My problem with UA is he is happy to spew the most awful shit he can. It isn't even down to a difference of opinion for me. There are a lot of things, for instance, that I disagree with Rick Deckerd or Ten Lubak on, but I enjoy interacting with them. UA, on the other hand: 1) Endorses banning books. 2) Enthusiastically supports violence against the homeless 3) Vigorously hurls invectives at LGBT members every chance he gets 4) Defends sexually violent people like Donald Trump and Matt Gaetz. 5) Routinely equates women with weakness, excessive emotional outbursts, and generally undesirable traits 6) Mocks caregivers for things like changing diapers. He may not be that same person in real life, but on here, he is a vile piece of shit and I treat him as such.
It’s not unusual for one human to dislike another. However, if someone wholely unconnected with this place or global politics were to read these posts, they would view you and UA exactly the same.
I'm not the one lying here. You can't confine yourself to the facts and refrain from willful distortion. That reflects poorly on YOU.
Nope, every one of those is either you thinking we're fucking idiots, hoping anyone else watching is or your attempt at identifying as a decent human being. "Human that IS a vagina" may be an orientation, but that compass ain't leading anyone home.
Also, I can pull up examples for every one. Would you like me to? I'll make a whole thread for it if you want.
1) Endorses banning books. 2) Enthusiastically supports violence against the homeless 3) Vigorously hurls invectives at LGBT members every chance he gets 4) Defends sexually violent people like Donald Trump and Matt Gaetz. Also this: 5) Routinely equates women with weakness, excessive emotional outbursts, and generally undesirable traits 6) Mocks caregivers for things like changing diapers. So yeah.
My prostate is flaring up with a problem that's causing constant abdominal pain. It's not incapacitating, but it won't get any better (that getting old thing) and I'll probably end up having TURP surgery. If you want some fun reading look it up. The only consolation is that it probably isn't nearly as bad as it sounds when you read about it...
Every last one of those is a distortion or an out right lie. None of them say what you claim they say. Are you proud of being a shitbag liar?
Those are your quotes. If you think I'm distorting them, well, prove it. Or don't, and tacitly acknowledge their veracity.
Yes, they are my quotes, and as usual they do not say what your lying ass claims they say. We are not playing another game of "here's a lie, prove me wrong."
That's not what he's doing with his "interpretations." He's demanding I disprove his dishonest reactions.
You constantly claim you are misinterpreted, even when your own words are used against you. You may need to start expressing yourself more clearly. Just sayin'
See, a person of honest intent asks for clarification at that point. Dishonest crapweasels take it as a chance to substitute their own bullshit, and they all seem to think they invented that schtick and nobody could possibly spot it.
Honestly, no one should have a problem with anyone here. However, the rage that you just displayed generally comes from the left. It's a byproduct of not being able to defend, or having irrational/illogical arguments. We can all still get along.
Hey, I believe in the vast majority of positions I've taken on most issues here. The problem with the Collective is that you all react emotionally, not logically. You sure do provide entertainment value though.
Except every time I've asked for clarification or a supporting source, you've had a hissy fit and called me something clever like "space tard". Then you dismiss the subject as a matter of my being somehow dishonest.
Fuckin A right. Good God, could this not degenerate into a Jr. High level verbal AIDS fest? Just checking.