Positive thinking - psycobabble?

Discussion in 'Techforge' started by Summerteeth, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. Summerteeth

    Summerteeth Quinquennial Visitation

    Dec 16, 2004
    I didn't know whther to put this in here or not, but I think it's got a sciencey feel.

    At work, we all went on a training course regarding positive thinking. The idea being it will help us to have a better mindset when closing deals and therefore have a better 'hit' rate.

    When I first heard that we'd be going on the course, I was highly sceptical becuse I hate anything forced like that and think it's a waste of time. Nevertheless, we've had 4 sessions on it so far and I thought I'd better put in some effort rather than just brushing it off as some kind of pointless exercise. It's not like I personally was paying for it or nuffink. :)

    Anyway, the upshot of it is, to my surprise I've found it really quite helpful and have had an upturn in fortune since (or, I guess, a perceived upturn of fortune). :unsure:

    The overall principle is that you clear your mind and only let positive thoughts in, which in turn breeds positivity and opportunity. Negative thoughts apparently alter your effort and chances of success. You can apply it to personal and professional situations and have the same degree of result.

    I've applied some of the techniques at work and my hit rate of sign-up has jumped to 67% this month. 67% of all properties coming onto my market area who I've been invited to go see, I've signed up, and given that there's 9 other companies in the area after the same business I think that's pretty good :D My target is 15% :D I've also been given a new £2.4 million development by a company I've acted for before.

    Also, I was having a problem with one of the other agents in the office who I think was jealous of my 'new girl' status. Her attitude towards me made me nervous and, as sad as it sounds, a bit rejected. Anyway, applying the principles I've mentally removed myself from her hang-ups, and I've felt a lot more confident since. She, on the other hand, seems to be driven mad by the fact she's not getting me to feel like crap and funnily enough has switched tactic in becoming nicer to me :lol:

    Has anyone else been on similar courses or tried the methods and had similar success, or is it all a fluke? :unsure:
    • Agree Agree x 7
  2. Ebeneezer Goode

    Ebeneezer Goode Gobshite

    Mar 28, 2004
    Manchester, UK
    thinking more positively improves your body language, you tend to be more open and expressive. it effects the choice of words and tone of voice you use when talking to people.

    negative thought implies defensiveness, which means you're subliminally sending out danger signals to others and so making them uneasy, positive thought doesn't and so will make people feel more comfortable in your 'territory'

    theres a lot of bunk in psychobabble, when really much of its about how territorial we are and how we react to others encroaching that territory.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Summerteeth

    Summerteeth Quinquennial Visitation

    Dec 16, 2004
    :lol: Yeah, I suppose that has it in a nutshell.

    A lot of it is to do with control as well. I've always been in denial as to how obssessive I am in controlling situations before. I really didn't like it when things didn't go how I thought they should and got defensive.

    For example, when trying to chase down business, I get really disappointed if I lose out, so I put too much effort in in trying to get clients to sell their properties with me. However, since I've relaxed on it, and given clients the impression that I would like to act for them, but ultimately they have the decision, I've had a lot more response. The relaxation comes from thinking positively that there's no reason that they would choose competition over me, so ultimately I don't have to badger for the business. And, even if they do go with someone else, I keep up communication and on good terms so that if it all goes wrong with the other agent (because they've overvalued or not lived up to their spiel), I'm in second place to pick it up.

    Just a really weirdo experience since following the course though:-

    The course teaches meditation (not easy in itself, it took me ages to learn how to empty my head of thoughts) and to just let in positive thoughts that spontaneously appear.

    Anyway, I had become frustrated with a builder who had promised to let me have access to a site by leaving part of the fencing free to move to one side. When I got to the site, he hadn't, and I got annoyed at a wasted journey. During a meditation session, I had this thought pop into my head when I could see the builder marking a small 'x' in pen on the panel that could be removed. At work, I laughed about it with a colleague, and the next time we visited the site he was teasing me by looking for the 'x' ... and found it exactly where I'd visualised :soma:

    *cue twighlight zone music*
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. Volpone

    Volpone Zombie Hunter

    Nov 10, 2004
    Bigfoot country
    The power of positive thinking and visualization is amazing. In a related vein, if you consistently act a certain way, you will become that.

    But if you decide to act like Captain Kirk don't do the voice. ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. AdaptationNation

    AdaptationNation Guest

    Useful for everyone, and very useful for those who primarily make their living through interpersonal skills -- i.e. those in sales and related professions. IMO!

    PS Good luck, and may you successfully close many deals Summer! :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    Another factor is if you think you'll win (or be successful) you'll naturally pour more effort into the task. More effort increases your chances of success.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. GuiltyGear

    GuiltyGear Fresh Meat

    Oct 8, 2006
    I don't see that it would be hard for Summer to ever have a problem closing deals, but armed with this knowledge, she's going to be unstoppable!

    I'll buy 10! ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Stallion

    Stallion Team Euro!

    Mar 28, 2004
    Ive always found you get a much better hit rate when chatting up birds if you have and display that air of confidence! ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. The Saint

    The Saint Sentinel Angel

    Apr 14, 2004
    Bat country. (Can't stop here.)
    Confidence is one thing -- but I interact with too many people who turn it into some pseudo-voodoo-like bullshit, as if probability gives a fuck that you've doused your mind in saccharin. IMO, confidence combined with objective assessment is better. "This sucks, but I'm gonna kick its ass." > "Gosh, everything is just PEEEEACHEEEEEE!" Grim determination > ignorant bliss.
    • Agree Agree x 1