Went over to my girlfriend's house yesterday. There's a gas station right on the corner where I turn onto her road. It was absolutely mobbed. The idiots had the one lane blocked on the main line and the inbound side of her road completely blocked. To get around them I had to veer into the outbound lane. Only to arrive at her house a few minutes later and hear on the tv that the pipeline was back in operation. So for any malefactor paying attention, that's how easy it is to disrupt normal US routines. Just shut off a pipeline for a couple days. As I understand it, a lot of these industrial control systems are based on old versions of the Windows OS and once installed they're never updated or patched, because (A) no-one takes cybersecurity seriously and (B) doing it right costs money, which reduces profits, which our endemically short-sighted run-by-the-accountants corporate world doesn't like. So in a lot of ways this incident was a self-inflicted wound.
Don’t think I have @frontline on FB, but I’d love to see his reaction if he were presented with this article that shows the Obama Admin, which Biden was a part of, pushed for a comprehensive cyber-security bill all the way back in 2012…. And the “Obama=Bad” GOP killed it in the Senate. This was before the 2016 election and several other foreign based hacks. I wish Dems pointed this type of shit out in real time.
Side tangent, but CA switched to reusable plastic bags in 2016 and I had completely forgotten how flimsy traditional ones were until they started handing them out during the pandemic after they'd run outta the others.
Oooooh this is why the gas hoarding is happening. I had to come here to check the real news. I didn't want to look it up first.
HA! Totally agree. I think the best (worst?) scientific & engineering minds have succeeding in getting plastic down to .0000000000001 the width of a human hair. You pretty much have to double-bag everything except a small bag of marshmallows.
Looks like the ones who did the dirty work got stiffed. I guess the big guys took a page out of Trump's playbook.
The gas station nearest to my house went up 70 cents in three days and premium is now $6.20 Love being in CA
Anyone who owns a pickup truck that isn't a farmer or tradesperson is a piece of shit trailer trash asshole. Change my mind.
Shit... and I thought 3.699 was bad. But then back in 08? 09? I was paying around $4.599 or so. I was also working 40 miles from home. It paid extremely well, I was making around $14k a month. I was also spending about $700 a month in gas. I was filling four vehicles, each one would get me to work for 3 or 4 days, then switch. I'd fill all four up on the same day then swap when that one wouldn't have enough for a round trip to work and back.
Good thing the postal service is switching to electric vehicles isn’t it? Wait….what? Oh never mind….
The sales and repos on pickups and gas guzzlers is going to skyrocket. I remember the last time gas was this expensive and all the fake dickless cowboys had to get rid of their tonka toy. OMG my fill up from empty went into the 30 dollar range. I love watching the Rams and F150's dump over 100 and know they are not making it more than 2 days without doing that again, or they are going to have to stay home. All those prius drivers are laughing their asses off now. They still can't drive worth a fuck, but at least they can drive.
Not Biden. DeJoy. Yeah, all the new vehicles should have been electric, but as all the Grumman/Chevy LLVs and Ford FFVs need to be replaced sooner than later, even gas variants of the new Oshkoshs are welcome imo