Is there one without the pastel rainbow controller in case I want to play with a cishet male without accidentally making them gay. If I wanted to make them gay I would find a KC junior emulation and make them play that instead. Atari buys most of Intellivision.
Meh, like Atari, Intellivision was just a shell of its former self. It's passed through so many hands, they're just zombie game companies these days that act as IP holders and tax shelters.
It’s not enough to have a vision for the future. You need a CEO who knows how to motivate people to shares his/her vision. Take AbbVie for example. Abbott Laboratories was about to lose patent for their biggest money maker. They’d used all their resets and revisions and new and improved bs. They were going to start losing money. They brought in a CEO with no credentials. Rick Gonzales isn’t a chemical (pharmacologist ) scientist, he isn’t a business tycoon. He holds no degrees. But, in 10 years, he brought AbbVie forward as a leading global pharma company and after losing the patent for Humira in 2023 (US, 2024 globally), it is a top performing pharma company on Wall Street. Atari could make a comeback, but I doubt the CEO has the ability.
Disputed. The 7800 is only worth something because it plays 2600 games. When it comes to the modern + consoles the exact opposite is true. The 2600+ can play all the 7800 games. So unless you really like the 7800 shell, I don't see the point. Side Note - I've been watching a lot of Double Dare on Paramount+. It's funny because the first reward on the obstacle challenge is almost always a 7800. Atari must have given out like a hundred of these on the show. They were desperate to make the 7800 relevant.
It looks sharp, and I like their solution for the various controllers Atari had during its run. My only thinking here though is it's going to be for hardcore Atari fans because at $149, I'll just use my portable handheld emulator to play classic Atari games.
Actually, I think a lot of casual gamer types might pick it up. Compared to an XBox or a PS5 or a Steam Deck or a ROG Ally, it's dirt cheap. Also cheaper than a Nintendo Switch. Given how squeezed folks are for things like money and space, I have a feeling that handheld gaming devices are probably the future. No point in buying a console that requires a TV if you're stuck renting with a bunch of roommates or living in your car.
Oh, certainly it's a fine piece of hardware for the price, I'm just wondering even if it could be jail broken (which I would do), and used to emulate other games and game systems, whether the control scheme really limits what could be done on it.