Yes, because you are falling into the trap of assuming the folk tales you've heard about ghosts, not to mention all the media portrayals, are real. There is no proof that the phenomenon that people think of as "ghosts" are the disembodied spirits of people who have died.
Language is intersubjective, and the dictionary reflects what the commonly agreed upon meaning of a word is within a language. It isn't wrong. Your beliefs remain utterly irrational, perhaps even moreso than those held by religious people, who at least have the excuse of upbringing, or the cultural paradigm. To paraphrase, remove the log from your own eye.
Actually, it is. Just like the previously common belief that the earth was flat was equally as wrong. Nope, no log involved. However, maybe you should remove thine head from thy own ass.
Firstly, that was not a common belief, at least not since antiquity. Secondly, an error in fact is not equivalent to an error of definition. The former is objective, the latter is not. Feel free to provide some evidence that we are spiritual beings who survive death.
Ironically, this was all resolved at the end of Star Trek V: McCOY We were speculating... (staring out) ... is God really out there? KIRK Maybe He's not out there, Bones. Maybe He's right here... in the human heart.