The Gambia has taken steps towards lifting a ban on female circumcision, a move that could make it the first country in the world to reverse legal protections against the practice for millions of women and girls. Politicians in the West African nation’s parliament voted 42 to four on Monday to advance the controversial bill, which would repeal a landmark 2015 ban on female genital mutilation (FGM) that made the practice punishable by up to three years in prison Almameh Gibba, the legislator who introduced the bill, argued that the ban violated citizens’ rights to “practice their culture and religion” in the overwhelmingly Muslim country. “The bill seeks to uphold religious loyalty and safeguard cultural norms and values,” he said. Charming.
OK, so it is completely OK to mutilate genitals as long is it is by direction of an approved work of fiction related to sky gods, but if it is to actually make the child happy and by their choice and request then we cannot possibly have it because that is somehow indoctrinmation while the previous forced gential mutilation is not. Ignorant religious fuckbags are the worst parents ever. It is ok for us to knife your genitals for our imaginary friend, but if you do that for your own pleasure then fuck you live with the pain. Let us just collect all the Trumpanzees and DeScumbag supporters and send them to Gambia where they will be happy abusing children.
Any forced mutilation of a child's genitals should be banned, regardless of sex. Let them decide when they come of age whether their religion/culture is important enough to mutilate a sensitive part of their body.
I get to be very offended as someone mutilated my penis, but took the time to not give me a vagina as I would have requested. One of the reasons I really dislike yaweh is that he says it is wrong for anyone to alter their body through tattoos or perhaps things like cosmetic surgery, but in order to get into heaven as a man you have to cut your dick, but only in his way. There is a reason I do not take the works of fiction like the Torah, Bible, and koran seriously. Harry fucking potter makes more sense, and he is a fucking nutbar.
Gambia never repealed their ban, but I recently discovered that bans like this tend to mean fuck all anyway. Egypt criminalized it in 2008, it's still happening, but no one has ever been prosecuted for breaking the law. Sickening.
You might be concerned that this will happen in Trump's America, but fortunately no Trump supporter can locate it, if they even believe (or care) that women can experience sexual excitement.