She should have got him sedated/tied up and got someone to tattoo "I'm a gay bitch" on his forehead, arms, legs, ass, etc. Let him worry about getting them removed.
I saw this headline earlier and it was bizarre enough without the rest of the story, but the fact that the tattoo said "Chopper's Bitch" just adds a WHOLE new level of trashy to the equation...
Don't run an image search of her name unless you want to see the immediate aftermath. Aside from that, cute girl.
That page links to another story headlined "One in four Americans 'doesn't know the earth orbits the sun.'" I suspect a more accurate headline would be "One in four Americans either doesn't pay attention when being hassled over the phone or just plain likes to mess with pollsters."
WTF? Cute girl? You are a brave, courageous young man indeed. I don't think there's enough wealth in the known world you could pay me to hit that.
Man, say what you want about today's journalists, but when a wannabe punk girl calls them up and sends them a picture that she wants to put on a website in order to show her ex-boyfriend what's what, they'll stop at nothing to get that story. Just as she sends it to them, they'll get it online. And if we didn't have brave, smart, courageous journalists like that safeguarding the truth, our freedoms, and our public discourse, I don't know what we would do. Except, perhaps, get that girl a free blog of her own at
As to the hitability, I'd need to see more of her. Does the image search turn up any full body nudes, or at least a topless shot?
She looks like she probably WAS cute before she spent several thousand dollars at piercing and tattoo parlors to turn herself into a cross between a Bajoran, a Trill, and the villain from Hellraiser.
Like I said before, I'll need to see her naked. I'm not a fan of the hardware, but I can look past it if the rest of the package is good and she likes to get kinky in bed.
The split tongue alone makes her heinous. Who would have guessed that self mutilation could be such a red flag.
The two of you stop. Just fucking stop right there. There are some lines you don't cross. This is one of em.
You've obviously never heard of using a false name. Either that or got no balls. A night with a chick like that would have the potential to be epic.
Yes, this crazy bitch cut the skin off her arm and sent it to the dude. And she considers it teaching him a lesson.