
Discussion in 'The Workshop' started by MayDayAli, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. MayDayAli

    MayDayAli Communist Prize Fighter

    Mar 19, 2007
    Crisp, sprawling azure sky
    Not bothered by clouds
    Sits above rolling hills
    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:P> </o:P>
    Like old men sit in rocking chairs
    Not bothered by traffic
    Sipping contentedly out of silver cans.
    <o:P> </o:P>
    This is warm, glowing Indian Summer
    No need yet for scarves, or even shoes
    Barefooted children sprint across grass
    <o:P> </o:P>
    Towards an old Maple, and call it “Safety.”
    Chipped mailboxes still have some time before
    They are stuffed with rigid Christmas cards
    <o:P> </o:P>
    Bursting with holy nights and the baby Jesus,
    Sleeping mildly in luminous hay.
    For now, fat sun-baked tabby cats
    <o:P> </o:P>
    Lounge on front porches,
    Drowsy yellow eyes reflecting the
    Not so distant hills
    <o:P> </o:P>
    Painted scarlet and gold for autumn
    While a flag beckons lazily from a white
    And rusted pole in the front yard.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Lanzman

    Lanzman Vast, Cool and Unsympathetic Formerly Important

    Mar 27, 2004
    Someplace high and cold
    Mmmm. Very evocative. Good imagery.

    More please.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. MayDayAli

    MayDayAli Communist Prize Fighter

    Mar 19, 2007
    Do you remember the rain?

    There we were
    lost again
    begging for forgiveness
    and not knowing
    if we sinned
    And the tears of the place
    soaked our broken shoes
    as we cluelessly mourned
    the insubstantial end of
    small mortal things
    and prayed it would
    never happen to us
    Us, We, the lovers,
    the breathers,
    the givers, believers
    We prayed and prayed
    So sad, such small and
    mortal things

    And now the opposite has happened

    Here it is, a third from two
    and here we are
    waiting for a reason
    an illumination
    a white granite foundation large
    enough to support our
    heaving faith
    too heavy now
    to support itself
    Later we are shocked
    bored simultaneously
    We're going
    in circles
    dangerous loops that
    threaten to expose
    our own bleeding truths
    While we all try to hide from
    the silver eye in the sky
    that sees
    all our secrets
    but knows not
    our names.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Marso

    Marso High speed, low drag.

    Mar 27, 2004
    This may not be the final version of this- I've got ideas for some improvements, but here 'tis: (My apologies for Navyspeak that you may not understand...)

    (To the spirit and tone of Beowulf)

    In the spirit of this thread,
    I sing the tale
    of our honored dead.

    Bug Roach was this legend's name
    In time all came to sing his fame
    If it was your turn for a night in the barrel
    Bug took the paddles and vanquished your peril.

    I met Bug in '88
    When I stood at the starting gate
    Miramar was the place to be
    Naval Air was my destiny.

    Crusaders; Scooters, then TOPGUN
    He taught the lessons that were hard won
    CAG LSO of Navy reknown,
    he was the man to call
    Whenever an aviator in trouble
    had to call the ball.

    But the best story he ever told
    Was his own path
    To Wings of Gold
    Like many from his generation
    Bug was old school, from Yankee Station

    One Sunday morn, Midshipman Roach
    watched the launch of the dawn patrol
    Two Scooters, A-4's by name
    Of Naval Aviation fame
    Pulled into position, ready to roll

    But before they launched,
    one task remained:
    A canopy opened, and the pilot unnamed
    blew his cookies, and saved his name
    from the scorn of hangover's shame

    Then, his morning task complete
    this Naval Aviator from the fleet
    re-donned his helmet, and adjusted his seat.
    Canopy closed, and clearance received,
    He went Zone V, and launched to sea
    For Bug, it was an epiphany.

    In that moment
    Bug Roach knew
    Exactly what he had to do
    Come hell or high water, now or never
    His road was Naval Air forever

    So he came to Miramar
    Crusaders, Scooters, and plenty more.
    He did it right
    He reigned supreme
    He fought the fight
    He lived the dream
    He inspired us to be like him
    A leader, a rock, through thick and thin

    So now, think upon my woe
    The day I donned my Wings of Gold
    To learn that Bug had met his end
    Flying the Scooter so long his friend

    He died doing what he loved
    Teaching those who soar above
    Teaching us to do it right
    Teaching us the way to fight

    Fangs out is the way to go
    Bug's the guy who taught us so
    And when it's time to trap at sea
    Bug's legacy is OK3.

    So we hoist a drink to you, dear Bug
    We're gonna miss your ugly mug
    When God made you, He broke the mold
    You exemplified the Wings of Gold.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. MayDayAli

    MayDayAli Communist Prize Fighter

    Mar 19, 2007
    The Sleep Over

    While you sleep
    I lay beside you and contemplate
    The clear juice running from your mouth
    Making a lazy gray circle
    On the pillowcase.
    Your eyelids tremble
    Concealing the black and blue
    The bruise colors
    Of your iris and pupil.
    I can only sigh
    and wish I was so lucky
    As to fall quickly into the
    Slow breathing and dreams
    That always seem to come easily to you
    After our nocturnal fumblings.
    Our noises painted the air
    That is now only stained by
    Your steady snoring.
    I wish I could lie here
    And let my mouth droop
    And my lids quiver
    Such as yours.
    Instead I watch your face
    In the weak darkness
    Watch your mouth leak slowly
    Onto innocent cotton
    While you slowly leak
    out of not so innocent me.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. John Spartan

    John Spartan Fresh Meat

    Nov 16, 2007
    forget the poem, girl you fine