The guy couldn't take it, and offed himself. I suspect the nations average IQ just went up slightly.
Fox News viewership just dropped as well. It's a shame they probably contributed to his ODS. Sucks that he felt this was the only way out, I hope it was painless.
The sad thing is he weird thing is he was an elderly gay man in a gay relationship but who was a die hard Republican. Talk about fucked in the head and seeking approval from the people who hate you. The self hate had to be strong with this guy and obviously he wasn't so mentally sound even before he decided to off himself.
The bold is the misnomer. Those of us who are true conservatives (read- Libertarians, which include more Republicans than you might think) don't hate and fear gays. Live and let live- we don't care. We can can just live without the rainbow flags and gay-day parades because they represent special treatment for a certain group when what we believe in is equal treatment under the law for all, without theatrics. I flew with a gay co-pilot a month or so ago- it took him about three days to fess up (even though it was patently obvious), but he eventually twigged that even as an ex-military, whiskey drinking, old-school guy, I just don't give a fuck. His personal life has no bearing on me whatsoever. He was a competent stick, a valuable company employee, and while he and I weren't going to go partying in downtown Frisco together, it was just fine. Hell, if I was a single guy he probably could have hooked me up with some hot, single straight chicks. If we could just get guys like him to start voting for fiscal conservatives, the world would explode into a new golden age. Of course, we need some TRUE conservsative candidates like Ron Paul who aren't interested in what you smoke or what happens in your bedroom or doctor's office, but ARE interested in Constitutional Government.
Reminds me of Dendroica, who used his big toe to push the trigger of the shotgun he was sucking off while at Ground Zero.
No, no I am not. It is a FACT that Republicans have put hatred of gays into their official party platform where it remains today, it is a FACT Republicans have made hatred of gays and unequal treatment of gays before the law in that same platform, and it is a FACT Republicans routinely use hatred of gays as a wedge issue to gain votes from bigots. Yes, I'd put trying to be part of a movement which has enshrined hatred of you simply because you exist as mentally deficient. About the same as a Jew wanting to sign up for the Nazis or a black wanting to join one of the Apartheid parties in the old South Africa. It's just illogical nonsense which is surely a sign that something isn't right in his head.
This pleases me. I just wish more plebeian neanderthals would follow suit. Actually, I wish all people who live their lives based off of of something some dead guy supposedly said thousands of years ago would either die or not be allowed to influence political policies (the former is much preferred.) The religious "[-]right[/-]" (wrong) need to FOADIAF. You're still alive? I would have thought Obama would have caused you and Muad to do the same? It's never too late!
I wish some of the Republicans on this board would do the same thing. And, in fact, quite a few Democrats, too. I'm an equal-opportunity suicide booster.
Wow, so not only do gay people all have to act the same and most importantly vote for who you think they should, but you think this mostly out of an irrational hatred of Republicans, whom you also make broad sweeping generalizations about comparing them to Nazis. And black people who vote Republican are just oreos, right?
Quick! Hide Beck! We wouldn't want to blow Worden's mind with the fact that gays are just people with a million other beliefs and concerns then just who they are wanting to fuck and marry!
Like I said, you can be black and agree with 90% of the policies of one of the apartheid parties in old South Africa but they'd still have to be crazy as hell to vote for an Apartheid party (not that blacks were even allowed to vote). The same with any gay who votes for a party which is attempting to enshrine hatred of gays into law.
I really don't object to anything you posted. My thing us that you've picked the wrong allies in the religious right to fight your cause. You have a much better chance of getting democrats to support fiscal conservatism.... No, scratch that... FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY than you do of getting the religious right to live and let live. Just my 2ยข.
Don't take this the wrong way, but coming from you and those two others who agreed with you, I take that as quite a compliment.
ConfederateSon disagrees: You think Beck is sane?! You're asking BECK if he thinks Beck's sane? I would fucking hope Beck thinks Beck's sane!