So I guess that means you are in as long as you get to write the script for one of the porno spin offs. Should we use Sham and Dian for the title? Just give me one percent and I am sure we can sell copies on 4chan. They like sick and depraived stuff.
@The Original Faceman don't tldr this shit, I was going to demand you get to be one of the lead script writers for the series, and give you the entire dayton kitchens in space parody series spin off rights. \ I am thinking about us all here. I am pretty sure we can get Rob Schneider to play @Steal Your Face . I am pretty sure we can get carrot top or danny bonaduce to grow out their beard to be UA.
See, this is what UA is really pissed off at me for. The idea of him getting erotic stimulation imagining a black woman. His little game he does, is get pissed at my little skits, act like he's too sophisticated and cool to be bothered, then melt the fuck down in another thread. I've found the pattern, Al.
You aren't even on casual terms with reality anymore. And your "skits" are just a transparent attempt to camouflage what a vapid little man-child you are.
Don't worry, UA will continue to be a muse, and I am sure we can find someone to compile a greatest hits for him so we can put his posts onto the screen. This could be good for him too because he might be able to sell that fucking POS jeep he has to some libertarian to park next to their cybertruck and statue to elon.