We should grant the confederates their independence and see how they like it when they're not able to suck welfare from the rest of us.
I'm about as far south as you can get at the moment, in Tejas no less, and I've yet to experience this 'south' you've described. Of course, given the ratio of Mexicans to whites on the beach, I'm betting a pasty know it all like Oerdin wouldn't dare set foot outside his hotel room.
Tejas is still Confederate. I'm still in the Confederacy, too. Much further south and you start getting Yankee again. All that to say, Uh-yep. Y'all are right.
Weak troll is weak (anyone else find Google Image search all but unusable now? what the hell did they do?)
What makes you think we'd be stupid enough to do things the way "the rest of you" want to do things after your votes quit counting here?
Preaching to the choir! Low cost of living, growing economy (in most cities), multitudes of military bases helping to keep our country secure, oodles of crazy rednecks at these bases willing to stop the bullets you won't stop, etc. etc. And worse yet, we have QUEERS in my town! They have their own vacation resort right on a main road. They even have their own parade (and nobody got hurt, not even their feelings). We have JEWS strutting around in public like they own the world or something! They even have the chutzpa to set up their own churches downtown in front of Gawd + everybody! My kids schools are ranked among the best in the nation...meaning their heads are being pumped full of devilish BOOK LEARNIN'! We have six-figure family incomes (if our wives work that is) but only pay 800 dollars a month for a four bedroom house.....this place is crazy!
All we are waiting for is for your crowd to say "go in peace" and we won't be your problem anymore. Look in the mirror and ask yourselves "Why have we not let them go yet? What's in it for us to force them to stay?"
Behold the marvelous sentence-structure displayed by he who would deride the intelligence of others. Truly, we are awed by your example!
Oh, and taxes.....I pay around 15 Grand a year in taxes..... you're welcome, ghetto children of our great nation!
As a Chicagoan and New Yorker whose heritage goes back to both Georgia and Mississippi, I think you've gone too far in your troll. My corporate offices are in Jacksonville, FL and those are some of the smartest men and women I've ever met. If one were to count the number of Fortune 500 companies today that are based below the Mason-Dixon line, while I don't think anyone should be surprised, it might shock the author of this thread.
Baylor Medical Center Houston Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston Texas Texas A&M Prairie View A&M
Wow, I've heard of 2/8 of those places. Kennedy Space Flight Center and Houston Space Flight Center. How come I've never heard of it? Oh maybe because I come from the San Francisco Bay Area. We have: Amgen Genentech The Buck Institute for Age Research Chiron BioMarin Gilead Sciences University of California San Francisco Stanford University Stanford Linear Accelerator Center/National Accelerator Laboratory University of California Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Then for other California schools and research facilities: Caltech CalPoly University of California San Diego University of California Los Angeles University of California Davis University of California Santa Cruz University of California Irvine University of California Santa Barbara 20 of the 118 elements were discovered here in the Bay Area. I have only listed places in California. There is also MIT, Harvard, and the other Ivy League schools. Sorry, the South fails yet again.
Because clearly elwood's list was exhaustive....and because you're not having heard of them is not a reflection on you but on us...and because there are not more non-southern states than there are southern states Do you REALLY want to hitch your wagon to such a pathetic troll attempt? Seems like having read the thread you could see where the stupidity really existed in this sample at least.
Let's not forget the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta. But here's the scary part......as we speak some janitor is knocking over a beaker full of world-engulfing germs and saying "what dat is? Look like it be for Dan Gerous.....who dat is? He the new guy?" Maybe not just a Southern thing, but janitors + security tend to be.....less than astute, to say the least.
Ok classichummus, how about I enlighten you very quickly about one of the place you've never heard of and therefore must be unimportant. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, formerly known as the X-10 plant, along with the Y-12 and K-25 plants, also in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was one of the two main locations used for the development of the atomic bomb used in World War 2. The other main site was Los Alamos, New Mexico. So yeah, blow it out your bloody overfucked asshole. And for everyone's entertainment, the plants in Oak Ridge actually do have a blue line that if you cross without clearance, the security guards have permission to shoot on site.
The impression I have always gotten is that in general Southern states in the US are more friendly to anyone looking to start up a business.
That's gotta be one of the most unintentionally hilarious statements I've ever seen here. Way to represent!
Not that I'm agreeing with Oerdin, but just because a school or lab is based in a particular area doesn't necessarily mean the professionals working there are representative of that area. That's like holding up an antarctic research station as proof of how smart penguins are. Just sayin'. *backs quietly out of thread*
Sorry, that boat sailed with the Civil War. Maybe the rest of the US would have been better off if the Confederates had split off, but right now? I'd say if the South is fucking the rest of the US over in anyway, the rest of the US is fucking themselves over so hard they don't even notice.
Two questions- Would you mind defining what you mean by "the south"? Why are you only including "white" southern folks?