The Republican Primary is a race to see who can be looniest, right? Not to see who can lead this country? Because none of the douchenozzles can. Probably should have stopped before saying "Donald Trump."
How you get Perry says he's a Kenyan from that snippet is amazing. Must be some super secret lawyer think shit going on there. What should he say, "Oh yes, I believe wholeheartedly that he is an American citizen!!" ? So Trump thinks it's a fake, big deal. Not seeing the implication by association attemped to be sold here.
Yeah, not seeing an issue here. Perry doesn't think it's an issue, probably one of the few good points about him.
I think he was so worried about trying not to offend anybody that he made himself look rather dumb. If he had just said it was a settled issue and talking about it is a useless distraction I think that would have been fine. The fact that he has trouble knowing when to shut up doesn't really work in his favor, but there are worse things to be said about just about any politico you want to pick on.
Perhps I should have added Anc's post considering that what it was aimed at but I assumed it would be a given since it was right under it. Then again you did construe something out of nothing when you started the thread so not so sure the stupid comment might not fit better on your mantle.
I have no intention of voting for him, in fact I didn't vote for him here, I voted for his opponent since I in fact do what a slickster he is. All I've been saying its it was one helluva stretch to decipher his comments up there to actually saying "Hey, Obama is a Kenyan!!!1! :derp:
That's some seriously stupid shit. This man needs to be removed from any position of responsibility that he currently holds, to say nothing about being President.
Your post is full of . This doesn't sound like he thinks Obomber is a foreigner. Trump, on the other hand is full of shit either way.