The Case for Strengthening Urban Property Rights

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Ancalagon, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Ancalagon

    Ancalagon Scalawag Administrator Formerly Important

    Mar 29, 2004

    I've ordered the e-book, so whenever my replacement Kindle gets here (still have yet to receive any mail :garamet: I've been told there are a crapton of packages waiting back at the HQ) I plan on reading it.

    As both an urbanist and a proponent of property rights and the free market (for anyone else similarly inclined check this out) I of course like the idea. What say you WF?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Bailey

    Bailey It's always Christmas Eve Super Moderator

    Apr 1, 2004
    Adelaide, South Australia
    The idea of having a set number of historically significant buildings is a bad one, since it assumes that history stops with us. Idea could work though if you instead limited the number of new additions that can be made.
  3. Ancalagon

    Ancalagon Scalawag Administrator Formerly Important

    Mar 29, 2004
    And you're assuming that just b/c at one time a building is considered historically significant, it will be considered that for all time. Right now Historical Preservation is Fire-and-Forget, by having a set number you force people to go back and actually review past designations.

    Cities have a fixed amount of space. Keep adding and keep adding historical buildings and eventually you will run out of developable space. Especially since older neighborhoods are highest in demand.
  4. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    Index Military Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations

    A 1annual, 2accelerating contactor or relay, 3aircraft symbol, 4attack, 5acting, 6active, 7advanced, 8assistant, 9[JP 1-02] analog, 10[AR 310-50] Army (in combinations only)

    A SPEC system specification

    A&DCP analysis and data collection plan

    A&E 1architect and engineer, 2architecture and engineering, 3ammunition and explosives, 4analysis and evaluation

    A&F Accounting and Finance

    A&P [JP 3-07.3] administrative and personnel

    A&SEA Air and Space Executive Agent

    A&T acquisition and technology

    A-4 Skyhawk

    A-6 Intruder

    A-7 Corsair II

    A-10 Thunderbolt II

    A-109 OMB (Office of Management and Budget) Circular A-109, Major Systems Acquisition

    A-A air to air

    A-D analog to digital converter

    A-E 1architect-engineer, 2architect engineering, 3architectural and engineering, 4architectural-engineering

    A-G air to ground

    A-HOUR alert-hour

    A-P-A aircraft-propulsion-avionics

    a.k.a. also known as

    A/A air-to-air

    A/B airborne

    A/C 1air conditioning, 2absolute ceiling, 3aircraft

    A/CA aircraft attrition

    A/D 1analog to digital, 2air defense, 3analog to digital converter (see ADC)

    A/DACG [JP 1-02] arrival/departure airfield control group

    A/DCG [JP 1-02] arrival/departure control group

    A/E architecture/engineering

    a/f airfield

    A/G 1air-to-ground, 2air/ground

    A/J anti-jam

    A/M [JP 1-02] approach and moor

    A/N 1alpha numeric, 2as needed

    A/NM [JP 1-02] administrative/network management

    A/P accounts payable

    A/R 1accept/refuse message, 2accounts receivable

    A/UX Apple UNIX

    A2 antiarmor

    A2 asset record

    A2C2 Army airspace command and control

    A2C2S 1Army aviation command and control system, 2[TTPIO-ABCS] Army Airborne Command and Control System

    A3 affordable acquisition approach

    A3P advanced avionics architecture and policy

    Aa achieved availability

    AA 1arrival angle, 2avenue of approach, 3assembly area, 4Active Army, 5antiaircraft, 6air-to-air, 7access authorization, 8arithmetic average, 9armature accelerator, 10attack assessment, 11auto answer, 12affirmative action committee, 13Alcoholics Anonymous, 14achieved availability, 15Acquisition Activity, 16advance agreement, 17aircraft availability, 18analysis of alternatives

    AA&E arms, ammunition, and explosives

    AAA 1antiaircraft artillery, 2[Army] assessment of aircraft attrition (USAFE), 3Automated Airlift Analysis System (AMC), 4automatic anti-aircraft, 5Army Audit Agency, 6Authorization Accounting Activity (USN), 7[JP 1-02] assign alternate area

    AAAAAA the Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms

    AAAOB anti-aircraft artillery order-of-battle

    AAAS 1American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2[JP 3-04.1] amphibious aviation assault ship

    AAAV Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle Program

    AAB 1Aircraft Accident Board, 2all-to-all broadcast, 3administrative appeal board

    AABB [JP 4-02.1] American Association of Blood Banks

    AABFS [JP 1-02] amphibious assault bulk fuel system

    AABL advanced atmospheric burst locator

    AABM air-to-air battle management

    AABNCP Advanced Airborne National Command Post (USAF)

    AABP Aptitude Assessment Battery Program

    AABWS [JP 1-02] amphibious assault bulk water system

    AAC 1Army Acquisition Corps, 2acquisition advice code, 3anti-aircraft, 4Alaskan Air Command, 5automatic answering capability, 6Apple Assistance Center, 7all-aspect capability, 8automatic amplitude control, 9automatic approach control, 10activity address code, 11Army acquisition circular, 12[AR 310-50] aerial ambulance company

    AACC Army airborne command and control

    AACC4 AAC command control communications computers

    AACE 1American Association of Cost Engineers, 2aircraft alerting communications EMP (electromagnetic pulse)

    AACFT Army aircraft

    AACG arrival airfield control group

    AACISP AAC Information Systems Plan

    AACISS AAC Intelligence Support System

    AACM active access control module

    AACMO Army Acguisition Corps Management Office

    AACOM Army area communications

    AACOMS Army Area Communications System [now ATACS]

    AACP advanced airborne command post

    AACPB Army Acquisition Career Program Board

    AACPB-WG Army Acquisition Career Program Board – Working Group

    AACS 1Airborne Astrographic Camera System, 2Army Command and Control System, 3[AR 310-50] Airways and Air Communications Service

    AACSCEDR Associate and Advisory Committee to the Special Committee on Electronic Data Retrieval

    AAD 1[AR 310-50] admission and disposition, 2[AR 310-50] Army air defense

    AADC area air defense commander

    AADCCS [AR 310-50] Army Air Defense Control and Coordination System

    AADCOM [AR 310-50] Army Air Defense Command(er)

    AADCP Army air defense command post

    AADE Army air defense element

    AADGE [NATO] Allied Command Europe Air Defense Ground Environment

    AADR Alaskan Air Defense Region

    AADS [AR 310-50] antiaircraft defense system

    AADV [AR 310-50] acquisition aid vehicle

    AAE 1Army acquisition executive, 2Army aviation element, 3American Association of Engineers

    AAED advanced airborne expendable decoy

    AAEE American Academy of Environmental Engineers

    AAES 1American Association of Engineering Societies, 2Automated Aeromedical Evacuation System

    AAF 1Army airfield, 2Auxiliary Air Force

    AAFA Army aviation flight activity

    AAFARS advanced aviation forward area refueling system

    AAFB Andrews Air Force Base

    AAFCE [NATO] Allied Air Forces Central Europe

    AAFES 1Auto Alert Force Exercise Schedule (SAC), 2Army and Air Force Exchange Service

    AAFIF automated air facility information file

    AAFSF [JP 1-02] amphibious assault fuel supply facility

    AAFSS Advanced Aerial Fire Support System [IHAS]

    AAFTC Air Force Flight Test Center (Edwards AFB)

    AAFU [AR 310-50] augmented assault fire units

    AAG 1Aeromedical Airlift Group (AMC), 2area auditor general, 3[AR 310-50] army artillery group (opposing forces)

    AAGE [AR 310-50] Army Advisory Group on Energy

    AAGR [AR 310-50] air-to-air gunnery range

    AAGS 1Army air-ground system, 2aircraft adapter groups

    AAH advanced attack helicopter, the AH-64

    AAHA awaiting action higher headquarters

    AAI 1angle of approach indicator, 2advanced communication technology, 3automated acquisition information

    AAIMS Army Automated Information Management System

    AAIS 1Atmospheric Attack Indications System, 2Automated Acquisition Information System

    AAL 1additional authorization list, 2absolute assembly language, 3Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory [USAF], 4ATM adaption layer, 5asynchronous transfer mode adaptation layer

    AALAAW advanced air-launched anti-armor weapon

    AALPS Automated Aircraft Load Planning System (FORSCOM)

    AALS Active Army Locator System

    AAM 1air-to-air missile (i.e., Falcon, Sidewinder, Sparrow) [Also used by the USN to label its missiles, before the introduction of the tri-service designation system], 2aircraft availability model, 3application activity model, 4[AR 310-50] Army aircraft maintenance, 5[AR 310-50] Army Achievement Medal

    AAMA 1antiaircraft and missile artillery, 2area airspace management authority

    AAME 1automated multi media exchange, 2airspace management element (AAC)

    AAMG antiaircraft machine gun

    AAMMH annual available maintenance man hours

    AAMMP Active Army Military Manpower Program

    AAMP 1Army Automation Master Plan, 2Army Aviation Modernization Plan

    AAMS 1Advanced AFSATCOM Monitoring System, 2Army Acquisition Management System, 3[AR 310-50] Army aircraft maintenance shop

    AAN [DoD/DSMC] Army After Next

    AANCP Advanced Airborne National Command Post

    AAO 1authorized acquisition objective, 2Army acquisition objective, 3antiair output, 4airborne area of operation, 5approved acquisition objective

    AAOD [AR 310-50] Army aviation operating detachment

    AAOFA Army aviation operating facility

    AAP 1Army Apprenticeship Program, 2affirmative action plan, 3allied administrative publication, 4attack assessment plan, 5Attack Assessment Program (JCS/USAFE), 6applications access point [DEC], 7affirmative action program, 8allied administrative procedure, 9Army acquisition process, 10abbreviated acquisition plan, 11advance acquisition planning, 12[AR 310-50] Army ammunition plant, 13[JP 1-02] Allied Administrative Publication; 14[JP 1-02] assign alternate parent

    AAPI attack assessment predicted impact

    AAPL additional programming language

    AAPM [AR 310-50] Army Aviation Planning Manual

    AAR 1after-action review, 2Army area representative, 3air-to-air refueling, 4aircraft accident report, 5automatic alternate routing, 6[JP 1-02] after-action report

    AARA [AR 310-50] access and amendment refusal authority

    AARAD attack assessment radar

    AARADCOM Army Armament Research and Development Command

    AARB advanced aerial refueling boom

    AARDAC [AR 310-50] Army air reconnaissance for damage assessment in the continental United States

    AARMS Authorized/Assigned Resource Management System (AFLC)

    AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol

    AARS Ammunition Asset Reporting System

    AART airborne avionics research testbeds

    AARTS Automated Audio Remote Test System

    AAS 1advanced antenna system, 2American Astronautical Society, 3arithmetic assignment statement, 4automated accounting system, 5attack assessment system, 6all-to-all scatter, 7Advanced Automation System (FAA), 8aeromedical airlift squadron, 9advisory and assistance service

    AASA 1administrative assistant to the Secretary of the Army, 2advanced airborne surveillance antenna

    AASC [AR 310-50] Army area signal center

    AASE [AR 310-50] Army aviation support element

    AASF Army aviation support facility

    AASHTO [AR 310-50] American Association of State Highway Officials

    AASLT [FM101-5-1] air assault

    AASM advanced air-to-surface missile

    AASP 1Army Automation Security Program, 2Army Automation Standardization Program, 3ASCII asynchronous support package

    AASR Advanced Airborne Surveillance Radar (RADC)

    AASTA [AR 310-50] United States Army Aviation Systems Test Activity

    AAT 1Army assault team, 2average access time, 3[JP 1-02] automatic analog test

    AATC 1Antiaircraft Training Center, 2automatic air traffic control [system], 3Air Force Reserve Test Center

    AATCO [AR 310-50] Army air traffic air coordinating office

    AATH automatic approach to hover

    AATRI [AR 310-50] Army Air Traffic Regulation and Identification System

    AATU automatic antenna tuning unit

    AAU [JP 1-02] analog appliqué unit

    AAUB Associate Army Uniform Board

    AAUSN Assistant Under Secretary of Navy

    AAV amphibious assault vehicles (USMC)

    AAVD automatic alternate voice/data

    AAVN [AR 310-50] Army aviation

    AAVS Aerospace Audiovisual Service (MAC)

    AAW 1anti-air warfare [USN], 2Army acquisition workforce, 3advanced analysts' workstation, 4aeromedical airlift wing (MAC), 5active aeroelastic wing

    AAWC anti-air warfare commander [USN]

    AAWS automated attack warning system

    AAWSSC [AR 310-50] Army Atomic Weapons Systems Safety Committee

    AAWWS Airborne Adverse Weather Weapon System

    AB 1adapter booster, 2afterburner, 3air blast, 4anchor bolt, 5[AR 310-50] air base, 6address bus, 7able seaman, 8allocated baseline, 9airborne (forces), 10assault breaker, 11ability to perform

    AB/FS air base/force survivability

    AB2 ABCS brigade and below

    ABA 1Americam Bar Association, 2annual budget authority, 3[AR 310-50] American, British, Australian; 4[AR 310-50] appropriation and budget activity

    ABAA appropriation and budget activity account

    ABACUS Air Battle Analysis Center Utility System

    ABAR 1advanced battery acquisition radar, 2alternate battery acquisition radar

    abbr [AR 310-50] abbreviation

    abbrev abbreviation

    ABC 1airborne corps, 2approach by concept, 3automatic bandwidth control, 4automatic brightness control, 5Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes), 6America, Britain, and Canada, 7Acquisition Basic Course (Defense Systems Management College), 8activity-based costing

    ABCA 1American, British, Canadian, and Australian, 2American, British, Canadian, and Australian Armies, 3[JP 1-02] American, British, Canadian, Australian Armies Standardization Program

    ABCA QSTAG American-British-Canadian-Australian Quadripartite Standardization Agreement

    ABCANZ America Britain Canada Australia New Zealand

    ABCB air blast circuit breaker

    ABCC airborne command center

    ABCCC airborne battlefield command and control center.

    ABCCTC Advanced Base Combat Communications Training Center

    ABCMR [AR 310-50] Army Board for Correction of Military Records

    ABCS 1Army Battle Command System, 2Automated Budget Compilation System

    ABCS SSM [TTPIO-ABCS] Army Battle Command System Simulation Support Module

    ABDAR aircraft battle damage assessment and repair

    ABDR 1air battle damage report, 2aircraft battle damage repair

    ABDS Accounting Budget and Distribution System (USAF)

    ABE [TTPIO-ABCS] assistant brigade engineer

    ABEND abnormal end

    ABES amended budget estimate submission

    ABET Accreditation Board for Engineers and Technology (previously known as Engineers Council for Professional Development (EDPD))

    ABF 1Adobe binary screen font, 2annular blast fragmentation, 3[AR 310-50] availability balance file

    ABFC Advanced Base Functional Component System (USN)

    ABFS [JP 1-02] amphibious bulk fuel system

    ABG air base group

    ABGD air base ground defense

    ABI 1application binary interface, 2automated bidet interface

    ABIC 1Army battlefield interface concept, 2automated battlefield interface concept

    ABICS Ada based integrated control system

    ABIDES Automated Budget Interactive Data Environment System (HQ USAF)

    ABIOL advanced base initial outfitting list (Army)

    ABIOS advanced BIOS

    ABIR all-band intercept receiver

    ABIRD aircraft-based infrared detector

    ABIS Advanced Battlespace Information System

    ABIST automatic built-in self-test (IBM)

    ABIT advanced built-in test

    ABL 1Atlas basic language, 2Armored Box Launcher, 3airborne lasers, 4[AR 310-50] Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory

    ABLE 1activity balance line evaluation, 2adaptive battery life extender

    ABM 1antiballistic missile, 2automated batch mixing, 3advanced battery management, 4asynchronous balance mode, 5acquisition and business management, 6area base maintenance

    ABMC [AR 310-50] American Battle Monuments Commission

    ABMDA [Army] Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency

    ABMOC air battle management operation center

    ABMS Assault Breach Marking System

    abn airborne

    ABN airborne

    ABNCP Airborne National Command Post

    ABNOC Airborne Nuclear Operations Center (SHAPE)

    ABNSOTBD Airborne and Special Operation Test Board

    ABO 1air base operability, 2airborne order, 3Army Budget Office, 4aviator breathing oxygen, 5[JP 4-02.1] blood typing system

    ABOIP amended basis of issue plan

    ABOM Ada Bit Oriented Message

    abort 1to terminate a mission for any reason other than enemy action. It may occur at any point after the beginning of the mission and prior to its completion, 2to discontinue aircraft takeoff or missile launch

    ABPB Aviation Business Process Board

    ABPBD air base port biological detection

    ABR 1automatic band rate, 2available bit rate

    ABRES advanced ballistic reentry systems

    ABRS Assault Ballistic Rocket System

    ABS 1American Bureau of Shipping, 2air base squadron, 3air base survivability, 4address book synchronization [IBM], 5anti-lock braking system, 6acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, 7automated bid set, 8[AR 310-50] Army Broadcasting Service

    ABSLOA approved basic stock list of ammunition

    ABSS Automated Business Service Systems

    ABT abort

    ABTF airborne task force

    ABTS ASCII block terminal services

    ABV 1absolute value, 2annual buy value

    ABVM automated best value model

    ABW air base wing

    ac alternating current

    AC 1Active Component, 2assistant commandant, 3actual cost, 4analyst console, 5advisory committee, 6aerodynamic center, 7analog computer, 8automatic checkout, 9automatic computer, 10automatic control, 11air conditioning, 12aircraft commander, 13allied command, 14area coverage, 15Atlantic Council (NATO), 16attack characterization, 17autocheck, 18access control, 19analyst console, 20armament cooperation, 21Acquisition Corps

    AC&W air control and warning [USAF site]

    AC-130 Hercules aircraft

    AC-130A/H Spectre aircraft

    AC/RC Active Component/Reserve Component

    AC/S, C4I [JP 2-02] Assistant Chief of Staff, Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (USMC)

    AC2MP Army Command and Control Master Plan

    ACA 1adjacent channel attenuation, 2American Communication(s) Association, 3American Crystallographic Association, 4agile combat aircraft, 5airlift clearance authority, 6airspace control authority, 7airspace coordination area, 8associate contractor agreement, 9asynchronous communications adapter, 10application control architecture, 11agile combat aircraft, 12airlift clearance authority, 13air clearance authority

    ACAA [JP 1-02] automatic chemical agent alarm

    ACAB air cavalry attack brigade

    ACAC automated direct analog computer

    ACAF advanced counter-air fighter

    ACAG Army Competition Advocate General

    ACALA Armament and Chemical Acquisition and Logistic Activity


    ACAMIS Army CA Management Information System

    ACAP 1Army cost analysis paper, 2automatic circuit analysis program, 3Advanced Composite Airframe Program [a helicopter design study], 4application configuration access protocol, 5The Army Career and Alumni Program

    ACAPS [JP 1-02] area communications electronics capabilities

    ACARS ARINC [Aeronautical Radio Incorporated] Communications Addressing Reporting System

    ACAs air clearance authorities

    ACAS 1aircraft collision avoidance system, 2advanced counter-air system, 3Army Crisis Action System, 4airborne collision-avoidance system, 5airlift cycle analysis spreadsheet
  5. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    ACCES 1automated Command and Control Evaluation System (WWMCCS®), 2Army Civilian Career Evaluation System, 3Advanced Cryptologic Carry On Exploitation System

    ACCESS 1aircraft communications electronic signaling system, 2automatic computer controlled electronic signaling system, 3automated Catalog of Computer Equipment and Software System, 4Automated Command and Control Evaluation Systems, 5[AR 310-50] Army Commissary Computer Entry Store System

    ACCHAN Allied Command Channel (NATO)

    ACCIS 1Army Command and Control Information System, 2Automated Command and Control Information System (NATO)

    ACCLAIMS Army COMSEC Commodity, Logistical, and Accounting Information Management System

    ACCMB [AR 310-50] Aircraft Crewman Badge

    ACCMP Army Command Control Master Plan

    ACCMPS automated C2 message Processing System (NATO)

    ACCNET 1Army Command and Control Network, 2Federal Acquisition Computer Network (OMB)

    ACCOR [AR 310-50] Army COMSEC central office of record

    ACCP the Army Correspondence Course Program

    ACCS 1Army Command and Control System, 2[NATO] Air Command and Control System, 3airborne command and control squadron, 4allied command and control system, 5advanced communications control system, 6Air Combat Camera Service

    ACCSA Allied Communications and Computer Security Agency

    ACCT 1account code (SARAH), 2account

    ACCTSTR [AR 310-50] accountable strength

    ACD 1automatic call distributor, 2automated call distribution, 3airlift communications division, 4assistant command director, 5administrative commitment document, 6administrative control desk

    ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

    ACDB 1Army Corporate Database, 2automated cost data base

    ACDI asynchronous communications device interface

    ACDO [JP 1-02] assistant command duty officer

    ACDS 1Advanced Combat Direction System, 2Advanced Countermeasures Dispenser System

    ACE 1[ASAS] Analysis and Control Element, 2American Council on Education, 3assistant chief of engineers, 4armored combat earth mover, 5airborne command element, 6acceptance checkout equipment, 7advanced control experiment, 8animated computer education, 9automatic checkout equipment, 10[NATO] Allied Command Europe, 11automatic computer evaluation, 12automatic computer engine,13Army Corps of Engineers, 14[JP 1-02] aviation combat element (MAGTF), 15advanced computing environment [SCO], 16automatic calibration and equalization, 17accelerated capital enrichment, 18adverse channel enhancements [Microcom], 19aircraft configuration equipment, 20alternate command element, 21automated cost estimator, 22[DoD/DSMC] Acquisition Center of Excellence, 23[FM101-5-1] air combat element (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 24[TTPIO-ABCS] assistant corps engineer, 25[AR 310-50] assessment of combat effectiveness

    ACEB Army Clothing and Equipment Board

    ACEE aircraft energy efficiency

    ACEF Ada compiler evaluation facility

    ACEIT Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tool

    ACEMIS Automated Communications-Electronics Management Information System

    ACEORBAT ACE order of battle (NATO)

    ACEP Advisory Committee on Export Policy

    ACEREP Allied Command Europe Reporting System (NATO)

    ACES 1Army Continuing Education System, 2ADP command and control evaluation system, 3Automated Command and Control Evaluation System (DSSO), 4automated cost evaluation system, 5Advanced Carry-on ELINT/ESM Suite, 6airborne collection electronic signals, 7Army Center of Excellence – Subsistence, 8Acquisition Center Executive System

    ACESTRIKE Allied Command Europe Strike Command (NATO)

    ACET 1Advisory Committee for Electronics and Telecommunications, 2air cushion transport, 3[AR 310-50] automatic cancellation of extended targets

    ACETEF Air Combat Environment Test and Evaluation Facility

    ACETS Army Corresponding Education and Training System

    ACEVAL air combat evaluation (NATO)

    ACEWS 1automated computer-assisted electronic warfare system, 2automatic communications electronic warfare system

    ACF 1advanced communications function, 2alternate communications facility, 3area computing facilities, 4alternate command facility, 5Asynchronous Communications Facility (Honeywell), 6access control field, 7acquisition career field, 8air combat fighter, 9acceptance check flight, 10[JP 1-02] air contingency force, 11[AR 310-50] area confinement facility, 12[AR 310-50] Army Club Fund

    ACFD applied computational fluid dynamic

    ACFG automatic continuous function generation

    ACFP advanced computer flight plan

    ACFPS Advanced Computer Flight Planning System (AFGWC)

    ACFT aircraft

    ACG [AR 310-50] area coordination group

    ACGP [AR 310-50] Army career group

    ACH 1attempts per circuit hour, 2automated clearing house

    ACI 1air combat intelligence, 2automatic card identification, 3air combat intercept, 4alarm control interface (tech control), 5allocated configuration identification, 6automated carrier interface (MTMC), 7advanced chip interconnection, 8analytic condition inspection, 9[JP 1-02] assign call inhibit

    ACIA 1asynchronous communications interface adapter, 2[AR 310-50] Aviation Career Incentive Act of 1974

    ACIAS automated calibration interval analysis system

    ACIB Air Characteristics Improvement Board (Navy)

    ACIC 1ADCOM Current Intelligence Center, 2[JP 2-02] Army CI Center

    ACID automatic classification and interpretation of data

    ACIIB [AR 310-50] American Civilian Internee Information Bureau

    ACIIB(Br) [AR 310-50] Branch American Civilian Internee Information Bureau

    ACIMS [AR 310-50] Aircraft Component Interactive Maintenance System

    ACINT acoustic intelligence

    ACIP 1air characteristic improvement panels, 2Air Characteristic Improvement Program, 3[AR 310-50] aviation career incentive pay

    ACIPS 1Acoustic Intelligence Processing System, 2Army Casualty Information Processing System

    ACIS 1American Committee for Interoperable Systems, 2Automated Claim Information System (USMC)

    ACIU advanced central interface unit
  6. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    ack 1[AR 310-50] acknowledge, 2[AR 310-50] acknowledged, 3[AR 310-50] acknowledgment

    ACK 1acknowledge character, 2positive acknowledgment

    ACL 1application control language, 2Association for Computational Linguistics, 3Atlas commercial language, 4all critical learning, 5access control list [Lotus], 6Ada Command Language, 7allowable cabin load, 8acquisition career level, 9[FM101-5-1] allowable combat load, 10[AR 310-50] allowable cargo load, 11[AR 310-50] authorized consumption list

    ACLANT [NATO] Allied Command, Atlantic

    ACLDB Army Central Logistics Data Bank

    ACLICS Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System

    ACLIS Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System

    ACLM AUTODIN communication line module

    ACLS 1air cushion landing system, 2automatic carrier landing system

    ACLV [AR 310-50] accrued leave

    ACM 1additional crew member, 2audio compression manager [Microsoft], 3Advanced Cruise Missile,AGM-129, 4air combat maneuver, 5Association for Computing Machinery, 6air combat maneuvering, 7auxiliary crew member, 8automated communications monitor, 9advanced concept manager, 10allowable cost model, 11authorized controlled material, 12automated contract manager, 13[FM101-5-1] airspace control measures, 14[AR 310-50] area club management, 15[AR 310-50] Americal Campaign Medal

    ACMA 1acquisition career management advocate, 2advanced concept manager

    ACMB Acquisition Career Management Board

    ACMC Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps

    ACME advanced computer for medical research

    ACMI 1air combat maneuvering instrumentation, 2Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation System

    ACMIS Automated Configuration Management/ Integration System (WWMCCS®)

    ACMO 1Army career management office, 2Afloat Communications Management Office [NSEC]

    ACMP 1Acquisition Career Management Program, 2annual cost monitoring plan

    ACMPP Annual Cost Monitoring Program Plan

    ACMR 1air combat maneuvering range, 2annual cost monitoring report

    ACMS 1Applications Control and Management System, 2aircraft condition monitoring system, 3Advanced Cost Management System, 4Automated Configuration Management System, 5[AR 310-50] Army Command Management System, 6[AR 310-50] Automated Career management System

    ACN 1action control number, 2advance change notice, 3aircraft classification number, 4accounting control number, 5administrative change notice, 6[JP 1-02] assign commercial network

    ACNET Federal Acquisition Computer Network (OMB)

    ACNO Assistant Chief of Naval Operations

    ACNOCOMM Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Communications and Cryptology

    ACO 1administrative contracting officer, 2airspace control order, 3airspace coordination order, 4associate contracting officer

    ACOA(F&A) [AR 310-50] Assistant Comptroller of the Army for Finance and Accounting

    ACOC 1air command operations center, 2airborne combat operations center, 3allied combat operations center (NATO), 4alternate command operations center (NATO), 5area communications operations centers (DISA), 6area control operations center, 7AUTODIN communication operations center

    ACOCS-FMS Army Customer Order Control System for FMs

    ACofS assistant chief of staff

    ACOM 1automatic coding system, 2automated centralized operations and maintenance centers, 3Atlantic Command

    ACOMMW aerospace communications squadron

    ACOP [AR 310-50] airborne corps operations plan

    ACOPP abbreviated COBOL preprocessor

    ACOR assistant contracting officer's representative

    ACOS 1automated commissary operation system, 2Assistant Chief of Staff

    ACOUSTINT [AR 310-50] acoustical intelligence

    ACP 1auxiliary communication package, 2Army Cost Program, 3air control point, 4aerospace computer program, 5automated communications processor (see CSP), 6airspace control plan, 7allied communication publication, 8airspace control plan, 9airborne command post, 10airlift command post, 11alternate command post, 12Army Capabilities Plan, 13ancillary control program, 14auxillary control process, 15allied communications procedures, 16Army classified program, 17automatic communications processor, 18Army cost position, 19[JP 1-02] assign common pool

    ACPA 1adaptive controlled phase array, 2Association of Computer Programmers and Analysts

    ACPB 1advanced concepts base program, 2Acquisition Career Program Board

    ACPD [AR 310-50] Army Control Program directive

    ACPERS Army Civilian Personnel Records System

    ACPI advanced configuration power interface

    ACPM [AR 310-50] activity career program directive

    ACPQMB Acquisition Processes Quality Management Board

    ACPRB Acquisition Career Program Review Board

    ACPS Automated Contract Preparation System

    acq 1[FM101-5-1] acquisition, 2[AR 310-50] acquittal

    ACQ acquisition core courses

    ACQ STRAT acquisition strategy

    ACQN acquisition

    ACR 1armored cavalry regiment, 2aircraft control room, 3airfield control radar, 4antenna coupling regulator, 5automatic compression regulator, 6air control radar, 7attenuation to crosstalk loss ratio, 8advanced concepts and requirements, 9ammunition consumption rate, 10authorization change request, 11[JP 1-02] assign channel reassignment, 12[AR 310-50] ammunition condition report

    ACRA Airlift Concepts and Requirements Agency

    ACRB 1acquisition civilian record brief, 2[AR 310-50] Army Council of Review Boards

    acred [AR 310-50] accreditation

    ACRES airborne communications relay station

    ACRF African Crisis Response Force (PKO)

    ACRL accessorial cost

    ACRN accounting classification reference number

    ACROSS automated cargo release and operations service system

    ACRRP 1Automated Contractor Responsibility Review Program, 2[AR 310-50] Army Cost Reduction Program

    ACRS accelerated cost recovery system

    ACRV armored command and reconnaissance vehicle

    ACS 1accumulator switch, 2alternating current synchronous, 3attitude control system, 4automatic checkout system, 5automated communications set, 6auxillary cooling system, 7auxilliary core storage, 8[USN] auxiliary crane ship, 9air commando squadron, 10Ada compilation system, 11afloat correlation system, 12air control system, 13airborne control system, 14asset control system, 15Assistant Chief of Staff, 16access control system, 17advanced communications services, 18asynchronous communications server, 19access, 20access control set, 21acquisition and command support, 22automated cartography system, 23Army Community Service, 24automated conversion system, 25[JP 1-02] airspace control system, 26[JP 3-04.1] air-capable ship, 27[AR 310-50] asset control subsystem

    ACS/I Assistance Chief of Staff for Intelligence (USAF)

    ACS3 Allied Cooperative Support Sharing System (JCS)

    ACSA 1Allied Communications Security Agency, 2acquisition and cross servicing agreement

    ACSAG advanced composite supportability advisory group

    ACSASALCM configuration status and accounting system

    ACSC 1association control service element, 2armament cooperation steering committees

    ACSCE Army Chief of Staff for Communications and Electronics

    ACSE association control service element

    ACSEP Aircraft Certification System Evaluation Program

    ACSI Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence

    ACSIM 1Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management, 2Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, 3[TP71-9] Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management and Environment

    ACSIM-C4 [AR 310-50] Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management - Command, Control, Communication, and Computers

    ACSL advanced continuous simulation language

    ACSM 1advanced conventional stand-off missile, 2advanced composite supportability managers

    ACSN advance change study notice

    ACSQ airborne communications squadron

    ACSR aluminum conductor steel reinforced

    ACSS 1Air Combat and Surveillance System, 2analog computer subsystem

    ACST access time

    ACSTE Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Test and Evaluation

    ACT 1advanced communications terminal, 2analysis and control team, 3armored cavalry trainer, 4air control team, 5algebraic compiler and translator, 6automatic code translation, 7armored cavalry troop, 8active control technology, 9Automated Circuit Test System, 10area capability training, 11acoustic charge, 12advanced communications technology satellite (NASA), 13transport (DARPA), 14aerial combat tactics, 15air cargo terminal, 16air combat tactics, 17automated control of trainees, 18acquisition coordination team, 19[TTPIO-ABCS] analysis control team, 20[JP 1-02] activity, 21[AR 310-50] American College Test

    ACT II Advanced Concepts and Technology Program II

    ACTA [AR 310-50] Advanced Combat Training Academy

    ACTD advanced concepts technology demonstration

    ACTEDS Army Civilian Training, Education, and Development System

    ACTO automatic computing transfer oscillator

    ACTPO [AR 310-50] accountable property officer

    ACTS 1Acoustic Control and Telemetry System, 2automatic computer TELEX services, 3advanced communications technology satellite (NASA), 4automated circuit test system, 5automated computer time service, 6Automated Centralized Ticketing System, 7Automated Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) and Tracking System

    ACTT advanced communication and timekeeping technology [Seiko]

    actv activity

    ACU 1address control set, 2arithmetic and control unit, 3automatic calling unit, 4access control unit, 5assault craft unit (USN), 6avionics control unit

    ACUI automatic calling unit interface

    ACUS 1Airborne Communications Location Identification and Collection System, 2area common-user system, 3Administrative Conference of the United States

    ACV 1armored command vehicle, 2air cushion vehicle, 3auxiliary aircraft carriers [later renamed CVE]

    ACVC Army commercial vehicle code

    ACW 1air control wing, 2aircraft control and warning, 3alternating continuous waves, 4anti-carrier warfare (USN)

    ACWP actual cost of work performed

    ACWS aircraft control and warning squadron

    ACX advanced combat experimental

    AD 1advanced development, 2air defense, 3armored division, 4advanced design, 5ampere demand meter, 6[USN] destroyer tender, 7active duty, 8airdrop, 9[USAF] air division, 10airworthiness directive, 11accidental damage, 12advanced deployability posture, 13air directive, 14analog/digital, 15armament division (AFSC), 16application development, 17absolute deviation, 18[JP 1-02] priority add-on, 19[AR 310-50] Army depot

    AD/EXJAM artillery-delivered expendable jammer

    Ada DoD computer programming language (ISO/ANSI/MILSTD1815A)

    ADA 1air defense artillery, 2airborne data automation, 3automatic data acquisition, 4aerial delivery adapter, 5air defense aircraft, 6air defense area, 7action data automation, 8advanced delivery alert, 9[AR 310-50] advisory area

    ADA FDC air defense artillery fire control direction center

    Ada JUG Ada Joint Users Group

    ADAC 1automatic direct analog computer, 2[Army] Acoustic Data Analysis Center

    ADACP air defense artillery command post

    ADACS airborne digital automatic collection system

    ADAD [AR 310-50] air defense artillery director

    ADADO assistant division air defense officer

    ADAF air defense alert facility

    ADAL [JP 4-02.1] authorized dental allowance list

    ADAM 1Armywide device automated management, 2automatic distance and angle measurement, 3advanced data management, 4Associometrics Data Management System, 5Administrative, Documentation, and Management System, 6Aerial Port Documentation and Management System (MAC) –


    7Automated Design and Maintenance System, 8[AR 310-50] area denial artillery munitions

    ADAM/RAAM Aerial Denial Artillery Munitions/Remote Antiarmor Minefield

    ADANS Airlift Deployment Analysis System ( AMC)
  7. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    ADAOD [AR 310-50] air defense artillery operations detachment

    ADAOO [AR 310-50] air defense artillery operations office

    ADAP 1Army Research and Development Plan, 2Ammunition Demand Automated Process

    ADAPCP [AR 310-50] alcohol and drug abuse prevention and control program

    ADAPS 1automatic display and plotting system, 2automatic data acquisition and processing

    ADAPT 1adoption of automatically programmed tools, 2ARPA Database Access and Presentation Terminal, 3adaptive diagnostic approach to performance testing

    ADAR 1advanced design array radar, 2[AR 310-50] air defense area

    ADARS Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement

    ADARTS Ad Based Design Approach For Real Time System

    ADAS 1automatic data acquisition system, 2Airborne Data Acquisition System, 3Airfield Damage Assessment System

    ADASCC ADA support and control capability (NATO)

    ADASP [AR 310-50] air defense annual service practice

    ADAT automatic data accumulator and transfer

    ADatP [AR 310-50] allied data processing publication

    ADATP allied data publication (NATO)

    ADATS 1air defense antitank system, 2Airborne Digital Avionics Test System (USAF), 3Adjustable Diversity Acoustic Telemetry System

    ADBMT air defense battle management technology (ADI)

    ADC 1air data computer, 2airborne digital computer, 3analog-to-digital converter, 4automatic data collection, 5architecture design contractor, 6AUTODIN display console, 7adaptive data, 8add with carry, 9Aerospace Defense Command, 10agreement on defense cooperation, 11[Hayes] automated data collection compression [protocol], 12actual direct cost, 13applied direct cost, 14[FM101-5-1] area damage control, 15[FM101-5-1] assistant division commander. 16[AR 310-50] active duty commitment, 17[AR 310-50] aide-de-camp

    ADC (M) [FM101-5-1] assistant division commander (maneuver)

    ADC (S) [FM101-5-1] assistant division commander (support)

    ADCAP advanced capabilities

    ADCATT 1Army Defense Combined Arms Tactical Trainer, 2[TR 350-70] Aid Defense Combined Arms Tactical Trainer

    ADCC 1air defense control center, 2Air Defense Coordination Center, 3air defense command and control

    ADCCP advanced data communications control procedure(s)

    ADCCS Air Defense Command and Control System (Missile Command)

    ADCCCS [AR 310-50] Air Defense Command, Control, and Coordination System

    ADCEO [AR 310-50] assistant division communications-electronics officer

    ADCM [TTPIO-ABCS] assistant division commander (maneuver)

    ADCO 1[AR 310-50] air defense communications office, 2[AR 310-50] alcohol and drug control officer

    ADCOC [AR 310-50] area damage control center

    ADCOM 1administrative command, 2Aerospace Defense Command

    ADCON 1administrative control code, 2advise all concerned, 3[JP 1-02] administrative control

    ADCOORD [TTPIO-ABCS] air defense coordinator

    ADCOP 1[AR 310-50] area damage control party, 2[AR 310-50] area defense command post

    ADCOS air defense combat operations staff (ACC)

    ADCS Air Deployment and Control Squadron

    ADCSCD Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Development

    ADCSLOG(SA) Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army for Logistics (Security Assistance)

    ADCSOPS Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans

    ADCSOPS(FD) Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans Force Development

    ADCSP Advanced Defense Communications Satellite Program [DCSP]

    ADCSPER Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel

    ADCSSA Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Simulations and Analysis

    ADCST [TRADOC] Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Training

    ADCST-E [TRADOC] Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Training-East

    ADCST-S [TRADOC] Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Training-Simulations

    ADCST-W [TRADOC] Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Training-West

    add 1[AR 310-50] addendum, 2[AR 310-50] additional

    ADD 1automatic document distribution, 2Automatic Document Detection [WordPerfect], 3airstream direction detector [measures the AoA], 4[JP 1-02] assign on-line diagnostic

    ADDAR automatic digital acquisition and recording

    ADDAS automatic data assembly system

    ADDC [AR 310-50] air defense direction center

    ADDDS automatic direct distance dialing system

    ADDER algorithm, description, development, evaluation and refinement

    ADDIC [AR 310-50] Alcohol and Dependency Intervention Council

    ADDISS Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery Support System (PACAF)

    ADDO assistant deputy director for operations

    ADDO (MS) 1[JP 1-02] associate deputy director for operations/military support, 2[JP 2-02] Assistant Deputy Director for Operations/Military Support

    ADDR address register

    ADDS 1Army Data Distribution System, 2applied digital data systems, 3[AR 310-50] automatic data distribution system

    ADE 1automated design engineering, 2assistant division engineer, 3air defense emergency, 4application development environment, 5authorized data element, 6[JP 1-02] assign digit editing

    ADEA Army Development and Employment Agency

    ADEN armament development enfield

    ADEPREP [AR 310-50] Army Deployment Report - System

    ADEPT analysis-based data exchange for publications and training

    ADES 1Automatic Digital Encoding System, 2Alaska Department of Emergency Services

    ADEW airborne directed energy weapons

    ADEWS Air Defense Electronic Warfare System

    ADEX air defense exercise

    ADF 1automatic direction finder, 2airborne direction finder, 3automatically defined function, 4automatic direction finding, 5automatic document feeder

    ADFSC [AR 310-50] Automatic Data Field Systems Command

    ADG 1automated data generation, 2aircraft delivery group, 3[AR 310-50] advance development group

    ADGE air defense ground environment

    ADI 1attitude direction indicator, 2air defense initiative (USAF), 3analog digital interface, 4attitude/direction indicator, 5AUTODIN DNN interface, 6AutoCad/AutoDesk Device Interface (driver), 7automatic direction indicator

    ADIC 1ADCOM Intelligence Center, 2Aerospace Defense Command Intelligence Center, 3automatic data interface console

    ADIE [AR 310-50] acquisition data input system

    ADINTELCEN advanced intelligence center

    ADIOS automatic digital input-output system

    ADIRS Aid Data and Inertial Reference System

    ADIS 1air defense integrated system, 2Association for the Development of Instructional Systems, 3automatic data interchange system, 4acquisition and due-in system

    ADIT analog-digital integration translator

    ADIZ air defense identification zone

    adj 1adjustment, 2[AR 310-50] adjutant

    ADJPOD ARPA DISA Joint Project Office

    ADKC/RCU [JP 1-02] Automatic Key Distribution Center/Rekeying Control Unit

    ADL 1Army doctrine literature, 2automatic data link (USAF), 3Ada Design Language, 4address data latch, 5area dental laboratory, 6authorized data list, 7[JP 1-02] assign XX (SL) routing. 8[JP 1-02] armistice demarcation line, 9[AR 310-50] area dental laboratory

    ADLAT adaptive lattice filter

    ADLC 1asynchronous data link control, 2adaptive lossless data compression [IBM]

    ADLER (FRG) French/German Fire Support Command and Control System

    ADLER (GER) German Fire Support Command and Control System

    ADLIPS Automatic Data Link Plotting System

    ADLO air defense liaison officer

    ADLP Army Distance Learning Plan

    ADLS Aeronautical Data Link System

    ADM 1acquisition decision memorandum, 2atomic demolition munitions, 3advanced development model, 4activity data method, 5admiral, 6air-launched decoy missile, 7advanced demonstration model, 8administrative surcharge, 9aggregate data manager

    ADM-20 Quail

    ADMACS Apple Document Management and Control System

    ADMAPS Automated Document Management and Publishing System

    ADMC [AR 310-50] Air Defense Missile Command

    ADMCEN [AR 310-50] administration center

    ADMD administrative management domain [X.400]

    admin 1[FM101-5-1] administrative, 2[AR 310-50] administrate, 3[AR 310-50] administration, 4[AR 310-50] administered

    ADMIN [JP 1-02] administration

    ADMINIO [AR 310-50] administrative orders

    ADMIRAL automatic and dynamic monitor with immediate relocation, allocation, and loading

    ADMIRE automatic diagnostic maintenance information retrieval

    ADMIS Administrator Management Information System

    ADMN administrative data

    ADMP adjusted month program

    ADMS 1automatic digital message switch(ing) [AUTOVON/AUTODIN], 2area denial munitions system, 3AWIS Data Management System (Army), 4automated data management system

    ADMSC [AR 310-50] automatic digital message switching center

    ADMSG [AR 310-50] advise by message

    ADMSLBN [AR 310-50] air defense missile battalion

    ADN 1advanced digital network, 2agency disclosure notice, 3[JP 1-02] ACE (Allied Command Europe) DGZ (desired ground zero) number

    ADNAC [AR 310-50] Air Defense of North American Continent

    ADNET anti-drug network

    ADO 1Army Digitization Office, 2advanced development objective, 3Army distribution objective, 4automated delivery order
  8. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    ADOA air defense operations area

    ADOC Air Defense Operations Center (SPACECMD)

    ADOCS 1Automated Deep Operations Coordination System, 2Aegis Documentation System

    ADONIS automatic digital on-line instrumentation system

    ADOT [AR 310-50] automatic digital optical tracker

    ADP 1automated data processing, 2automatic data processing, 3air defense position, 4airborne data processor, 5airport deployment program, 6allied defense publication (NATO), 7advanced ducted propeller (P&W), 8advanced data processing, 9[AR 310-50] advance development plan

    ADPA American Defense Preparedness Association

    ADPC automatic data processing center

    ADPCM adaptive differential pulse code modulation

    ADPE 1automated data processing equipment, 2auxiliary data processing equipment, 3automatic data processing equipment

    ADPE/S automatic data processing equipment/ system

    ADPF automatic data processing facility

    ADPLO automatic data processing liaison officer

    ADPMIS automatic data processing management information system

    ADPMP automated data processing master plan

    ADPP [TTPIO-ABCS] automatic data processing printer

    ADPR automatic data processing resources

    ADPREP Army Automated Data Processing Resource Estimating Procedures

    ADPS 1ASARS Deployable Processing Station, 2Automated Data Processing System (USAF), 3[JP 1-02] automatic data processing system

    ADPSC [AR 310-50] automatic data processing service center

    ADPSEC automated data processing security

    ADPSO automatic data processing selection office

    ADPSSO automated data processing systems security officer

    ADR 1airborne data relay [UAV payload], 2aircraft direction room, 3address, 4accident data recorder, 5airbase damage repair, 6automatic data relay, 7accelerated delivery request, 8aircraft damage repair, 9alternative dispute resolution, 10applied data research, 11[JP 1-02] armament delivery recording

    ADRA 1Administrative Dispute Resolution Act, 2[JP 3-08] Adventist Development and Relief Agency

    ADRAC automatic digital recording and control

    ADRB [AR 310-50] Army Disability Review Board

    adrp [AR 310-50] airdrop

    ADRRB [AR 310-50] Army Disability Rating Review Board

    adrs 1[AR 310-50] address, 2[AR 310-50] addressee

    ADRS analog-to-digital data recording system

    ADRSS Automated Data Reports Submission System (USAF)

    ADRT analog data recorder transcriber

    ADS 1automated data system, 2accurately defined system, 3activity data sheet, 4air defense sector, 5automatic door seal, 6automatic decompression system, 7advanced deployable system, 8aerial delivery system, 9advanced digital switch, 10application development system, 11automatic distribution system, 12advanced distributed simulation, 13air data system, 14air defense suppression, 15application development solutions [AT&T], 16Artwork Delivery System [4-Sight], 17AutoCAD Development System [Autodesk], 18automatic data system, 19automation of design for supportability, 20advanced display system, 21authoritative data source, 22[JP 4-01.6] amphibian discharge site

    ADS-TP Administrative Data System – Teleprocessing

    ADSAF 1Automatic Data System for the Army in the Field, 2[AR 310-50] Automatic Data Systems Within the Army in the Field

    ADSAM air-directed surface-to-air missile

    AdSAMS advanced surface-to-air missile system

    ADSAS air-derived separation assurance system

    ADSC 1automatic data service center, 2automatic digital switching center, 3address status changed, 4automated data source collection, 5Adobe document structuring conventions, 6active duty service commitment

    ADSEC [AR 310-50] advance section

    ADSIA Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency (NATO)

    ADSID [AR 310-50] Air Defense Systems, Integration Division

    ADSL 1authorized depot stockage list, 2asymmetric digital subscriber line

    ADSLt asymmetric digital subscriber line technology

    ADSM 1air-defense suppression missile, 2[AR 310-50] Air Defense Service Medal, 3[AR 310-50] automated systems manual

    ADSN accounting and disbursing station number

    ADSP AppleTalk Datastream Protocol

    ADSR attack, decay, sustain, release

    ADSS 1automated data subsystem, 2Army Decision Support System

    ADSSHPDA [AR 310-50] active shipping data

    ADST advanced distributed simulation technology

    ADSU air data sensor unit

    ADSUP automated data systems uniform practices

    ADSW 1anti diesel submarine warfare, 2active duty for special work

    ADT 1airborne data terminal, 2active duty for training, 3automatic data translator, 4application data types, 5advanced display terminal, 6alphanumeric display terminal, 7Atlantic Daylight Time, 8automatic data transmission, 9automatic detection and tracking, 10[JP 1-02] automatic digital tester, 11[JP 1-02] assign digital transmission group, 12[AR 310-50] atomic damage template

    ADT3 air defense tactical training theater

    ADTAC air defense tactical air command

    ADTC Armament Development and Test Center (USAF)

    ADTDL Army Doctrinal Training Digital Library

    ADTECH advanced decoy technology

    ADTF [AR 310-50] artillery direct fire trainer

    ADTL Armywide doctrinal and training literature

    ADTLP Army-wide Doctrine and Training Literature Program

    ADTS Automated Data and Telecommunications Service (GSA)

    ADTU auxiliary data transfer unit

    ADU 1automatic dialing unit, 2accumulation and distribution unit, 3air data unit, 4auxiliary display unit, 5asynchronous data unit

    ADUM [AR 310-50] automated data unit movement

    ADUS Avionic Data Utilization System

    ADUSD(L)TP Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics (Transportation Policy)

    adv 1advance, 2[AR 310-50] advanced

    ADVANCE Army Data Validation and Netting Capability Establishment

    ADVANCENET Hewlett Packard's network supporting OSI and SNA

    ADVCAP advanced capability

    ADVDISC [AR 310-50] advance discontinuance of allotment

    ADVMOS [AR 310-50] advanced military occupational specialty

    ADVON 1advanced cadre, 2advanced echelon

    ADVPMT [AR 310-50] advance payment

    ADW 1air defense warning, 2area denial weapon

    ADWC air division warning center

    ADWEPS [AR 310-50] Air Defense Weapons Cost Effectiveness Study

    ADWS automated digital weather switch

    ADX 1automatic data exchange, 2[AR 310-50] advanced development experimental, 3[AR 310-50] air defense exercise

    AE 1acoustic emission, 2aeroelectronic, 3air escape, 4airborne electronics, 5application engineer, 6arithmetic element, 7arithmetic expression, 8[USN] ammunition ship, 9aeromedical evacuation, 10assault echelon, 11above or equal, 12abbreviate evaluate, 13acquisition executive, 14apportioned effort, 15[JP 1-02] attenuation equalizer, 16[AR 310-50] architectural engineering

    AE&S [AR 310-50] air equipment and support

    AEA 1Atomic Energy Act, 2[AR 310-50] assignment eligibility and availability

    AEAO airborne emergency action officer

    AEAS ASW environmental aquatic support (USN)

    AEB 1aerial exploitation battalion [Army], 2auxiliary equipment building, 3aircrew evaluation board, 4analog expansion bus [Dialogic], 5area exploration battalion

    AEC 1Atomic Energy Commission (now DoE), 2air event conference, 3automatic engine control, 4application essentiality code, 5[AR 310-50] area equipment compounds, 6[AR 310-50] Army education center, 7The United States Army Evaluation Center

    AECA Arms Export Control Act (1976)

    AECB Arms Export Control Board

    AECC aeromedical evacuation control center

    AECE aeromedical evacuation control element

    AECM 1active electronic countermeasures, 2aeromedical evacuation crew member

    AECO 1advance engineering change order, 2[AR 310-50] aeromedical evacuation control officer

    AECP Army Extension Course Program

    AECS 1advanced entry control system, 2advanced environmental control system

    AECU advanced electronic control unit

    AED 1automated engineering design, 2allocation engineering division, 3Aeronautical Engineering Division (Air Force)

    AEDAS Automated ESM Data Analysis System

    AEDC Arnold Engineering Development Center (AFMC)

    AEDO aeronautical engineering duty officer (Navy)

    AEDS atomic energy detection system

    AEE airborne evaluation equipment

    AEELS Automatic Airborne ELINT Emitter Location System

    AEF [AR 310-50] American expeditionary force

    AEFS [USN] fleet replenishment ship

    AEG 1active element group, 2aeromedical evacuation group

    AEGIS 1Airborne Early Warning/Ground Environment Integration System, 2airborne early warning ground integration segment

    AEHA 1Army Environmental Hygiene Agency, 2aeromedical evacuation and hospitalization model (3CS)

    AEI average efficiency index

    AEL 1allowance equipage list, 2[AR 310-50] authorized equipment listing

    AELP allied electrical publication (NATO)

    AELT aeromedical evacuation liaison team

    AEMR acquisition executive management report

    AEMS 1Aircraft Engine Management System (USN), 2Ammunition Executive Management System (Army)

    AEO 1acoustoelectrical oscillators, 2Army Energy Office

    AEOO aeromedical evacuation operations officers

    AEOS [JP 4-02.2] aeromedical evacuation operations squadron

    AEOT [JP 4-02.2] aeromedical evacuation operations team

    AEP 1annual execution plan, 2allied engineering publication (NATO), 3affirmative employment programs, 4accrued expense paid

    AEPDS 1Advanced Processing and Dissemination System, 2automatic emergency action message

    AEPG Army Electronic Proving Ground [Fort Huachuca, AZ]

    AEPS 1Airlift Execution Planning System (AMC), 2average expenditure per sortie, 2[JP 1-02] aircrew escape propulsion system

    AER 1academic evaluation report, 2[AR 310-50] Army Emergency Relief

    AERB [AR 310-50] Army Educational Requirements Board

    AERDC Army Electronics Research and Development Command

    AERDL Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory

    aero [AR 310-50] aeronautics

    AEROMED Aeromedical Evacuation System (AMC)

    AERS Army Education Requirements System

    AES 1aeromedical evacuation squadron, 2application environment services, 3application environment specification, 4Acquisition Executive Service, 5Army experimentation site

    AESAP [AR 310-50] Army Entertainment Scholarships and Awards Program

    AESC automatic electronic switching center (AUTODIN)

    AESO 1advanced engineering supplemental order, 2Army experimentation site officer

    AESOP 1an evolutionary system for on-line processing, 2airborne electro-optical special operations payload

    AESRS [AR 310-50] Army Equipment Status Reporting System

    AET Army extension training

    AET&CD acquisition education, training, and career development

    AETACS airborne elements of the TACS (Tactical Air Control System)

    AETC 1Aerospace Education and Training Command, 2Air Education and Training Command

    AETIS Army Extension Training Information System

    AEtP [AR 310-50] allied electronics publication

    AETP allied electronic publication

    AEU 1airborne electronics unit, 2accrued expense unpaid, 3[JP 1-02] assign essential user bypass

    AEW 1asset evaluation worksheet, 2airborne early warning

    AEW&C airborne early warning and control

    AEWC [AR 310-50] airborne early warning and control

    AEWIC Army Electronic Warfare Intelligence Committee (DCSOPS DA)

    AEWIS Army electronic warfare information system

    AEWS 1advanced electronic warfare system, 2Aircraft Engine Warranty Sub Board

    AEWSPS Aircraft Electronic Warfare Self-Protection System

    AEWTU airborne early warning training unit

    AF 1[U.S.] Air Force, 2audio frequency, 3automatic following, 4availability factor, 5[USN] store ship, 6auxiliary carry flag

    AF IMCO Air Force information management control officer

    AF OIPT Air Force overarching integrated product team

    AF TO Air Force technical order
  9. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    AF-RF audio frequency-radio frequency

    AF/DP [JP 1-02] Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, United States Air Force

    AF/IN [USAF] Assistant Chief of Staff/Intelligence

    AF/LG [JP 1-02] Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, United States Air Force

    AF/PC automatic frequency /phase controlled [loop]

    AF/SC [JP 1-02] Deputy Chief of Staff for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers, United States Air Force

    AF/XO [JP 1-02] Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Operations, United States Air Force

    AF/XOI [JP 2-02] Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

    AF/XOO [JP 1-02] Director of Operations, United States Air Force

    AFA 1Air Force Academy, 2accelerated file access, 3Army flight activity, 4audio frequency amplifier

    AFAA Air Force Audit Agency

    AFAARS Air Force After-Action Reporting System

    AFAC 1airborne forward air controller, 2Air Force acquisition circular

    AFACD Air Force Director of Data Automation

    AFADPP Air Force Automation Data Processing Plan

    AFAE Air Force Acquisition Executive

    AFAFC Air Force Accounting and Finance Center

    AFAISRC Air Force Automated Information Systems Review Council

    AFAITC Armed Forces Air Intelligence Training Center

    AFAK [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Assistance to Korea

    AFALC Air Force Acquisition Logistics Center (AFMC)

    AFALCIIS AFALC Integrated Information System

    AFALD Air Force Acquisition Logistics Division

    AFALT Air Force alternate command post

    AFAM Air Force acquisition model

    AFAMPE Air Force Automated Message Processing Exchange

    AFAMRL Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory (AFMC)

    AFAMS automated flying and maintenance scheduling

    AFAO approved force acquisition objective

    AFAPG Air Force ADP Planning Guide

    AFAR Azore Fixed Acoustic Range (USN)

    AFARN Air Force air request net

    AFARS Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

    AFAS 1advanced field artillery system, 2automated fuels accounting system

    AFASC Air Force Aeronautical System Centers

    AFATDS 1Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System, 2Advanced Field Artillery Target Designation System, 3Air Force Airborne Tactical Data System, 4Army field artillery tactical data system

    AFATL Air Force Armament Laboratory

    AFB 1antifriction bearing, 2USAF base

    AFBCA Air Force Base Conversion Agency

    AFBCMR Air Force Board For Correction of Military Record

    AFBMD Air Force Ballistic Missile Division

    AFBOP Air Force Business Opportunitie Page

    AFBS 1AF Corporate Board Structure, 2Air Force Broadcasting Service

    AFC 1area frequency coordinator, 2automatic frequency control, 3automatic font change, 4Air Force Council

    AFC2M2 Air Force command and control modernization methodology

    AFC2M2H Air Force Command and Control Modernization Methodology Handbook

    AFC2S Air Force Command and Control Systems

    AFC2SSPO Air Force Command and Control Systems Program Office

    AFC3CMSDB Air Force CC3M Support Database

    AFCA Air Force Communication Agency

    AFCAA Air Force Cost Analysis Agency

    AFCAIG Air Force Cost Analysis Improvement Group

    AFCALS Air Force Computer Aided and Acquisition Logistics Support

    AFCAP 1Air Force Contract Augmentation Program, 2[JP 5-00.2] Armed Forces Contract Augmentation Program

    AFCARA Air Force Civilian Appellate Review Agency

    AFCAS automatic flight control augmentation system

    AFCAT Air Force catalog

    AFCC 1Air Force Communications Command, 2Air Force component commander, 3[AR 310-50] assault fire command console

    AFCCPC Air Force Communications Computer Programming Center

    AFCCR Air Force Communications Command regulation

    AFCCS Air Force Cargo Coordination Support System

    AFCD Air Force Cryptologic Depot

    AFCDAd Air Force Component Data Administrator

    AFCEA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association

    AFCEE Air Force Center For Environmental Excellence

    AFCEMI Air Force communication electronic maintenance instruction

    AFCENT [NATO] Allied Force, Central Europe

    AFCERT Air Force computer emergency response team

    AFCESA Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency

    AFCENT [NATO] Allied Force, Central Europe

    AFCFM Air Force career field manager

    AFCH Air Force component headquarters

    AFCIMS Air Force Claims Information Management System

    AFCIPS Air Force Communications-Computer Integration and Planning System

    AFCMC Air Force Contract Maintenance Center

    AFCMD Air Force Contract Management Division (AFMC)

    AFCMO Air Force Contract Management Office (USAF)

    AFCNF Air Force Central NOTAM Facility (AFCC)

    AFCOLR Air Force Coordinating Office for Logistics Research

    AFCOMAC Air Force Combat Ammunition Center

    AFCOMSEC Air Force communication security

    AFCOS Air Force Contingency Operations Staff (HQ USAF)

    AFCPMC Air Force Civilian Personnel Management Center

    AFCPO Air Force CALS Program Office

    AFCRD Air Force contract requirement document

    AFCS 1automatic flight control system(s), 2Automatic Fire Control System, 3Army facility components system, 4Army facilities component systems, 5[AR 310-50] active federal commissioned service, 6[AR 310-50] Air Force Communications Service

    AFCSA 1Air Force Center for Studies and Analysis, 2Air Force C4 system architecture

    AFCSC Air Force Cryptologic Support Center (AFIC)

    AFCSDO Air Force Communications-Computer Systems Doctrine Office

    AFCSI Air Force Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence

    AFCSP Air Force Computer Security Program

    AFCSPO Air Force Computer Security Program Office

    AFCTL Air Force component team leader

    AFCUISPD Air Force Common User Information Services Planning Document

    AFCVIL Air Force Central Visual Information Library

    AFD 1automatic file distribution, 2axial flux density [difference], 3advanced fullscreen debug, 4abbreviated functional description, 5automated file designator, 6[JP 1-02] assign fixed directory

    AFDA 1axial flux difference alarm, 2Air Force data administrator

    AFDAP Air Force Designated Acquisition Program

    AFDATACOM Air Force data communications

    AFDB large auxiliary floating dry dock

    AFDC 1aid to families with dependent children, 2Air Force Doctrine Center

    AFDCB [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board

    AFDCO Air Force Distribution Control Office

    AFDD 1Air Force Data Dictionary, 2Air Force doctrine document

    AFDDA Air Force Director of Data Automation

    AFDIGS Air Force Digital Graphics System

    AFDIR Air Force Directory

    AFDL small auxiliary floating dry dock

    AFDLC [TR 350-70] Armed Forces Distance Learning Council

    AFDM medium auxiliary floating dry dock

    AFDMMF Air Force Development Manufacturing and Modification Facility

    AFDO award fee determining official

    AFDP Army Force Development Plan

    AFDS 1Automatic Flight Director System, 2automatic frequency deconfliction system

    AFDTAMS Air Force Data Transmission and Message System

    AFDTC Air Force Development Test Center

    AFDW 1active framework for data warehousing [Microsoft], 2Air Force District of Washington

    AFE alternate fighter engine

    AFEB 1award fee evaluation board, 2[AR 310-50] Armed Forces Epidemiological Board

    AFECO Air Force Electronic Combat Office

    AFEDG Air Force engineering data group

    AFEDSC Air Force Engineering Data Service Center (Scott AFB)

    AFEEIP Air Force Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Program

    AFEES [JP 1-02] Armed Forces examining and entrance station

    AFEKDS Air Force Electronic Key Distribution System

    AFELIS Air Force Engineering and Logistics Information System

    AFELM Air Force element

    AFEM [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal

    AFEMMIS Air Force Equipment Maintenance Management Information System

    AFEMS Air Force Equipment Management System

    AFEOC Air Force Emergency Operations Center

    AFEP Air Force Exercise Program

    AFEPL Air Force Electronic Publishing Library

    AFESC 1Air Force Engineering and Services Center, 2Air Force Explosive Safety Council

    AFETAC Air Force Environmental Technical Applications Center

    AFETC Air Force Education and Training Command

    AFETS 1Air Force Engineering and Technical Service, 2Air Force engineering and technical support

    AFEWC Air Force Electronic Warfare Center (ESC)

    AFEWES Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator

    AFFARS Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

    AFFIF Air Field Facilities Information File (WWMCCS®)

    AFFIS Air Field Facilities Information System (WWMCCS®)

    AFFMA Air Force Frequency Management Agency

    AFFMC Air Force Frequency Management Center (AFCC)

    AFFN Air Force foreign national

    AFFOR 1Air Force forces, 2Air Force theater command

    AFFSA Air Force Flight Standard Agency

    AFFTC Air Force Flight Test Center

    AFFTIC Air Force Foreign Technology Intelligence Center

    AFG 1Army Force Guidance, 2annual funding guidance

    AFGE American Federation of Government Employees

    AFGL Air Force Geophysical Laboratory (AFMC)

    AFGR [AR 310-50] approved force gross equipment

    AFGS automatic flight guidance system

    AFGWC Air Force Global Weather Central (AWS)

    AFGWIS Air Force Global Weather Information System
  10. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    AFH 1Army family housing, 2Air Force handbook

    AFHC Army family housing and construction

    AFHIS Air Force Headquarters Information System

    AFHO Army family housing (operation and maintenance)

    AFHOI Air Force Headquarters operating instruction

    AFHRA Air Force Historical Research Agency

    AFHRL Air Force Human Resources Laboratory

    AFI 1Air Force instruction, 2Air Forces Iceland (LANTCOM), 3Allied Forces Italy (NATO), 4AppleTalk Filing Interface, 5authority and format identifier

    AFIAB Air Force incentive award board

    AFIC 1Air Force Intelligence Command, 2[AR 310-50] approved force inventory objective

    AFICP Air Force Intelligence Communications Plan

    AFID [JP 1-02] anti-fratricide identification device

    AFIN Air Force intelligence

    AFIF Air Force Industrial Fund

    AFIFIO Air Force Information for Industry Office (AFMC)

    AFII Association for Font Information Interchange

    AFIISP Air Force Intelligence Information Systems Plans

    AFIMMSS Air Force Integrated Maintenance Management Support System

    AFINCC Air Force Internet Control Center

    AFIND Air Force indexes

    AFIP 1Air Force intelligence plan, 2Armed Forces Institute of Pathology

    AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Societies

    AFIRB [JP 4-06] Armed Forces Identification Review Board

    AFIRDS Air Force Information Resource Dictionary Systems

    AFIRM automated fingerprint image reporting and match

    AFIS 1automated fingerprint identification system, 2Air Force Intelligence Service

    AFIS/IND Air Force Intelligence Service/Intelligence Data Management

    AFISA 1Air Force Intelligence Support Agency, 2Air Force information systems architecture, 3Air Force integrated systems architecture

    AFISC Air Force Inspection and Safety Center

    AFISP Air Force Information Systems Plan

    AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology

    AFIT/LS Air Force Institute of Technology School of Systems and Logistics

    AFIWC Air Force Information Warfare Center

    AFJAM Air Force joint manual

    AFJIMS Air Force Justice Information System

    AFJMAN [JP 4-01.7] Air Force joint manual

    AFJPO USAF JINTACCS Program Office

    AFJQS Air Force job qualification standard

    AFKN [AR 310-50] American Forces Korea Network

    AFL/CIO American Federation of Labor/Congress of Industrial Organizations

    AFLAN Air Force local area net

    AFLANSPO Air Force Local Area Network Systems Program Office

    AFLANT Air Force, Atlantic Command (ACC)

    AFLAS aviation fuels logistical area summary

    AFLC Air Force Logistics Command

    AFLC/AFSC Air Force Logistic Command/Air Force System Command

    AFLCIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

    afld [AR 310-50] airfield

    AFLE [JP 3-56.1] Air Force liaison element

    AFLETS Air Force Law Enforcement Terminal System

    AFLIF Air Force logistic information file

    AFLMC Air Force Logistics Management Center (AU)

    AFLNO [JP 3-09.3] Air Force liaison officer

    AFLP Air Force lead program

    AFLSA/JAJT Advocate General, through the Air Force Legal Service Agency/Trial Judiciary Division

    AFM 1antifriction metal, 2automatic flight management, 3Air Force manual, 4[AR 310-50] armed forces management

    AFMAG Air Force management analysis group

    AFMAM Air Force Medical Applications Model

    AFMAN Air Force manual

    AFMBP Air Force Model Base for Communications-Computer Systems Program

    AFMC Air Force Materiel Command

    AFMC FAR SUP Air Force Materiel Command Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

    AFMC/ASC Air Force Materiel Command/Aeronautical System Center

    AFMC/LMSC AFMC/Logistics Management Support Center

    AFMCAC Air Force Materiel Command acquisition circular

    AFMCBEAMS AFLC Base Engineering Automated Management System

    AFMCO Army Force Modernization Coordination Office

    AFMCFARS Air Force Materiel Command Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

    AFMCLC/JANO Air Force Materiel Command Law Center/Operation Division

    AFMCSCE Air Force Materiel Command Support Center, Europe

    AFMD Air Force mission directive

    AFME [JP 4-06] armed forces medical examiner

    AFMEA Air Force Management Engineering Agency

    AFMEDICS Air Force Medical Information and Control System

    AFMETCAL Air Force metrology and calibration

    AFMIC Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center

    AFMIS 1Air Force Major Command Information System, 2Air Force Management Information System (Project 6000), 3Army Food Management Information System

    AFML Air Force Materiel Laboratory (AFSC)

    AFMLO Air Force Medical Logistics Office

    AFMMFO Air Force medical materiel field office

    AFMPC 1Air Force Manpower and Personnel Center, 2[JP 1-02] United States Air Force Military Personnel Center

    AFMR antiferromagnetic resonance

    AFMS 1automatic flight management system, 2Armed Forces Management School, 3Air Force Medical Service

    AFMSA/SGSF Air Force Medical Support Agency/Health Facilities Division

    AFMSC 1Air Force Medical Service Center, [AR 310-50] 2Armed Forces Menu Service Committee

    AFMSISP Air Force Medical Services Information System Plan

    AFMSL Air Force Measurement Standard Laboratory

    AFMSS Air Force Mission Support System

    AFMWG acquisition and financial management working group

    AFMWRAB Air Force Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Advisory Board

    AFN American Forces Network

    AFNAF Air Force nonappropriated fund

    AFNAFPO Air Force nonappropriated fund purchasing office

    AFNE [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Network, Europe

    AFNORTH Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO)

    AFNP Air Force nonrecurring pamphlet

    AFNT Air Force negotiation team

    AFO accounting and finance offices

    AFOAA Air Force Office of Attaché Affairs

    AFOC 1Air Force Operations Center (HQ USAF), 2Army flight operations center

    AFOE assault follow-on echelon

    AFOEA Air Force Organizational Excellence Award

    AFOLDS Air Force on-line data systems

    AFOMS Air Force Office of Medical Support (Formerly Air Force Medical Service Center - AFMSC)

    AFOOF Accounting and Finance Office of the Future

    AFOOTS Air Force Obligation/Outlay Tracking System

    AFOREP Air Force Operational Reporting System

    AFORMS Air Force Operations Resources Management System

    AFOSC Air Force operation support centers

    AFOSH Air Force occupational safety and health

    AFOSH STD Air Force Occupational Safety and Health Standard

    AFOSI Air Force Office of Special Investigations

    AFOSP Air Force Office of Security Police

    AFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific Research

    AFOTEC Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center

    AFP 1Air Force pamphlet, 2Appletalk Filing Protocol [Macintosh], 3[JP 1-02] armed forces publication, 4[AR 310-50] annual funding program

    AFPA automatic flow process analysis

    AFPAM Act Program Air Force Pamphlet

    AFPAN Air Force Public Affair Network

    AFPB Air Force publishing bulletin

    AFPC 1Armed Forces Policy Council, 2[AR 310-50] Armed Forces Policy Committee

    AFPCB [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Pest Control Board

    AFPCDPPAT Air Force Personnel Center/Personnel Development

    AFPCP 1Air Force Potential Contractor Program, 2Armed Forces Policy Council

    AFPD 1[AR 310-50] armed forces police detachment, 2Air Force policy directive

    AFPDA Army force planning data and assumptions

    AFPDC Air Force Publishing Distribution Center

    AFPDL Air Force Publishing Distribution Library

    AFPEA Air Force Packaging Evaluation Activity

    AFPEC Armed Forces Product Evaluation Committee

    AFPEO 1Air Force program executive officer, 2[JP 1-0] Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Overseas

    AFPEO/FB Air Force Program Executive Office/ Fighter, Bomber

    AFPG 1Air Force planning guide, 2Air Force planning guidance

    AFPM Air Force project manager

    AFPNPRB Air Force Periodical and Nonrecurring Pamphlet Review Board

    AFPOD Air Force point of debarkation

    AFPOE Air Force point of embarkation

    AFPR Air Force plant representative

    AFPRO Air Force plant representative office

    AFPS [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Press Service

    AFPTEF Air Force Packaging Technology Engineering Facility

    AFQT Armed Forces Qualification Test

    AFQTP 1Air Force qualification training package, 2Air Force quality training packages

    AFQTVA [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Qualification Test Verbal Arithmetic Subtest

    AFR 1Air Force regulation, 2Air Force Reserve, 3Africa, 4[JP 1-02] assign frequency for network reporting, 5[AR 310-50] artillery flash ranging

    AFRA [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as amended

    AFRAMS Air Force Recoverable Asset Management System

    AFRAP Air Force Remedial Action Program

    AFRB award fee review board

    AFRC 1Air Force Reserve Command, 2[JP 1-02] armed forces recreation center, 3[AR 310-50] armed forces reserve center

    AFRCC Air Force Rescue Coordination Center

    AFRCE Air Force regional civil engineer

    AFRCS Air Force Reports Control System

    AFRDR Air Force Director of Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare

    AFREA Air Force Real Estate Agency

    AFREP Air Force representative

    AFRES Air Force Reserves

    AFRIP Air Force Reuse Implementation Plan

    AFRLC Air Force regional civil engineers

    AFRM 1[AR 310-50] air frame, 2[AR 310-50] Armed Forces Reserve Manual

    AFRO Air Force recruiting office

    AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps

    AFRP 1Air Force recurring publication, 2Air Force recurring periodical

    AFRPL Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (AFMC)

    AFRRI [JP 1-02] Armed Forces Radiological Research Center

    AFRS 1Air Force Recruiting Service, 2Automated Fitness Reports System (USMC)
  11. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    AFRSC [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee

    AFRTS Armed Forces Radio and Television Service

    AFS 1Air Force specialty, 2audio frequency shift, 3combat store ship, 4[USN] fleet stores ship, 5Air Force station, 6Andrew file system (protocols), 7automatic flight system, 8active federal service, 9[JP 1-02] aeronautical fixed service

    AFSA Air Force Safety Agency

    AFSAA Air Force Studies and Analysis Agency

    AFSAC 1Air Force Special Activities Center, 2Air Force Security Assistance Center

    AFSAL Air Force specialized aid

    AFSAMR Air Force Security Assistance Management Review

    AFSARC Air Force Systems Acquisition Review Council

    AFSAT 1Air Force satellite, 2Air Force security assistance training

    AFSATCOM Air Force Satellite Communications System

    AFSC 1Air Force Systems Command, 2Air Force specialty sode, 3Armed Forces Staff College (NDU), 4Air Force safety center

    AFSC2ISA Air Force Standard Command and Control Information Systems Architecture

    AFSC4 Air Force Systems for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers

    AFSC4I Air Force Systems for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Intelligence

    AFSCAPS Air Force Standard Civilian Automated Pay System

    AFSCF Air Force Satellite Control Facility

    AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network

    AFSCOASO Air Force Small Computer/Office Automation Service Organization

    AFSCOORD [AR 310-50] assistant fire support coordinator

    AFSCP Air Force Systems Command pamphlet

    AFSCS [AR 310-50] Army Field Stock Control System

    AFSE automated fire support element

    AFSEO Air Force Seek Eagle Office

    AFSF Air Force Stock Fund

    AFSFRS Air Force Stock Fund Reporting System

    AFSG amphibious force support group (USN)

    AFSHRC Albert F Simpson Historical Research Center

    AFSIG Air Force Weapons Support Improvement Group

    AFSINC Air Force Service Information and News Center

    AFSIP Air Force Signals Intelligence Plan

    AFSISC Air Force standard information systems center

    AFSK automatic frequency shift keying

    AFSMO Air Force Space and Missile Organization

    AFSOB Air Force special operations base

    AFSOC 1Air Force Special Operations Command, 2Air Force special operations component

    AFSOCC [JP 1-02] Air Force special operations control center

    AFSOD Air Force special operations detachment

    AFSOE Air Force special operations element

    AFSOF Air Force special operations forces

    AFSOS automated food service operations system

    AFSOUTH Allied Forces Southern Europe (NATO)

    AFSPA Air Force Security Police Agency

    AFSPACECMD Air Force Space Command

    AFSPC Air Force Space Command

    AFSPOC [JP 1-02] Air Force Space Operations Center

    AFSS 1Air Force Security Service, 2automated fuels service stations

    AFSSI Air Force system security instruction

    AFSSM 1Air Force system security manual, 2Air Force system security memorandum

    AFSSO Air Force Special Security Office

    AFSTC Air Force Space Technology Center (AFSC)

    AFSUP Air Force supplement

    AFSVA Air Force Service Agency

    AFSWF Air Force Software Facility (WIS)

    AFT alert fire team

    AFTAC 1Air Force Technical Applications Center (Patrick AFB), 2Air Force Tactical Applications Center

    AFTACIES Air Force Tactical Imagery Exploitation System (TAF)

    AFTCCSEC Air Force Trusted Critical Computer System Evaluation Criteria

    AFTCO Air Force Telecommunications Certification Office

    AFTEC Air Force Test and Evaluation Center (now AFOTEC)

    AFTER Army future test and evaluation requirement

    AFTI 1advanced fighter technology integration, 2automated interchange of technical information

    AFTIP Air Force theater intelligence plan

    AFTMS Air Force Training Management System

    AFTN [JP 1-02] Aeronautical Feed Telecommunications Network

    AFTO Air Force technical order

    AFTP 1anonymous file transfer protocol, 2[AR 310-50] aircrew flight training period

    AFTPC Air Force teleprocessing center

    AFTRA American Federation of Television and Radio Artists

    AFU 1Alaska Forecast Unit, 2[AR 310-50] assault fire unit

    AFV 1airborne fighting vehicle, 2armored fighting vehicle, 3awaiting fix verification

    AFVA Air Force visual aid

    AFVE annual fuel utilization efficiency

    AFWAB [AR 310-50] Army Fixed Wing Aptitude Battery

    AFWAL Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories

    AFWAM Air Force WWMCCS® ADP Modernization Program

    AFWAR [AR 310-50] Air Force personnel on duty with Army

    AFWC Air Force Wargaming Center

    AFWCF [JP 4-02.1] Air Force Working Capital Fund

    AFWIS Air Force WWMCCS® Information System
  12. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    AFWL Air Force Weapons Laboratory

    AFWMPRT Air Force wartime manpower personnel readiness team

    AFWSIG Air Force Weapon System Improvement Group

    AFWST [AR 310-50] Armed Forces Woman's Selection Test

    AFWTF Atlantic Fleet Weapons Training Facility

    AFWWMCCS® Air Force Worldwide Military Command and Control System

    AFY2KWG Air Force Year 2000 Working Group

    AFYDP Army’s Five Year Defense Plan

    ag [AR 310-50] anti-gas

    AG 1Army guidance, 2Adjutant General, 3Adjutant General’s Corps, 4air to ground, 5armor grating, 6arresting gear, 7airlift group, 8miscellaneous support ship, 9army group (NATO), 10air gunner, 11attorney general, 12advisory group

    AGA American Gas Association

    AGACS automatic ground-to-air communications

    AGADS advanced graphics avionics display system

    AGARD [NATO] Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development

    AGC automatic gain control

    AGCA automatic ground-controlled approach

    AGCCS Army Global Command and Control System

    AGCF [AR 310-50] air-ground correlation factor

    AGCL automatic ground-controlled landing

    AGCM Army Good Conduct Medal

    AGCT Army General Classification Test

    AGDS 1American Gage Design Standard, 2deep submergence support ship, 3[USN] launch area support ship

    AGE 1auxiliary ground equipment, 2aerospace ground [support] equipment, 3aircraft ground equipment

    AGE-P aerospace ground equipment powered

    AGES/AD air ground engagement system/air defense

    AGF 1miscellaneous command ship, 2[USN] command ship

    AGI 1auxiliary general intelligence, 2CIS intelligence collecting ship

    AGIL airborne general illumination light [Shed Light]

    AGILE autonetics general information learning equipment

    AGL above ground level

    AGM 1[USN] missile range instrumentation ship, 2missile range instrumentation ship, 3air-to-ground missile
  13. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    ACASS A/E Contract Administration Support System

    ACAT acquisition category

    ACAT I Acquisition Category I (Major Defense Acquisition Program)

    ACAT IA Acquisition Category I (Major Automated Information System)

    ACAT IAC Acquisition Category I (Automation Component)

    ACAT IAD Acquisition Category I (Automation Defense)

    ACAT IC Acquisition Category I Component

    ACAT ID Acquisition Category I Defense

    ACAT II Acquisition Category II

    ACAT IIA Acquisition Category II Automation

    ACAT III Acquisition Category III

    ACAT IIIA Acquisition Category III Automation

    ACAT IV Acquisition Category IV (AR 70-1)

    ACB 1air circuit breaker, 2amphibious construction battalion, 3advanced concepts base, 4allocated configuration baseline

    ACBACCIS Allied Command Baltic Approaches Command Control and Information System (NATO)

    ACBMDA Automated C3CM Battle Management Decision Aid (RADC)

    ACBP advanced concepts base program

    ACBT air combat training

    ACC 1Army correspondence course, 2air control center, 3area control center, 4artillery control console, 5accumulator, 6aft cargo carrier, 7access control center, 8[USAF] Air Combat Command (created 1 June 1992 by merging TAC and SAC), 9air component commander, 10airlift coordination center, 11airspace control center, 12accumulator, 13Army command center, 14Army Communications Command, 15area control computer, 16Army component commanders, 17architecture control committee, 18accelerated case closure, 19approval cause code, 20architecture coordination council, 21[JP 1-02] area coordination center

    ACC/MASS Airlift Coordination Center/Military Airlift Support Squadron ( AMC)

    ACCAP autocoder to COBOL conversion and program [IBM]

    ACCAT advanced command and control architectural testbed

    ACCB 1Army Configuration Control Board, 2[AR 310-50] air cavalry combat brigade

    ACCEL automated circuit card etching layout
  14. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    z [JP 1-02] effort

    Z 1aircraft symbol – planning, 2flash precedence, 3zenith, 4zero, 5Zulu Time (GMT)

    Z-CAV zoned constant angular velocity

    Z-LIN developmental line item number

    ZA 1zero adjusted, 2zero and add

    ZAI zero administration initiative

    ZAK Zero Administration Kit [Microsoft]

    ZAR Zeus acquisition radar

    ZAW zero administration for Windows [Microsoft]

    ZB zero beat

    ZBB zero based budgeting

    ZBR zone-bit recording [IBM]

    ZBT zero balance transfer

    ZD zero defects

    ZDL zero delay lockout

    ZDS Zenith Data Systems

    ZDT zero-ductility transition

    ZEMTR [AR 310-50] ZEUS early missile test radar

    ZETA zero energy thermonuclear assembly

    ZF zone of fire

    ZFC zero failure criteria

    ZFS zero field splitting

    ZFW zero fuel weight

    ZGE zero gravity effect

    ZGS zero gradient synchrotron

    ZI 1zonal index, 2zone of interior, 3[FM 101-5-1] Zimbabwe

    ZIF zero-insertion force (socket)

    ZIP 1zigzag in-line package, 2Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP code), 3zone information protocol

    ZIT zone information table

    ZK [FM 101-5-1] Czech Republick

    ZKA Communications signal to automatically seize the submarine broadcast network

    zkW zero kilowatt

    ZLIN developmental line item number

    ZM zone marker

    ZODIAC zone defense integrated active capability

    ZOE [AR 310-50] zone of entry

    ZOP zero-overpricing

    ZOS [FM 101-5-1] zone of separation

    ZP zone of protection

    ZPA zero period acceleration

    ZPV zoomed port video [Toshiba]

    ZS zero and subtract

    ZSL zero slot LAN

    Zt [JP 1-02] total available effort

    ZTO 1zero time outage, 2zone transportation officer, 3[AR 310-50] zone transportation office

    ZULU 1Greenwich Meantime, 2[FM 101-5-1] Universal (GMT) Time

    ZWS zero wait state
  15. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    Y 1yes, 2aircraft symbol – prototype, 3emergency command precedence symbol, 4[JP 1-02] search and rescue unit (SRU) error

    Y2K Year 2000

    Y2KWG Year 2000 working group

    YA yet another

    YAA yet another addition

    YABA yet another bloody acronym

    YACC Young Adult Conservation Corps

    YAFIYGI you asked for it, you got it

    YAG miscellaneous auxiliary service craft

    YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle [Internet search engine]

    YAM Yet Another Modem [Omen Technology]

    YC [USN] open car lighter

    YCF [USN] car float

    YCV [USN] aircraft transportation lighter

    YD floating crane

    YDT diving tender

    YE [FM 101-5-1] Yemen

    YF [USN] covered lighter (self propelled)

    YFB ferry boat or launch

    YFD yard floating dry dock

    YFN [USN] covered lighter (non-self propelled)

    YFNB [USN] large covered lighter

    YFND dry dock companion craft

    YFNX [USN] lighter (special-purpose)

    YFP floating power barge

    YFRN [USN] refrigerated covered lighter

    YFRT [USN] range tender

    YFU harbor utility craft

    YGN [USN] garbage lighter

    YIL yellow indicating light

    YLC [USN] salvage lift crane

    YM dredge (self propelled)

    YMN dredge (non-self propelled)

    YN [USN] yeoman (secretary-type)

    YNG [USN] gate craft

    YO fuel oil barge (self propelled)

    YOB [AR 310-50] year of birth

    YOC [AR 310-50] Youth Opportunity Corps

    YOG gasoline barge (self propelled)

    YON gasoline barge (non-self propelled)

    YOP Youth Opportunity Program

    YOS oil storage barge (non-self propelled)

    YP 1[USN] patrol craft (training), 2[AR 310-50] yield point (psi)ield point

    YPD floating pile driver

    YPG Yuma Proving Grounds [AZ]

    YR 1floating workshop, 2[JP 1-02] year

    YRB repair and berthing barge

    YRBM repair, berthing, and messing barge

    YRDH floating dry dock workshop (hull)

    YRDM floating dry dock workshop (machine)

    YRR radiological repair barge

    YRST salvage craft tender

    YS 1yield strength, 2[AR 310-50] yardstick, 3[AR 310-50] yield strength (psi)

    YSF yield safety factor

    YSLF yield strength load factor

    YSR 1sludge removal barge, 2[USN] seaplane wrecking derrick

    YTB [USN] large harbor tug

    YTD year to date

    YTL small harbor tug

    YTM medium harbor tug

    YTT torpedo trials craft

    YU [FM 101-5-1] Serbia and Montenegro Federal Republic

    YW water barge (self propelled)

    YWN water barge (non-self propelled)

    YYDDD year/Julian day

    YYMMDD year, month, and day
  16. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    X 1reactor, 2aircraft symbol – experimental or research, 3[JP 1-02] initial position error

    X ray energetic high-frequency electromagnetic radiation

    X-2 [AR 310-50] preliminary name for Spartan

    X-3 [AR 310-50] preliminary name for high-performance Spartan

    X-MIL extra military expense

    X.500 standard which defines electronic mail directory services (mostly used in Europe)

    X/Q relative concentration

    X25 network access protocol

    X2B hexadecimal to binary [REXX]

    X2C hexadecimal to character [REXX]

    X2D hexadecimal to decimal [REXX]

    XA 1extended architecture, 2extended attribute

    XACT X automatic code translation

    XAPIA X.400 Application Program Interface Association

    XBT expendable bath-thermograph

    XC cross country

    XCHG exchange

    XCMD external command

    XCO crystal-controlled oscillator

    XCONN cross connection

    XCOPY extended copy

    XCVR [JP 1-02] transceiver

    XDC [AR 310-50] control center for Nike-X system

    XDCR transducer

    XDF extended density format [IBM]

    XDIN communications subsystem of IMAPS

    XDP X-ray density probe

    XDR 1external data representation, 2extended data representation

    XEG X-ray emission gauge

    XFCN external function

    xfmr transformer

    XGA extended graphics array [IBM]

    XHV extreme high vacuum

    XID exchange identifier

    XIDB [USAF] Extended Integrated Database (for the MIDB System)

    XIOS extended input/output system

    XLAT translate

    XLAU extended limited AUTODIN upgrade

    XLM Excel Macro Language [Microsoft]

    XMFR transformer

    XMI XTendbus multibus Interface

    xmit [AR 310-50] transmit

    XMIT 1transmit, 2General Purpose Message Transmission System (USAFE)

    XML Extensible Markup Language [Internet]

    XMM extended memory manager [LIM/AST]

    XMS extended memory specification

    xmsn [AR 310-50] transmission

    XMSN transmission

    XMTD transmitted

    XMTG transmitting

    XMTL transmittal

    xmtr [AR 310-50] transmitter

    XMTR transmitter

    XNS Xerox Network System (protocol)

    XO 1executive officer, 2crystal oscillator, 3exactly once, 4exchange point, 5executive office, 6[AR 310-50] expenditure order

    XOFF transmitter off

    XON transmitter on

    XOR exclusive OR (also EOR)

    XOS experimental operating system

    XPDR transponder

    XPG X/Open Portability Guide

    XPL explosive

    XPP xyvision production publisher

    XPRM Xerox Print Resources Manager [Xerox]

    XPT cross point

    xref cross-reference.

    XREF cross-reference

    XRL [AR 310-50] Extended Range LANCE

    XRM X-ray microanalyzer

    XRPM X-ray projection microscope

    XRT extensions for real-time

    XSB [JP 1-02] barrier single unit

    XSECT cross section

    XSMD extended storage module drive (interface)

    XSSI extended server side includes

    XT crosstalk

    xstr [AR 310-50] transistor

    xtal [AR 310-50] crystal

    XTAL crystal

    XTCLK external transmit clock

    XTEL cross tell

    XTS cross-tell simulator

    XUTI LISP utility program

    XUV extreme ultraviolet

    XWAVE extraordinary wave

    XWD X Window dump

    XYrDev [AR 310-50] ten year device

    XYZCOMS Xyz Communication System
  17. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    w [JP 1-02] search subarea width

    W 1Warrior, 2west, 3weekly, 4watt, 5aircraft symbol-weather, 6first letter in USCG ship designator, 7[JP 1-02] sweep width

    W&M weapons and munitions

    W-day [JP 1-02] declared by the NCA, W-day is associated with an adversary decision to prepare for war

    w/ with

    W/G within guidance

    W/O 1written off, 2without

    W/S workstation

    W3 World Wide Web

    W3A World Wide Web applets

    W3C World Wide Web Consortium

    W4 what-works-with-what

    WA Washington

    WAA 1wartime aircraft activity, 2wide aperture array

    WAA RET wartime aircraft activity reporting system retrievals

    WAACS Wartime Aircraft Activity Capability System (HQ USAF)

    WAAM 1WWMCCS® Allocation and Assessment Model, 2wide area antiarmor munitions

    WAARS Wartime Aircraft Activity Reporting System (USAF)

    WAAS wide area augmentation system

    WAATS Western ARNG/Aviation Training Sites

    WABI windows application binary interface [SunSoft]

    WABNRES worldwide airborne resources

    WAC 1weapon aiming computer, 2world aeronautical chart

    WACB [AR 310-50] Women's Army Classification Battery

    WACC Washington Area Contracting Center (MAC)

    WACMS WWMCCS®/WIS Automated Configuration Management System

    WACO 1WWMCCS® ADP Contracting Officer, 2[AR 310-50] written advice of contracting officer

    WACOS WWMCCS® ADP Continuity of Service

    WACSM [AR 310-50] Women's Army Corps Service Medal

    WAD 1WWMCCS® ADP Directorate, 2workload assignment document

    WADC Wright Air Development Center

    WADDS WWMCCS® ADP Directory of Databases and Systems

    WADS wide area data service

    WAE when actually employed

    WAF wiring around frame

    WAFDS WWMCCS® ADP Fiscal Data Systems

    WAGB [USCG] ice breaker

    WAGE weapons aerospace ground equipment

    WAGL USCG lighthouse tender

    WAGO oceanographic cutter

    WAI Web Accessibility Initiative [W3C]

    WAIN wide-area integrated network

    WAIS 1Wide-Area Information Services, 2wide area imaging system

    WAITS wide area information transfer system

    WALT warning assessment logic terminal

    WAM 1workload analysis activity report system, 2wide area mine, 3wide area munitions, 4[JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Automated Data Processing (ADP) Modernization Program

    WAM PMO [JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Automated Data Processing (ADP) Modernization Program (WAM) Program Management Office

    WAMOSCOPE wave-modulated oscilloscope

    WAN wide area network

    WAP 1work assignment procedure, 2waste analysis plan

    WAPS Weighted Airman Promotion System

    WARCONFAC war consumables consumption Factor (USAF)

    WARF [AR 310-50] wartime active replacement factors

    WARLA wide aperture radio location array

    WARLINK Warrior link

    WARLOCE [AR 310-50] Wartime Lines of Communication, Europe

    WARLOG [AR 310-50] wartime logistics

    WARM wartime reserve modes

    WARMAPS Wartime Manpower Planning System (OSD)

    WARMARS Wartime Manpower Requirements System (USAFE)

    WarMod Warfighter modernization

    WARN worker adjustment and retraining notification

    WARNO warning order

    WARP Worldwide AUTODIN Restoral Plan

    WARPAC Warsaw Pact

    WARS 1Wartime Assessment and Requirements System (AFLC), 2Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System (Army), 3worldwide ammunition requirement status

    WARSAMS WARSAW SAM Missile Simulation System

    WARSIM 1Warfighter Simulation [2000], 2war simulation

    WARSL War Reserve Stockage List

    WARSMART Simulation Model for Allocation of Resources for Training (ATC)

    WAS 1war-at-sea [USN], 2weapon aiming system, 3Weapons Alert System (NORAD), 4wide area search

    WASAC [AR 310-50] Working Group of Army Study Advisory Committee

    WASH DC [AR 310-50] Washington, DC

    WASHFAX Washington Area High-Speed Facsimile System

    WASO 1WWMCCS® ADP Security Officer, 2[JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Automated Data Processing (ADP) security office

    WASP 1War Air Service Program, 2Weasel attack signal processor, 3wrap around simulation program

    WASS 1wide area surveillance system, 2WWMCCS® ADP system security

    WASSM WWMCCS® ADP system security manager

    WASSO WWMCCS® ADP system security officer

    WAT weight, altitude, temperature (factors determining take-off performance)

    WATASO WWMCCS® ADP terminal area security officer

    WATCHCON [JP 1-02] watch condition

    WATS 1wide area telecommunications service, 2wide area telephone service, 3wide area telephone system, 4wide area tracking system

    WAUXCP West Auxiliary Airborne Command Post (SAC)

    WAVELL United Kingdom command and control system

    WAWAS Washington Area Warning System

    WAWS Washington Area Wideband System

    WB 1weather bureau, 2wideband, 3waybill, 4wage board, 5[AR 310-50] weekly bulletin

    WB/WAAS Wartime Beddown/Wartime Aircraft Activity System (USAF)

    WBAMC [AR 310-50] William Beaumont Army Medical Center

    WBAWS [AR 310-50] Weather Briefing and Advisory Service

    WBC 1weight and balance computer, 2wide-body cargo, 3wide-body CRAF

    WBCO waveguide below cutoff

    WBCV wide-band coherent video

    WBD 1wide-band data, 2wire bound

    WBDL wide-band data link

    WBEM web-based enterprise management

    WBFM wide-band frequency modulation

    WBGT wet bulb globe thermometer

    WBI Web Browser Intelligence [IBM]

    WBIF wide-band intermediate frequency

    WBL wide-band limiting

    WBMS work breakdown management structure

    WBRS wide-band remote switch [unit]

    WBS 1work breakdown schedule, 2work breakdown structure, 3weight and balance system

    WBSC wide band signal channel-radio

    WBSCB [AR 310-50] Work Breakdown Structure Control Board

    WBSS wideband digital switching system

    WBST 1wideband secure terminal, 2wideband subscriber terminal

    WBSV wideband secure voice

    WBSVN wideband secure voice network

    WBSVVS wideband secure voice via satellite

    WBT 1wait before transmission, 2[TR 350-70] Web-based training

    WBTS wide-band transmission system

    WC 1word count, 2weapon control, 3weapons controller, 4weather center, 5without charge, 6[JP 1-02] wind current

    WC3 warning, command, control and communications

    WCA 1worst case analysis, 2[JP 4-01.7] water clearance authority

    WCAC WWMCCS® crisis alerting capability

    WCAN WWMCCS® crisis alerting network

    WCAS Workload Collection and Analysis System (USAF)

    WCC wideband communications capsule

    WCCS 1Washington Crisis Communications System, 2Wing Command and Control System (USAF), 3wireless communication and control system

    WCD 1work center description, 2work control document

    WCDO war consumables distribution objective

    WCDOS Wartime Consumable Distribution Objectives System

    WCDR war consumables distribution requirements

    WCE 1write cache enable, 2weapons controller element

    WCG 1workstation, computer graphics, 2water-cooled garment

    WCL weapons custody list

    WCM 1weapon control module, 2weapons countermeasures and mines (USN)

    WCN 1worldwide communications network, 2worksheet control number

    WCP wing command post

    WCRS War Consumable Reporting System (USAF/PACAF)

    WCS 1weapon control system, 2workload control system (TAC), 3workstation control and synchronization, 4world coordinate system, 5waveguide communications system, 6[FM 101-5-1] weapons control status

    WCSG WWMCCS® Council Support Group

    wd [AR 310-50] withdrawn

    WD 1application withdrawn, 2watt demand meter, 3warning display, 4weapons director, 5wiring data

    WDA [AR 310-50] weapons defended area

    WDAMS WIS Database Management System

    WDB wide band

    WDBII World Database II

    WDC work distribution chart

    WDCP WSPRS Data Collection Program

    WDL 1Windows Driver Library [Microsoft], 2[AR 310-50] weapons density list

    WDNS weapons delivery and navigation system

    WDRAM windows dynamic random access memory

    WDSIL data automation resource management system

    WDT warning display terminal

    WE 1weather effects, 2with equipment, 3withholding exemptions, 4write enable

    WEA weapons expenditures authorization

    WebNFS Web Network File System [Sun]

    WECO weather current operations

    WEF with effect from

    WEG weapons evaluation group

    WELL Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (BBS)

    WEO WWMCCS® evaluation office

    WEP 1WWMCCS® evaluation program, 2Windows® exit procedure, 3weapon effect planning, 4work execution plan

    WEPH weapon phenomenology

    WES 1WWMCCS® entry system (FORSCOM), 2weapons effect simulation

    WESCOM weapons effects on satellite communications

    WESP war and emergency support plan

    WESS 1weapon system status, 2WWMCCS® environmental support system, 3[AR 310-50] weapons effect signature simulator

    WEST 1weapon effectiveness simulated threat, 2[AR 310-50] Women's Enlistment Screening Test

    WESTAR Western Union Satellite

    WESTCOM United States Army Western Command (Pacific)

    WESTHEM Western Hemisphere

    WESTPAC Western Pacific

    WETM [JP 1-02] weather team

    WETS [AR 310-50] week-end training site

    WEU Western European Union (defense organization)

    WEZ weapon engagement zone

    WF Warfighter

    WFA 1warfighter's associate, 2[TTPIO-ABCS] Warfighter accessory

    WFCI fast coastal interceptor

    WFCMV wheeled fuel-consuming motor vehicle

    WFE [CJCSI 3222.01] warfighting environment

    WFG wait for graph

    WFH wartime flying hours

    WFLA Warfighting Lens Analysis

    WFM 1wired for management [Intel], 2workflow manager

    WFO Washington Field Office, Security Assistance Training Field Activity, United States Army (SATFA, Army)

    WFP 1waiver focal point, 2[JP 3-08] World Food Programme (United Nations)

    WFU withdrawn from use.

    WFW Windows for Workgroups [Microsoft]


    WFX Warfighter exercise

    WFZ weapons free zone

    WG 1waveguide, 2wire gauge, 3working group, 4wing, 5[AR 310-50] wage-grade civilian employees

    WGBC waveguide operating below cutoff

    WGE working group of experts

    WGM weighted guideline method

    WGS 1work group system, 2weather graphics system, 3world geodetic system

    WGS-84 [JP 1-02] World Geodetic System 1984

    WGSC war gaming and simulation center

    Wh watt hour

    WH 1White House, 2[JP 1-03.17] wounded due to hostilities

    WHAM 1waveform hold and modify [Microsoft], 2West Hemisphere AUTODIN management

    WHC 1watt hour meter with contact device, 2workstation host connection

    WHCA 1White House Communications Agency, 2War Hazard Compensation Act

    whd [AR 310-50] warhead

    WHD [AR 310-50] western hemisphere defense

    WHDM watt hour demand meter

    WHDS [AR 310-50] warhead section

    WHEC [USCG] high endurance cutter

    WHEP White House Emergency Plan

    WHIST [AR 310-50] Worldwide Household Goods Information System for Traffic Management

    WHL watt hour meter with loss compensator

    Whm watt hour meter

    WHMO White House Military Office

    WHNRS [JP 1-02] wartime host-nation religious support

    WHNS wartime host nation support

    WHNSIMS [JP 1-02] Wartime Host Nation Support Information Management System

    WHO World Health Organization

    WHR [AR 310-50] western hemisphere reserve

    whs [AR 310-50] warehouse

    WHS Washington Headquarters Services

    whsmn [AR 310-50] warehouseman

    WHSR White House Situation Room

    WHT watt-hour demand meter, thermal type

    WI 1Wisconsin, 2warning installations, 3Warsaw Initiative

    WIA wounded in action

    WIBNI wouldn’t it be nice if

    WIC 1warning information correlation, 2weapon instructor course

    WICS 1worldwide intelligence communication system, 2warning information and correlation system

    WICU weather intercept control unit

    WIDD warfighting integration and development directorate

    WIDE wiring integration design

    WIG wing-in-ground effect

    WIGE wing-in-ground effect

    WIM wideband interconnection module

    WIMI [AR 310-50] watercraft intensively managed items

    WIMM 1weapons integrated materiel manager, 2worldwide interservice materiel management

    WIMMS Weapons Integrated Materiel Management System

    WIMS 1Work Information Management System (USAF), 2Worldwide Intra-theater Mobility Study (OSD)

    WIMS-ES Work Information Management System – Environmental Subsystem

    WIMWSS worldwide integrated management of wholesale subsistence stock (DLA)

    WIN 1WWMCCS® Information Network, 2WWMCCS® Intercomputer Network, 3Warfighter Information Network

    WINA WWMCCS® information needs analysis

    WINCS WWMCCS® Intercomputer Network Communications Subsystem

    WIND 1WWMCCS® Intercomputer Network Director, 2weather information network and display

    WINDS weather information network and display system

    WINE Windows® emulator

    WINForum Wireless Information Networks Forum

    WINGS Warning and Intelligence Gathering Sensor Program (USN)

    WINS Windows-Internet Naming Service [Microsoft]

    WINSOCK 1Windows Open Systems Architecture [Microsoft], 2Windows® Sockets

    WINSTATS WIN statistics systems (WWMCCS®)

    WINTEX winter exercise

    WINWORD Word for Windows [Microsoft]

    WIP 1work in progress, 2weapon integration plan, 3[AR 310-50] work in place

    WIPT 1working-level integrated product team, 2working level integrated process team

    WIR [AR 310-50] weekly intelligence review

    WIS 1WWMCCS® Information System, 2wedge imaging spectrometer, 3wideband instrumentation system, 4wireless intercommunications system

    WIS CMS WIS Configuration Management System

    WIS JPM WIS Joint Program Manager

    WIS SPO WIS Systems Program Office (ESD)

    WISDIM WWMCCS® Dictionary for Information Management

    WISE WordPerfect Information System Environment

    WISNAS WIS Network Authentication Service

    WISP Wartime Information Security Program

    WISRA WIS Requirements Analysis

    WISSA Wholesale Interservice Supply Support Agreement

    WIT 1Web interactive talk [Internet], 2work improvement team

    WITS 1WSGT Intelligent Terminal System (WWMCCS®), 2Washington Interagency Telecommunications System (GSA)

    WIU weapons interface unit

    WIX [USCG] training cutter

    WKRP World-Wide Keypunch Replacement Program (USAF)

    wl [AR 310-50] workload

    WL 1water line, 2wavelength, 3word line, 4working level, 5Wright Laboratory

    WLB 1[USCG] seagoing buoy tender, 2[AR 310-50] weapons logbook

    WLCS [AR 310-50] workload and cost schedule

    WLD [AR 310-50] west longitude date

    WLE wing leading edge

    WLG [JP 1-02] Washington liaison group

    WLI inshore buoy tender

    WLIC inland construction tender

    WLM 1working-level month, 2[USCG] coastal buoy tender

    WLR 1weapons-locating radar, 2[USCG] river buoy tender

    WLT weapons load training

    WLV light vessel

    WM 1wattmeter, 2work measurement, 3workload manager

    WMC 1Workflow Management Coalition, 2[AR 310-50] weapons monitoring center

    WMD weapons of mass destruction

    WMEC [USCG] medium endurance cutter

    WMIP [AR 310-50] weapons management improvement program

    WMO World Meteorological Organization

    WMOP weather observation master plan

    WMP 1War and Mobilization Plan (USAF), 2war mobilization planning

    WMPC war materiel production capability

    WMR war materiel requirement

    WMS workload management system

    WMSC weather message switching center

    WN 1Warnet, 2will not

    WNB [AR 310-50] will not be

    WNBC [AR 310-50] Washington National Records Center

    WNDP worldwide numbering and dialing plan

    WNFE WWMCCS® network front-end

    WNIC wide-area network interface coprocessor

    WNIM wide-area network interface module

    WNINTEL warning notice – intelligence sources and method involved

    WNP [AR 310-50] will not proceed

    WNRC Washington National Record Center

    WNS Worldwide Navigation System

    WNW [AR 310-50] west-northwest

    WNY [AR 310-50] Washington Navy Yard

    wo [AR 310-50] without

    WO warrant officer

    WO1 [AR 310-50] warrant officer, W-1

    WOA 1WebObject Application [NeXt], 2wartime operating airfield

    WOAC warrant officer advanced course
  18. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    WOBC warrant officer basic course

    WOC 1Wing Operations Center (USAF/NATO), 2[AR 310-50] without compensation

    WOCC Warrant Officer Career Center

    WOCS Warrant Officer Candidate School

    WOD 1wind over the deck [of a carrier], 2word of day

    WOES Warrant Officer Education System

    WOLDAP Warrant Officer Leader Development Action Plan

    WOM write optical memory

    WOMA Warrant Officer Management Act

    WOMBAT waste of money, brains, and time

    WOMOS warrant officer military occupational specialty

    WOP wing operation plan

    WOPE without personnel and equipment

    WOQT [AR 310-50] Warrant Officer Qualification Test

    WORAM word oriented random access memory

    WORCS Work Order Reporting and Communication System (Army)

    WORM write once read many

    WORSAMS [AR 310-50] Worldwide Organization Structure for Army medical Support

    WOS workstation operating system

    WOSA Windows Open Services/Systems Architecture [Microsoft]

    WOSAC world-wide synchronization of atomic clocks

    WOSB 1women-owned small business, 2[AR 310-50] weather observation site building

    WOSBC women-owned small business concerns

    WOSC Warrant Officer Staff College

    WOSSC Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course

    WOTS Warrant Officer Training System

    WOTTCC Warrant Officer Technical and Tactical Certification

    WOW Windows on Win32

    WOWN [AR 310-50] without winch

    WOWS wire obstacle warning system

    WP 1Warsaw Pact, 2workspace-register pointer, 3weatherproof [insulation], 4word processor, 5work package, 6work plan, 7working paper, 8WordPerfect®, 9word processing, 10write protected, 11water point, 12working party, 13[AR 310-50] white phosphorous

    WP/A weapons procurement (appropriation), Army

    WP/AF weapons procurement (appropriation), Air Force

    WP/N weapons procurement (appropriation), Navy

    WP/M weapons procurement (appropriation), Marines

    WPA [JP 1-02] water jet propulsion assembly

    WPAC West Pacific (Satellite)

    WPAFB Wright Patterson Air Force Base

    WPAL [JP 1-02] wartime personnel allowance list

    WPARR war plans additive requirements report

    WPB 1[USCG] large patrol boat, 2War Production Board

    Wpc watts per candle

    WPC 1Warrior Preparation Center (USAFE), 2word processing center

    WPCC Write Paterson Contracting Center

    WPD Windows® printer description

    WPE word processing equipment

    WPFA weather products in forward areas

    WPHD write-protect hard disk

    WPI Wholesale Price Index

    WPIE warning plan interface equipment

    WPLO water port logistic office

    WPM words per minute

    wpn [AR 310-50] weapon

    WPN 1weapon procurement, Navy, 2[JP 1-02] weapon(s)

    WPOD water port of discharge

    WPOE water port of embarkation

    WPOS workplace operating system

    WPP [AR 310-50] Weapons Production Program

    WPR 1War Powers Resolution, 2weapon system report

    WPREQ request for nuclear reserve weapons

    WPRS War Powers Reporting System

    WPS 1words per second, 2wordprocessing system, 3working prototype system, 4Windows® printing system [Microsoft], 5Workplace Shell [IBM OS/2], 6Worldwide Port System, 7[AR 310-50] with prior service

    WPSE weapon-peculiar support equipment

    WPVM Windows parallel virtual machine

    WPWOD [AR 310-50] will proceed without delay

    WQEA weapon quality surveillance activity

    wr [AR 310-50] water - rail

    WR 1Wilson repeater, 2weather reconnaissance, 3[CJCSI 3231.01] weapon radius, 4[JP 4-02.1] war reserve

    WR-ALC Warner Robins Air Logistics Center (AFLC)

    WRA weapons replaceable assemblies

    WRAIN [AR 310-50] Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing

    WRAIR Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

    WRAM Windows® random access memory

    WRAMC Walter Reed Army Medical Center

    WRAMSOS WR-ALC Multiple System OFP Support System

    WRAP 1war reserve automated process, 2Warfighter Rapid Acquisition Program, 3workpackage risk analysis procedure

    WRB 1Web Request Broker [Oracle], 2warranty review board

    WRC wartime consumption rate

    WRCS weapon release computer set

    WRDC Wright Research and Development Center (USAF)

    WRECS weapon radiation effects on communications systems

    WRK Windows Resource Kit [Microsoft]

    WRM 1war readiness materiel, 2war reserve materiel (USAF), 3work rate master

    WRMAG Water Resources Management Action Group

    WRMCMR WRM control and management reporting (USAFE)

    WRMLRSSL WRM Lists Requirements and Spares Supply List

    wrmn [AR 310-50] wireman

    WRMR war reserve materiel requirement

    WRMRS WRM Rating System

    WRMS war reserve materiel stocks

    WRS 1weather reconnaissance squadron, 2war reserve stock

    WRSA war reserve stock for allies

    WRSK 1War Readiness Spares Kit (USAF), 2[JP 1-02] war reserve spares kit

    WRSK/BLSS WRSK/base level self-sufficiency spares

    WRT with respect to

    WRWC wartime requirements for war consumables

    WS 1weather squadron, 2weasel support, 3workstation, 4WordStar®, 5weapon system, 6weapon standardization, 7[FM 101-5-1] Samoa Western

    WS3 weapon storage and security system

    WSA 1weapons storage area, 2WWMCCS® system architecture, 3warfare system architect, 4[AR 310-50] weapon systems analysis

    WSA&E warfare systems architecture and engineering (USN)

    WSAB weapon system assessment briefing

    WSAG Washington Special Action Group

    WSAM 1weapon system assessment model, 2Weapon Systems Acquisition Manager Program for Naval Officers

    WSAP weapon system acquisition process

    WSAPI Web Site Application Program Interface [O'Reilly]

    WSAS WWMCCS® standard application software

    WSB weapons services branch

    WSBCRCS Worldwide Stock Balance and Consumption Report Consolidation System

    WSC 1Army/Navy waterborne special communications, 2War Support Center (Europe), 3weapons system controller, 4WIN site coordinator, 5wing security control, 6[JP 1-02] Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS©) Intercomputer Network (WIN) site coordinator

    WSD 1working stress design, 2weapon system designator

    WSDC weapon system designator code

    WSDL weapons system data link

    WSDP weapon source data package

    WSE 1WWMCCS® system engineer (DCA), 2warfare system engineer, 3[JP 1-02] weapon support equipment

    WSEG [AR 310-50] Weapons Systems Evaluation Group

    WSEO WWMCCS® System Engineering Organization (DCA)

    WSEP Weapons System Evaluation Program

    WSES [USCG] surface effect ship

    WSESRB weapon system explosive safety review board

    WSF 1weapons systems fill, 2weather support force, 3weapon system factor, 4weapon system file

    WSGT WWMCCS® standard graphics terminal

    WSHCI weapon system human computer interface

    WSIAO Weapon Support, Improvements and Analysis Office

    WSIG weapon support improvement group (OSD)

    WSIP weapon systems improvement program

    WSIS weapon system information subsystem

    WSLSC Worldwide Software Lifecycle Support Contract

    WSM 1weapons system manager, 2warfighter system modeling, 3weapons safety manager, 4weapons system management

    WSMAT weapon system management team

    WSMC Western Space and Missile Center (AFSC)

    WSMD weapon system management directorate

    WSMIS Weapon System Management Information System (AFLC)

    WSMP Weapon System Master Plan [USAF]

    WSMR White Sands Missile Range

    WSO 1weapon system operator, 2weapons systems officer, 3warning systems operator (USSPACECOM/ USSTRATCOM), 4[AR 310-50] Washington Standardization Officers

    WSP 1weapons system pouch, 2weapons system package, 3weapons system processor, 4[AR 310-50] water supply point, [AR 310-50] Work Simplification Program

    WSPAR weapon system program assessment review

    WSPRS WIN SCF Performance Reporting System

    WSPS 1Worldwide Standard Port System (MTMC), 2weapon systems pouch service

    WSR 1weapon system reliability, 2weapons status report, 3weather search radar, 4weapon system review

    WSRP [AR 310-50] weapons system requisitioning procedure

    WSS 1warfare support system, 2weapons system security, 3WWMCCS® Standard System, 4workflow suspense system, 5workstation server

    WSSIB WWMCCS® Standard System Information Base

    WSSM 1weapon system support model, 2weapon system staff manager

    WSSO weapon system support officer

    WSSS WWMCCS® standard system software

    WST weapon system trainer

    WSTA weapon system testability analyzer

    WSTAWG weapon system technical architecture working group

    WSTF [AR 310-50] White Sands Test Facilities

    WSTM [AR 310-50] White Sands Transverse Macerator

    WSU weather support unit

    WSUMS WWDMS Scheduling and Management System

    WSV 1wideband secure voice, 2weapon storage vault

    WSVN Worldwide Secure Voice Network

    WSW 1west-southwest, 2weapon system warranty

    WSWP weapon system warranty plan

    wt weight

    WT 1differential temperature, 2write through, 3weapon training, 4wireless telegraphy, 5[JP 1-02] gross weight, 6[JP 1-02] warping tug, 7[JP 1-02] weight

    WTC 1weapon and tactic center, 2workload technician code

    WTCA water terminal clearance authority

    WTCV weapons and tracked combat vehicles (appropriation) (Army)

    WTD weapons training detachment

    WTDOS weapon training detachments operating spares

    WTGB harbor ice breaker

    WTLO [JP 4-01.5] water terminal logistic office

    WTM WWMCCS® technical manual

    WTO World Trade Organization

    WTR [AR 310-50] Western Test Range

    WTS 1world terminal synchronous, 2Washington Tactical Switch, 3wartime task standard, 4workload tracking system

    WTT 1weapon and tactics trainer, 2wind tunnel testing

    Wu [JP 1-02] uncorrected sweep width

    WU 1Western Union, 2[AR 310-50] weapons and utilities maintenance

    WUBA [USN] working uniform blue alpha

    WUC work unit code

    WUG WWMCCS® /WIS Users Group

    WUIS 1work unit information system, 2work unit information summary

    WUR wartime usage rate

    WV 1West Virginia, 2working voltage

    WVA [AR 310-50] Watervliet Arsenal

    WVDC working voltage direct current

    WVEH [AR 310-50] wheel vehicle

    WVRD [JP 3-08] World Vision Relief and Development, Inc

    WVS world vector shoreline

    WVS+ world vector shoreline plus

    ww [AR 310-50] worldwide

    WW 1wireway, 2wire-wound, 3MCCS ADP control center, 4weather wing, 5Wild Weasel

    WWA Wild Weasel augmentation

    WWABNCP Worldwide Airborne Command Post

    WWAP [AR 310-50] Worldwide Asset Position

    WWB [USN] working winter blue [uniform]

    WWC wing work center

    WWDMS Worldwide Data Management System (WWMCCS®)

    WWDSA worldwide digital systems architecture

    WWII [JP 1-02] World War II

    WWIIVM [AR 310-50] World War II Victory Medal

    WWIMS 1worldwide indicator and monitoring system, 2[JP 1-02] Worldwide Warning and Indicator Monitoring System

    WWIMWSS Worldwide Management of Wholesale Subsistence Stock (DLA)

    WWIO [AR 310-50] worldwide inventory objective

    WWIS World Wide Information System [Internet]

    WWIVM [AR 310-50] World War I Victory Medal

    WWM wing weapons manager

    WWMCCS® Worldwide Military Command and Control Computer System [trademark of Honeywell, Phoenix, AZ]

    WWMCCSDPCE WWMCCS® Data Processing Center, Europe

    WWMCS Worldwide Military Communication System

    WWN [AR 310-50] with winch

    WWO wing weather officer

    WWOLS Worldwide On Line System (DCA)

    WWPS Worldwide Port System

    WWS WIS workstation

    WWSS warfare and warfare support system

    WWSV worldwide secure voice

    WWSVA worldwide secure voice architecture

    WWSVCS Worldwide Secure Voice Conferencing System

    WWTCIP Worldwide Technical Control Improvement Plan

    WWTP waste water treatment plant

    WWW 1Worldwide Web, 2world weather watch

    WX weather

    WXFCST weather forecast

    WXOBS weather observation report

    WXSITREP weather situation report

    WY Wyoming

    WYSBYGI what you see before you get it

    WYSIAYG what you see is all you get

    WYSIWYG what you see is what you get

    WYTL small harbor tugs

    WYTM medium harbor
  19. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    v [JP 1-02] velocity of target drift

    V 1volts, 2vertical, 3electronic tube, 4voltmeter, 5vacuum tube, 6aircraft symbol- staff (VIP) or VSTOL/VTOL, 7[FM 101-5-1] veterinary (graphics), 8[JP 1-02] sector pattern, 9[JP 1-02] SRU ground speed

    V&V validation and verification

    V-22A Osprey

    V-MAN vehicle management

    V.FC version.first class (communications standard)

    V/D voice/data

    V/F voltage to frequency

    V/G variable geometry

    V/m volt per meter [unit of picofarad electric field strength]

    V/mil volt per mil

    V/STOL vertical/short takeoff and landing aircraft

    V/T voltage limited/temperature compensated

    VA 1value analysis, 2Veterans Administration, 3Virginia, 4vital area, 5volt-ampere, 6virtual address, 7USN attack squadron, 8variance analysis, 9visual aid, 10[JP 1-02] vulnerability assessment

    VAAP [AR 310-50] Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant

    VAB voice answer back

    Vac volts alternating current [preferred]

    VAC 1volts alternating current, 2vector analog computer, 3variance at completion

    VAD value added dealer

    VADC voice analyzer and data converter

    VADD value added disk driver

    VADE versatile auto data exchange

    VADM [AR 310-50] vice admiral

    VADS Vulcan Air Defense System

    VADSL very-high-rate asymmetric digital subscriber line

    VAEP variable, attributes, error propagation

    VAES voice-activated electronic system

    VAH [AR 310-50] Veterans Administration hospital

    VAID variable air inlet duct

    VAK tactical aerial refueling squadron

    VAL 1validated, 2value, 3USN light attack squadron, 4voice application language, 5Vulnerability Assessment Laboratory (Army), 6visit authorization letter

    VALIDATE vulnerability and lethality improvement and demonstration for tanned

    VALSAS variable length word symbolic assembly system

    VAM 1vector airborne magnetometer, 2voltammeter, 3virtual access method, 4vertical angle measurement

    VAMOS [AR 310-50] verified additional military occupational specialty

    VAMOSC visibility and management of operating and support costs

    VAMP 1vector arithmetic multiprocessor, 2visual-acoustic-magnetic pressure

    VAN value-added network

    VANWACE [AR 310-50] Vulnerability Analysis of Nuclear Weapons In Allied Command, Europe

    VAP value added process [Novell]

    VAPI virtual application programming interface

    VAQ 1USN tactical electronic warfare squadron, 2visiting airman quarters

    var volt-ampere reactive

    VAR 1visual aural range, 2value added reseller, 3value added retailer, 4variable

    varAD varying radiation

    VARCS vehicle application and replacement categorical system

    varHM var-hour meter

    vari [AR 310-50] varityper

    varISTOR variable resistor

    VARITRAN variable-voltage transformer

    VARR 1variable range reflector, 2visual aural radio range

    VARS vertical azimuth reference system

    VARVAL [JP 1-02] vessel arrival data, list of vessels available to marine safety offices and captains of the port

    VAS 1vehicle allocation and summary (MAC), 2visual augmentation system, 3voice-activated system, 4value added service

    VASCAR visual average speed computer and recorder

    VASG VHDL analysis and standardization group

    VASI visual approach slope indicator

    VASIS visual approach slope indicator system

    VASRD [AR 310-50] Veterans Administration Schedule for Rating Disabilities

    VASS visual analysis subsystem

    VAST 1versatile automatic specification tester, 2variable array storage technology, 3versatile avionics shop test

    VAT 1voice-activated typewriter, 2virtual address translator, 3video audio tool, 4validation assessment team

    VAT B [JP 1-02] (weather) visibility (in miles), amount (of clouds, in eighths), (height of cloud) top (in thousands of feet), (height of cloud) base (in thousands of feet)

    VATE versatile automatic test equipment

    VATLS [AR 310-50] visual airborne target locator system

    VATS vibration analysis test set

    VAUB vehicle authorization utilization board

    VAUO vehicle authorization utilization officer

    VAW [USN] carrier airborne early warning squadron

    VAX 1virtual access extended [DEC], 2virtual address extension

    VAX/VMS virtual address extension/virtual memory system [DEC]

    VB 1variable block, 2vertical bomb, 3Visual Basic [Microsoft]

    VBA 11vibrating beam accelerometer, 2Visual Basic for Applications [Microsoft]

    VBD voice band data

    VBE VGA standard BIOS extensions

    VBE/AI VESA BIOS extension/audio interface

    VBF USN fighter-bomber squadron

    VBI vital bus inverter

    VBITS Video Based Information Transmission System (FORSCOM)

    VBM volatile bulk memory

    vBNS very high speed backbone network service [MCI & NSF]

    VBR variable bit rate

    VBRUN Visual Basic runtime

    VBSS [JP 3-07.3] visit, board, search, and seizure

    Vc design cruise speed

    VC 1vector control, 2voice coil, 3[USN] fleet composite squadron, 4virtual call (X25), 5Veterinary Corps, 6variable cost

    VC/L vehicle container/launcher (UAV)

    VCASS visually coupled airborne systems simulator

    VCATS Visually Coupled Acquisition and Targeting System

    VCC 1voice control center, 2virtual channel connection, 3voice communication control system, 4[JP 1-02] voice communications circuit

    VCCS voltage-controlled current source

    VCD 1variable capacitance diode, 2virtual communications driver

    VCDS voice communications distribution system

    VCF voltage-controlled frequency

    VCG vertical location of the center of gravity

    VCI virtual channel identifier

    VCID voice-controlled interactive device

    VCJCS Vice Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff

    VCL 1vertical center line, 2visual component library, 3Visual Computing Library [Borland]

    VCM 1version compatibility matrix, 2visual countermeasures

    VCNO Vice Chief of Naval Operations

    VCNOG [CJCSI 3410.01] Vice Chairman, Nuclear Operations Group

    VCO 1voltage-controlled oscillator, 2vehicle control officer

    VCOPG [CJCSI 3410.01] Vice Chairman, Operations Planners Group

    VCOS Visual Caching Operating System [AT&T]

    VCP 1vehicle control point, 2visual control position, 3vehicle control program, 4[AR 310-50] vehicle collecting point

    VCPI virtual control program interface

    VCR video cassette recorder

    VCRM verification cross reference matrix

    VCS 1visually coupled system, 2vehicle control system, 3versatile console system, 4video camera system, 5virtual command sphere, 6visual control station, 7voice communication system, 8virtual circuit switch

    VCSA Vice Chief of Staff of the Army

    VCSAF Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force

    VCNO Vice Chief of Naval Operations

    VCT voltage control transfer

    VCU vehicular communication unit

    VCXO 1[JP 1-02] voltage controlled crystal oscillator, 2[JP 1-02] voltage controlled oscillator

    Vd maximum dive speed

    VD 1voltage drop, 2[AR 310-50] venereal disease

    VDAC video display-controller

    VDAM virtual data access method

    VDAS vibration data acquisition system

    Vdc volts direct current

    VDC 1virtual device coordinates, 2volts direct current

    VDD 1virtual device driver, 2version description document, 3vehicle detection device

    VDDM virtual device driver manager

    VDE 1video display editor, 2visual development environment

    VDET voltage detector

    VDEV [AR 310-50] "V" Device

    VDF 1VHF direction finding (station), 2video frequency

    VDI virtual device interface

    vdiff visual difference.

    VDIG vertical display indicator group

    VDISK virtual disk

    VDM virtual DOS machine [IBM]

    VDMAD virtual direct memory access device [Microsoft]

    VDP 1video display processor, 2vertical data processing, 3vehicle down for parts, 4validation demonstration phase

    VDR 1voltage-dependent resistor, 2[JP 1-02] voice digitization rate

    VDRA voice and data recording auxiliary

    VDRT visual display research tool

    VDS 1vehicular data system, 2variable depth sonar, 3virtual DMA services, 4variable depth sonar (USN)

    VDSD [JP 1-02] visual distress signaling device

    VDSI video distribution subsystem Interface (USSPACECOM)

    VDSL very-high-data-rate digital subscriber line

    VDT 1video dial tone, 2video display terminal, 3virtual dumb terminal, 4video display tube

    VDU 1video display unit, 2visual display unit

    VDUC 1[JP 1-02] visual display unit controller

    VE value engineering, 2[FM 101-5-1] Venezuela

    VEA 1validation and edit acceptance, 2validation edit addition

    VEB variable elevation beam

    VEC value engineering coordinator

    VECI vehicular equipment complement index

    VECO vernier engine cutoff

    VECOS vehicular checkout set

    VECP value engineering change proposal

    VECTA virtual environment configurable training aid

    VEFCO vertient functional checkout

    VEGA Video-7 Enhanced Graphics Adapter [Video-7, Inc.]

    VEH 1[JP 1-02] vehicular cargo, 2[JP 1-02] vehicle

    VEI value engineering incentive

    vel [AR 310-50] velocity

    VEL [AR 310-50] variable enlistment legislation

    VELF velocity filter

    VEM vasoexcitor material

    VEMM virtual expanded memory manager

    VEMMI versatile multimedia interface

    VEP value engineering proposal

    VEPIS vocational education program information system

    VEPM value engineering program manager

    VEPR value engineering program requirement

    VEQ [AR 310-50] visiting enlisted quarters

    VER 1verify, 2version

    VERNITRAC vernier tracking by automatic correlation

    Veronica Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-Wide Index to Computer Archives [Internet]

    VERR verify read access

    VERRP Voluntary Early Release and Retirement Program

    VERS versed sine

    VERT venture evaluation review technique

    VERTREP vertical replenishment [helicopter transport of supplies to warships]

    VERW verify write access

    VESA Video Electronics Standards Association

    VESP value engineering study proposal

    VESS vehicular smoke system

    vet 1[AR 310-50] veteran, 2[AR 310-50] veterinary

    VET [AR 310-50] verbal test

    Vetronics vehicle electronics

    VEV voice excited voicecoder

    VEX voice encryption accessory

    VF 1voice frequency (30 – 300 MHz), 2variable frequency, 3video frequency, 4[USN] fighter squadron, 5virtual floppy

    VFA [USN] strike-fighter squadron

    VFAS Vertical Force Accounting System (Army)

    VFAT virtual file allocation table

    VFC 1voltage-to-frequency converter, 2USN fighter composite squadron

    VFCT voice frequency carrier telegraph

    VFD vacuum fluorescent display

    VFDMIS Vertical Force Deployment Management Information System (Army)

    VFFH very fast frequency hopping

    VFGH [AR 310-50] Valley Forge General Hospital

    VFK variable function key

    VFMED variable format message entry device

    VFMP Vehicle Fleet Management Program (Army)

    VFO variable frequency oscillator

    VFP USN photo-reconnaissance squadron

    VFR [AR 310-50] visual flight rules

    Vfr/VFR visual flight rules

    VFTG 1voice frequency telegraph group, 2[JP 1-02] voice frequency telegraph, 3[AR 310-50] voice frequency telegraph terminal

    VFU vertical format unit

    VFW video for Windows [Microsoft]

    VG 1variable geometry, 2vertical gyro, 3very good

    VGA video graphics array

    VGAS Vertical Gun for Advanced Ships (Navy)

    VGC video graphics controller

    VGG visual graphics generator

    VGH velocity, gust, height

    VGPI visual glide path indicator

    VGSA visitor group security agreement

    VHA 1variable housing allowance, 2[AR 310-50] very high altitude

    VHD video high density

    VHDL 1VHSIC Hardware Description Language, 2very high density logic

    VHDU visual hand copy display unit

    VHF very high frequency

    VHFDF very high frequency direction finder

    VHM virtual hardware monitor

    VHS 1video home system, 2very high speed, 3virtual host storage

    VHSIC very high speed integrated circuit

    VI 1visual information, 2Virgin Islands, 3Visual Interactive (editor) [UNIX], 4visual identification mode

    VIABLE Vertical Installation Automated Baseline System (Army)

    vic vicinity

    VIC 1Vector-in-command model [simulation module], 2variable instruction computer, 3visibility of intransit cargo (Army), 4vulnerability/incident control

    VICD vendor item control drawing

    VICE [JP 1-02] advice

    VICTORS Variable intensity Computerized Training System

    VID 1virtual image display, 2visual identification

    VIDAC visual information display and control

    VIDAMP video amplifier

    VIDAT visual data acquisition

    VIDF video frequency

    VIDOC visual information documentation

    VIDSMAF visual information distribution system multi action forum

    VIE virtual information environment

    VIEP visual information equipment plan

    VIF 1virtual interface, 2virtual interrupt flag

    VIFF vectoring in forward flight

    VIM 1vendor independent mail, 2vendor independent messaging, 3video interface module

    VIMIS vertically integrated metal insulated semiconductor

    VIMOS vibration and noise monitoring system

    VIMS Vehicle Integrated Management System (USAF)

    VINES virtual networking system [Banyan]

    VINSON family of tactical secure voice equipment (e.g., KY58)

    VINT video integration

    VIO 1video input/output, 2virtual input/output

    ViP visual programming [Lotus]

    VIP 1variable information processing, 2visual information projection, 3video information processor, 4very important person, 5vehicle improvement program, 6video information provider, 7virtual interrupt pending, 8visual information processor (Honeywell)

    VIPER 1video processing and electrical reduction, 2verifiable integrated processor for enhanced reliability, 3[JP 1-02] vertical takeoff and landing integrated platform for extended reconnaissance

    VIPP variable information processing process

    VIPR versatile intelligence portable receiver

    VIPS voice interruption priority system

    VIQ variation in quantity

    VIR vulnerability/incident report
  20. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    VIRIN VI record identification number

    VIRNS velocity inertia radar navigation system

    vis 1[AR 310-50] visibility, 2[AR 310-50] visual

    VIS 1visual information specialist, 2visual instruction set [Sun], 3voice information system, 4video information system [Tandy], 5virtual instruction set [Sun], 6voice interactive system

    VISA [JP 4-01.2] voluntary intermodal shipping agreement

    VISC visual information support center

    VISIT visual survey of infantry troops

    VISMOD visual modification

    VISTA 1very intelligent surveillance and target acquisition, 2Variable In-flight Stability Simulator Test Aircraft [a modified F-16], 3visual imagery simulation training aid, 4visualization of intelligence supporting three-dimensional analysis

    VITAL variably initialized translator for algorithmic languages

    VITD vector interim terrain data

    VITS 1vertical interval test signal, 2VHDL initiative toward ASIC Library

    VJ HEADER Van Jacobsen Header (compression) [UNIX]

    VL 1video logic, 2vertical landing

    VL-bus (or VL-BUS) VESA local-bus

    VLA 1very large array, 2vertical launched ASROC, 3very low altitude, 4[JP 1-02] visual landing aid

    VLAGES Very Low Altitude Gravity Extraction System

    VLAN virtual local area network

    VLASROC vertical launch anti-submarine rocket (USN)

    VLB VESA local bus

    VLBI very long baseline interferometry

    VLC variable length code

    VLCS voltage logic, current switching

    VLD variable-length decoder

    VLED visible light-emitting diodes

    VLF 1variable field length, 2very low frequency (3 to 30 kHz), 3very long range, 4very large format

    VLI variable length integer

    VLINK visited link
    VLIW very large instruction word
    VLM virtual loadable module
    VLO very low observable
    VLR 1very long range, 2[JP 1-02] very-long-range aircraft, 3[AR 310-50] very long range
    VLS vertical launch system
    VLSI very large scale integration
    VLSIC very large scale integrated circuit
    VLSIPS very large scale immobilized polymer synthesis
    VLSISC very large scale integration socketing capability
    VLSTRACK vapor, liquid and solid tracking
    VLVS voltage-logic, voltage switching
    VLT variable list table
    VM 1velocity modulation, 2virtual machine, 3voltmeter, 4virtual memory
    VM/SP virtual machine/system product
    VMA 1[USMC] attack squadron, 2virtual memory address
    VMA-(AW) USMC all-weather attack squadron
    VMAAW [USMC] attack (all weather) squadron
    VMAQ [USMC] electronic warfare squadron
    VMAT USMC attack training squadron
    VMB 1virtual machine boot, 2video memory buffer, 3USMC bombardment squadron
    VMC visual meteorological conditions
    VMCJ USMC electronic warfare squadron
    VMD video motion detector
    VME 1VERSA Module Eurocard, 2virtual memory environment
    VMF 1variable message format, 2USMC fighter squadron, 3visibility management file
    VMFA [USMC] fighter-attack squadron
    VMFAT [USMC] fighter-attack training squadron
    VMFP [USMC] photo reconnaissance squadron
    VMGR [USMC] refueler-transport squadron
    VMI vendor managed inventory
    VMIU virtual memory interface unit (Honeywell)
    VMM 1virtual machine monitor, 2Virtual Machine Manager [OS/2], 3virtual memory manager, 4virtual machine manager
    VMMD vehicle mounted mine detector
    Vmo maximum permitted operating speed
    VMO [USMC] observation squadron
    VMOS 1virtual memory operating system, 2vertical metal oxide semiconductor (also V-MOS) (see MOS, sense 4)
    VMP virtual modem protocol
    VMR volume movement report(s)
    VMS 1virtual memory [operating] system [DEC], 2voice message system, 3voice mail system
    VMT virtual memory technique
    VMTSS virtual machine time sharing system
    VMU voice message unit
    VMX 1voice mail, 2voice message exchange
    VNA virtual network architecture
    VNCM [AR 310-50] Vietnam Campaign Medal
    VNIR very near infrared
    VNRT very-near-real-time
    VNTK [JP 1-02] target vulnerability indicator designating degree of hardness; susceptibility of blast; and K-factor
    VO 1validation office, 2[AR 310-50] verbal orders
    VOA 1velocity of arrival, 2visual optical countermeasures, 3[AR 310-50] Voice of America
    VOC 1voice operated coder, 2Creative Voice (format) [Sound Blaster], 3volatile organic compound
    VOCG [AR 310-50] verbal orders of commanding general
    VOCO [AR 310-50] verbal orders of commanding officer
    VOCODER 1voice-operated coder, 2voice coder, 3voice-operated code
    VOCOM voice communication
    VOCS [AR 310-50] verbal orders of the Chief of Staff
    VOCU [JP 1-02] voice orderwire control unit
    VOD 1video on demand, 2vertical on-board delivery
    VODACOM voice data communications
    VODAS voice-operated anti-sing device
    VODAT voice-operated device for automatic transmission
    VODER voice operation demonstrator
    VODP [AR 310-50] verbal orders by direction of the President
    VOICECON [AR 310-50] telephone conference
    VOIS visual observation instrumentation subsystem
    VOLERE voluntary/legal/regulatory
    vol 1[AR 310-50] volume, 2[AR 310-50] volunteer
    VOL 1volume, 2[JP 1-03.17] volunteer
    VOLAR [AR 310-50] Volunteer Army
    VOLS [JP 1-02] vertical optical landing system
    VOLTAN voltage amperage normalizer
    VOM volt-ohm meter
    VON 1voice over the net, 2video over the net, 3AUTOVON, 4virtual on net service
    VOO vehicle operation officer
    VOQ visiting officer quarters
    VOR 1very-high-frequency omidirectional radio range, 2visions of reality, 3visual omnirange radio, 4visual operating restrictions
    VOR-DME variable omni-range distance measuring equipment
    VORTAC VHF omni range and tactical air navigation
    VOS 1verbal operating system, 2voice operating system, 3voice operated switch, 4virtual operating system
    VOSA [AR 310-50] verbal orders of Secretary of the Army
    VOTA vibration open test assembly
    VOTAG [AR 310-50] verbal orders of The Adjutant General
    Vox voice keying or activation
    VOX 1voice-operated relay circuit, 2voice-operated transmitter keyer, 3voice extension
    vp variable pitch (propeller)
    VP 1vent pipe, 2vertical polarization, 3vulnerable point, 4[USN] patrol squadron, 5virtual path, 6vital point, 7vulnerable point, 8virtual prototyping
    VPB [CJCSI 6271.01] version planning board
    VPD 1virtual printer device, 2vital product data [IBM], 3[CJCSI 6271.01] version planning document
    VPDN virtual private data network
    VPDS virtual private data service [MCI]
    VPE 1video port extensions [Microsoft], 2visual programming environment
    VPF vector product format
    VPI virtual path identifier
    VPIP Vinson/Parkhill Implementation Plan
    VPK [AR 310-50] vehicle per kilometer
    VPL virtual programming language
    VPM 1vehicles per mile, 2volts per mile, 3video port manager, 4virtual parallel machine
    VPMOS [AR 310-50] verified primary military occupational specialty
    VPN 1virtual page number, 2virtual private network [Microsoft]
    VPO virtual projection origin
    VPP volume purchase plan [Adobe]
    VPR 1virtual PPI reflectoscope, 2[AR 310-50] voluntary price reduction
    VPRESSVB [AR 310-50] Vice-Presidential Service Badge
    VPRF variable pulse repetition frequency
    VPS 1voice processing system, 2Vanguard Planning Summary, 3video processing system
    VPSC vault, process, structure, configuration
    VPT virtual print technology [Dataproducts]
    VPTS voice processing training system
    VPWPU SAFE Four Echelon Wartime Casualty System
    VPX video pixel
    VQ 1fleet air reconnaissance squadron, 2USN electronic reconnaissance squadron, 3shore based recon aircraft (USN)
    Vr rotation speed
    VR 1virtual reality, 2voltage regulator, 3voltage relay, 4fleet logistics support squadron, 5voice recognition, 6voltage regulated, 7volunteer reserve, 8variability reduction
    VRAM video random access memory
    VRB 1VHF recovery beacon, 2[AR 310-50] variable reenlistment bonus
    VRC 1vertical redundancy check, 2visual record computer, 3fleet logistics support (COD) squadron, 4viewing reference coordinate, 5voice response controller, 6vehicle radio communications
    VRE voltage regulated extended
    VRF 1visual recording facility, 2USN transport wing
    VRFWS [AR 310-50] vehicle rapid fire weapon system
    VRGC [AR 310-50] voucher register and general control
    VRM voltage regulator module
    VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language (originally named Virtual Reality Markup Language)
    VROOMM Virtual Real-time Object Oriented Memory Manager [Borland]
    VRP viewing reference point
    VRR visual radio range
    VRS vendor rating system
    VRSA voice-reporting signal assembly
    VRT voltage regulation technology [Intel]
    VRU 1voice response unit, 2version/release/update
    Vs stalling speed
    VS 1vacuum switch, 2variable speed, 3variable sweep, 4virtual storage, 5voltmeter switch, 6[USN] air anti-submarine squadron, 7video switch, 8vestigial sideband, 9[JP 1-02] sector single-unit
    VS&PT [JP 1-02] vehicle summary and priority table
    VSA 1virtual server architecture, 2virtual storage access, 3validity and statistical analysis subsystem
    VSAM 1virtual sequential access method, 2virtual storage access method, 3virtual system access method [IBM]
    VSAT very small aperture terminal
    VSB vestigal sideband
    VSC vibration safety cutoff
    VSCF variable-speed-constant frequency
    VSD 1vehicle sub-depot, 2vertical situation display, 3video symbology display, 4video teleconference saving database, 5[AR 310-50] vendor's shipping document
    VSE 1virtual system extended, 2virtual storage extended
    VSF vertical scanning frequency
    VSI 1vertical speed indicator, 2virtual socket interface, 3[AR 310-50] very seriously ill
    VSII very seriously ill or injured
    VSIO virtual serial input output
    VSL variable safety level
    VSLI very large scale integration
    VSM 1vestigal sideband modulation, 2virtual shared memory, 3virtual storage management, 4visual system management [IBM], 5[AR 310-50] Vietnam Service Medal
    VSMF visual search microfilm file
    VSMOS [AR 310-50] verified secondary military occupational specialty
    VSN volume serial number
    VSOS virtual storage operating system
    VSP [JP 1-02] voice selection panel
    VSR [JP 1-02] sector single-unit radar
    VSS 1visual source save [Microsoft], 2vehicle systems simulator, 3video shooting system, 4video signal simulator
    VSSSN [AR 310-50] verification status social security number
    VST 1virtual studio technology [Steinberg], 2VINSON subscriber terminal
    VSTOL vertical/short takeoff and landing
    VSW verification software
    VSWR voltage standing wave ratio
    VSYNC vertical sync
    VT 1vacuum tube, 2variable time, 3video tape, 4Vermont, 5voice tube, 6[USN] training squadron 7vertical tab, 8variable time (proximity) fuse, 9virtual terminal, 10vehicle teleoperation
    VTA [JP 4-05] voluntary tanker agreement
    VTAADS [AR 310-50] Vertical TAADS (The Army Authorization Documents System)
    VTAM 1virtual telecommunications access method, 2virtual terminal access method (IBM)
    VTAS Visual Target Acquisition System [a helmet sight]
    VTC 1video teleconference, 2Video Teleconferencing System (PACAF), 3video teleconferencing capability, 4[TTPIO-ABCS] video teleconference center
    VTCA Victim of Terrorism Compensation Act
    VTCN video telecommunication conferencing network
    VTCS vehicular traffic control system
    VTD vertical tape display
    VTF vertical test facility
    VTL variable threshold logic
    VTM 1voltage tunable magnetron, 2verification team manager
    VTO voltage tuned oscillator
    VTOC visual table of contents
    VTOL vertical take off and landing
    VTOL-UAV [JP 1-02] vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle
    VTP virtual terminal protocol
    VTR 1video tape recording, 2voice tape recorded, 3[AR 310-50] video tape recorder
    VTS 1virtual terminal service, 2variable tracking strategy, 3video target simulator, 4video teleseminar, 5[CJCSI 6130.01] vessel traffic service
    VTT 1video teletraining, 2video target trainer
    VTVM vacuum tube voltmeter
    VU 1volume unit, 2vehicle unit, 3voice unit
    VUA [AR 310-50] Valorous Unit Award
    VUCA volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity
    VUE visual user environment [HP]
    VUI video user interface
    VUNC [AR 310-50] Voice of United Nations Command
    VUP VAX unit of performance
    VUTS verification unit test set
    VV&A verification, validation and accreditation
    VV&C verification, validation, and certification
    VVA verification, validation, accreditation
    VVC voltage variable capacitor
    VVTIC [TR 350-70] video teletraining instructor training course
    VWB Visual WorkBench [Microsoft]
    VWL variable word length
    VX [USN] air test and evaluation squadron
    VxD virtual extended driver [Microsoft]
    VXE [USN] Antarctic development squadron
    VXN [USN
  21. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    Index Military Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations

    U 1unclassified, 2up, 3aircraft symbol - utility, 4[JP 1-02] wind speed

    U&S unified and specified

    U&S Command Unified and Specified command (EurCom, purple)

    U.S. United States [of America]

    U.S. TAG United States Technical Advisory Board

    U.S.C. United States Code

    U-2 strategic reconnaissance aircraft

    U/C [JP 1-02] upconverter

    U/I 1urban/industrial, 2unit of issue

    U/P unit price

    U/R 1underrange, 2up range

    U/RM utilities/recurring maintenance (allowance)

    u/s unserviceable

    UA 1user agent, 2unnumbered acknowledge, 3user area, 4user availability, 5[AR 310-50] uniform allowance

    UA&A user authentication and authorization

    UAAP USAREUR Automation Architecture Plan

    UAC unit advisory council

    UAD updated authorization document

    UADPS uniform automatic data processing system

    UADPS-ICP unified automated data processing system inventory control points (USN)

    UADPS-SP unified automated data processing system stock points (USN)

    UAE unrecoverable application error

    UAF 1user authorization facility, 2unit authorization file

    UAL 1unit authorization list, 2unfounded actuarial liability

    UAM [AR 310-50] underwater to air missile

    UAMHS user-oriented automated message handling system

    UAMS USEUCOM Alert Management System

    UAP user acceptance program

    UAPI uniform application program interface

    UAR [JP 3-50.2] unconventional assisted recovery

    UARM [JP 3-50.3] unconventional assisted recovery mechanism

    UARS upper atmosphere research satellite (NASA)

    UART universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter

    UARV unmanned air reconnaissance vehicles (USAF)

    UAS unit activation schedule

    UASTAS Unmanned Airborne Surveillance and Target Acquisition System

    UAT user acceptance test

    UAV unmanned aerial vehicle

    UAV GCS unmanned aerial vehicle ground control station

    UAV MPCS unmanned aerial vehicle short range mission planning and control station

    UAV-A/EXJAM Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Air expendable jammer

    UAV-C Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – close

    UAV-CR Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – Close Range

    UAV-E Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – Endurance

    UAV-G/EXJAM unmanned aerial vehicle ground expendable jammer

    UAV-JPO Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Joint Project Office

    UAV-SR Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – Short Range

    UAVM Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Maneuver (Army)

    UAW universal access workstation

    UB undistributed budget

    UBA 1UniBus Adapter, 2underwater breathing apparatus

    UBC 1Uniform Building Code, 2universal buffer controller

    UC 1unit call, 2under construction, 3unit cost

    UCA 1uniform chart of accounts, 2undefinitized contractual action(s)

    UCAMIS Uniform Chart of Accounts Management Information System

    UCAMS Undefinitized Contractual Action Management System

    UCC 1unit control center, 2Uniform Commercial Code, 3[TR 350-70] unified combatant commands

    UCCIS USAREUR Command and Control Information System

    UCCS 1universal camera control system, 2USEUCOM Command Center System

    UCF uniform contract format

    UCI 1unclassified controlled information (usn), 2user computer interface

    UCL 1upper confidence level, 2universal communications language

    UCMD unified command

    UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice

    UCML unit committed munitions list

    UCMS Unit Capability Measurement System (HQ USAF)

    UCN unit command net

    UCNI unclassified controlled nuclear information

    UCO 1unstructured complex object, 2undefinitized change order

    UCODES [AR 310-50] United Identification System Report

    UCOM unified command

    UCOT 1uncompensated overtime, 2use of uncompensated overtime

    UCP 1unified command plan, 2UIR change proposal, 3uniform custom and practice

    UCR unit cost report

    UCS 1unicode conversion support, 2universal character set, 3user coordinate system, 4universal multiple octet coded character set

    UCT 1universal coordinated time, 2unit cost target, 3[JP 1-02] underwater construction team

    UCU ultra capacity unit

    UCW unit control word

    UD 1user dependability, 2[AR 310-50] undesirable discharge

    UDA urgent deployment acquisition

    UDB 1Unified Database for Acquisition Logistics, 2up data buffer

    UDC 1user defined commands, 2universal decimal classification, 3undefinitized document control, 4[JP 1-02] unit descriptor code

    UDE universal data exchange

    UDEC unitized digital electronic calculator

    UDESC [JP 1-02] unit description

    UDF 1universal disk format [OSTA], 2user defined functions, 3unducted fan, 4unit development folder

    UDFAM user defined file access memory Computers and data processing

    UDG user defined gateway

    UDHS [AR 310-50] unit demand history summary

    UDL 1unit designation list, 2up data link, 3unclassified data link

    UDLP 1united defense limited partnership, 2united defense logistic partner

    UDM unit deployment manager

    UDMU universal decoder memory unit

    UDO undefinitized delivery order

    UDOFFT universal digital operational flight trainer

    UDOP UHF doppler

    UDP 1user data protocol, 2[JP 1-02] unit deployment program

    UDR universal data repository

    UDR&E [JP 1-02] Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering

    UDS 1user display system, 2universal document system, 3universal documentation system

    UDT 1uniform data transfer, 2underwater demolition team

    UE 1user equipment, 2unit equipment, 3[AR 310-50] unit exhausted

    UEE [AR 310-50] unit essential equipment

    UEP unequal error protection

    UEPR unsatisfactory equipment performance report

    UES UCCIS engineer subsystem (Army)

    UET [AR 310-50] universal engineer tractor

    UEU universal exciter upgrade

    UF 1ultrasonic frequency, 2unavailability factor, 3[AR 310-50] unit of fire

    UFA [AR 310-50] until further advised

    UFAS 1unified file access system, 2Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard

    UFC uniform freight classification

    UFCC uniform freight classification code

    UFD 1user functional description, 2universal firing device

    UFI user friendly interface

    UFM 1unintentional frequency modulation, 2USAFE Forms Mode

    UFN until further notice

    UFO [JP 1-02] UHF (ultra high frequency) Follow-on Satellite System

    UFP 1unit flyaway price, 2unit focal point

    UFR 1unfinanced requirement, 2underfrequency relay, 3unsatisfactory feature report

    UFS UNIX File System

    UFT 1undergraduate flying training, 2unified file transfer

    UG 1user group, 2urban guerrilla

    UGHW universal ground handling wheel

    UGM underwater-launched, guided ground-to-ground missile

    ugnd [AR 310-50] underground

    UGS unattended ground sensor

    UGT 1underground test, 2upgrade training

    UGV, UAV unmanned ground and aerial vehicles

    UGV/S JPO Unmanned Ground Vehicles/System Joint Project Office

    UH [AR 310-50] utility helicopter

    UH-1 Iroquois

    UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter

    UHA [AR 310-50] ultra high altitude

    UHB ultra-high bypass

    UHC [AR 310-50] under honorable conditions

    UHF ultra high frequency (300 MHz – 3 GHz)

    UHT ultra high temperature

    UHV 1ultra high voltage, 2[JP 3-07.4] Upper Huallaga Valley

    UI 1UNIX International, 2user interface, 3unit of issue

    UI/UM price unit of issue/unit of measure price

    UIC 1urban industrial complex, 2unit identification code

    UICIO [JP 1-02] unit identification code information officer

    UICP uniform inventory control program

    UID 1user identifier, 2user interface description

    UIF unfavorable information file

    UIL user interface language

    UIMS user interface management system

    UIN unit identification number

    UIR user interface requirement

    UIRV [JP 1-02] unique interswitch rekeying variable

    UIS 1user interface specification, 2upper information system, 3[JP 1-02] Unit Identification System

    UJC urgency justification codes

    UJT unijunction transistor

    UJTL universal joint task list
  22. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    UK United Kingdom

    UK(I) [JP 3-08] United Kingdom and Ireland

    UKB [AR 310-50] universal keyboard

    UL 1unit level, 2Underwriters Laboratory, 3unordered list, 4upload

    ULA 1unit level automation program, 2uncommitted logic array

    ULANA unified local area network architecture

    ULB universal logic block

    ULC 1unit location code, 2universal logic circuit, 3unit level code, 4unit level computer, 5unit load container, 6upper left caption

    ULCC EUCOM Logistics Coordination Cell

    ULCE unified life-cycle engineering

    ULCS unit level circuit switch (TRI-TAC)

    ULDEST [AR 310-50] ultimate destination

    ULF ultra low frequency (300 – 0 Hz)

    ULLS unit-level logistics system

    ULM 1universal logic module, 2ultra light motorized (aircraft)

    ULMS unit level message switch

    ULN 1[DoD] unit line number, 2universal link negotiation

    ULO unliquidated obligation

    ULP 1upper layer protocol, 2unfair labor practices

    ULR USAREUR logistics review

    ULS unit level switch

    ULSA ultra low sidelobe antenna (USAF)

    ULSDS ultra-large screen display system

    ULSI ultra large scale integration

    ULSP USAREUR Logistics Support Plan

    ULSS user logistic support summary

    ULTRA-X universal language for typographical reproduction applications

    UM 1users manual, 2unit of measurement, 3unit of measure, 4utilization management

    UMA 1universal measuring amplifier, 2unified memory architecture, 3unified memory access, 4upper memory area [Microsoft], 5unusual military activities, 6[AR 310-50] unscheduled maintenance action

    UMAD [AR 310-50] Umatilla Army Depot

    UMASS unlimited machine access from scattered sites

    UMB upper memory block

    UMC 1unit movement coordinator, 2unit movement code, 3[AR 310-50] unit mail clerk, 4[AR 310-50] unit manning report

    UMCP unit maintenance collection point

    UMD 1unit manning document, 2unit movement data, 3unmatched disbursements, 4unit manpower document

    UMERS uniform medical expense

    UMF unit materiel fielding

    UMI 1user MAN (metropolitan area network) interface, 2[AR 310-50] unit movement indicator

    UMIB [JP 1-02] urgent marine information broadcast

    UML [AR 310-50] universal mission load

    UMLA universal multi line adapter

    UMMIPS Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System

    UMMIS UCCIS Medical Management Information Subsystem (USAREUR)

    UMPR unit personnel management roster

    UMPS Unit Mission Planning System (SAC)

    UMR unsatisfactory materiel report

    UMS universal military simulator

    UMT 1universal military training, 2unit mobility tasking, 3unit ministry team

    UMTA [AR 310-50] Urban Mass Transportation Administration

    UMTBCF user mean time between critical failure

    UMTBDE user mean time between downing event

    UMTE unmanned threat emitter

    UMTS [AR 310-50] universal military training and service

    UMTTRF user mean time to restore function

    UMTTRS user mean time to restore system

    UN United Nations

    UNAAF Unified Action Armed Forces

    UNACE universal aircraft com/nav evaluation

    unalot [AR 310-50] unallotted

    UNAMACE universal automatic map compilation equipment

    UNAS Universal Network Architecture Service

    unasged [AR 310-50] unassigned

    unauthd [AR 310-50] unauthorized

    UNC 1United Nations Command (Korea), 2universal naming convention, 3Unencoded Netnews Collator [UNIX]

    unclas [AR 310-50] unclassified

    UNCLAS unclassified

    UNCMAC [AR 310-50] United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission

    UNCOL universal computer-oriented language

    UNCR [AR 310-50] United Nations Command (Rear)

    UNCTAD United Nation Conference on Trade and Development

    UNCURK [AR 310-50] United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea

    UND urgency of need designator

    undetm [AR 310-50] undetermined

    UNDEX underwater explosives

    UNDHA United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs

    UNDOF [AR 310-50] United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

    UNDP United Nations Development Program

    UNDPKO [JP 3-08] United Nations Department for Peacekeeping Operations

    UNEF [JP 3-07.3] United Nations Emergency Force

    UNEP [JP 3-08] United Nations Environment Program

    unfav [AR 310-50] unfavorable

    UNFICYP United Nations Forces in Cyprus

    UNFO undergraduate flight officer

    UNFURNOTE [AR 310-50]until further notice

    UNHCR [JP 3-08] United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees

    UNI user-network interface

    UNICEF [JP 3-08] United Nations Children's Fund

    UNICOM universal integrated communication (system)

    UNICOMP universal compiler

    UNICON unidensity coherent light recording

    UNICOS universal compiler FORTRAN compatible

    unif [AR 310-50] uniform

    UNIFIL [JP 3-07.3] United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

    UNII unlicensed national information infrastructure

    UNIPOL universal procedures oriented language

    unit generating unit

    UNITAF [JP 1-02] unified task force

    UNITAR [JP 3-08] United Nations Institute for Training and Research

    UNITRAC 1universal trajector compiler, 2unit tracking function (NWSS)

    UNITREP unit status and identity report (formerly FORSTAT)

    UNITREPCSRC UNITREP System Chief of Staff's Readiness Chart (HQ USAF)

    univ [AR 310-50] universal, [AR 310-50] university

    UNIVAC universal automatic computer

    UNIX computer operating system (AT&T Bell Laboratories Operating System)

    unk [AR 310-50] unknown

    UNK unknown(s)

    UNK/UNKS unknown unknowns

    UNKRA [AR 310-50] United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency

    unliq [AR 310-50] unliquidated

    UNLOC [JP 3-07.3] United Nations Logistics Course

    UNM [AR 310-50] United Nations Medal

    UNMA unified network management architecture

    UNMILPOC [JP 3-07.3] United Nations Military Police Course

    UNMOC [JP 3-07.3] United Nations Military Observers Course

    UNMOGIP [AR 310-50] United Nations Military Observed Group in India and Pakistan

    UNMOVCC [JP 3-07.3] United Nations Movement Control Course

    UNMSC [AR 310-50] United Nations Military Staff Committee

    UNO [JP 1-02] unit number

    UNODIR unless otherwise directed

    UNOGIL [AR 310-50] United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon

    UNOLS upgrade nuclear ordnance logistics system

    unpd [AR 310-50] unpaid

    UNPROFOR United Nations protection force

    UNPS universal power supply

    unqual [AR 310-50] unqualified

    UNREF [AR 310-50] United Nations Refugee Fund

    UNREP [JP 4-01.2] underway replenishment

    UNREP CONSOL [JP 4-01.2] underway replenishment consolidation

    UNRWA [JP 3-08] United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, [AR 310-50] United Nations Relief and Works Agency

    unsat [AR 310-50] unsatisfactory

    UNSC [JP 1-02] United Nations Security Council

    UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission [Iraq]

    UNSECNAV Under Secretary of the Navy

    UNSFH [AR 310-50] United Nations Security Forces, Hollandia

    UNSM [AR 310-50] United Nations Service Medal

    UNSOC [JP 3-07.3] United Nations Staff Officers Course

    unsvc [AR 310-50] unserviceable

    UNT undergraduate navigation training

    UNTAG [AR 310-50] United Nations Transition Assistance Group

    UNTSG [AR 310-50] United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Observers

    UNTSO [JP 3-07.3] United Nations Truce and Supervision Organization

    UO 1undefinitized option, 2[AR 310-50] undelivered orders

    UOC 1useable on code, 2ultimate operating frequency

    UOES user operational evaluation system

    UOF unplanned outage factor

    UOH unplanned outage hours

    UOHC [AR 310-50] under less then honorable conditions

    UOO undelivered order outstanding

    UOR 1urgent operational requirements, 2unplanned outage rate

    UORS unusual occurrence report

    UOS [AR 310-50] undelivered order schedule

    UP 1unsolicited proposal, 2update processor, 3utility path, 4uniprocessor, 5[FM 101-5-1] Ukraine, 6[AR 310-50] under provisions of, 7[AR 310-50] unit price

    UP&TT [JP 1-02] unit personnel and tonnage table

    UPA unpaired contract action
  23. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    USARSO-PR [AR 310-50] United States Army Forces, Southern Command - Puerto Rico

    USARSUPTHAI [AR 310-50] United States Army Support, Thailand

    USART universal synchronous-asynchronous receiver/transmitter

    USAS United States of America Standard

    USASAALA [AR 310-50] United States Army Security Assistance Agency, Latin America

    USASAC 1United States Army Security Assistance Command, 2United States Army Security Affairs Command, 3United States Army Security Assistance Center

    USASAC-NC United States Army Security Assistance Command, New Cumberland

    USASACDA [AR 310-50] United States Army Security Agency Combat Development Activity

    USASACDSA [AR 310-50] United States Army Security Agency Command Data Systems Activity

    USASAE [AR 310-50] United States Army Security Agency, Europe

    USASAPAC [AR 310-50] United States Army Security Agency, Pacific

    USASASA [AR 310-50] United States Army Security Agency Systems Activity

    USASASSA [AR 310-50] United States Army Security Agency Signal Security Activity

    USASATCOMA United States Army Satellite Communications Agency

    USASATEC [AR 310-50] United States Army Security Agency Test and Evaluation Center

    USASC United States Army Safety Center

    USASC&FG United States Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon

    USASCAF [AR 310-50] United States Army Service Center for the Armed Forces

    USASCH [AR 310-50] United States Army Support Command, Hawaii

    USASCII United States of America Standard Code for Information Interchange

    USASD [AR 310-50] United States Army student detachment

    USASDC United States Army Strategic Defense Command

    USASESS [AR 310-50] United States Army Southwestern Signal School

    USASETAF [AR 310-50] United States Army Southern European Task Force

    USASEXC [AR 310-50] United States Armed Services Exploitation Center

    USASG (AUS) [AR 310-50] United States Army Standardization Group (Australia)

    USASG (CA) [AR 310-50] United States Army Standardization Group (Canada)

    USASG (UK) [AR 310-50] United States Army Standardization Group (United Kingdom)

    USASMA United States Army Sergeants Major Academy

    USASOC United States Army Special Operations Command

    USASOPAC [AR 310-50] United States Army Support Office, Pacific

    USASPO United States Army Space Program Office

    USASPSAE [AR 310-50] United States Army Special Services Agency, Europe

    USASPTAP [AR 310-50] United States Army Support Activity, Philadelphia

    USASPTCM [AR 310-50] United States Army Support Center, Memphis

    USASSC United States Army Soldier Support Center

    USASSC&FBH [AR 310-50] United States Army Soldier Support Center and Fort Benjamin Harrison

    USASSDC United States Army Space and Strategic Defense Command

    USASSG [AR 310-50] United States Army Special Security Group

    USASTC United States Army Signal Training Center

    USATA (WH) [AR 310-50] United States Army Transportation Agency (White House)

    USATALS [AR 310-50] United States Army Transportation and Aviation Logistics Schools

    USATC United States Army training center

    USATC Armor [AR 310-50] United States Army Training Center, Armor (fort Knox, KY)

    USATC FA [AR 310-50] United States Army Training Center, Field Artillery (Fort Sill OK)

    USATC Inf [AR 310-50] United States Army training Center, Infantry (Fort Dix, NJ) (Fort Jackson, SC) (Fort Ord, CA) (Fort Polk, LA)

    USATCEFLW [AR 310-50] United States Army Training Center, Engineer and Fort Leonard Wood

    USATCEUR [AR 310-50] United States Army Terminal Command Europe

    USATCFE [AR 310-50] United States Army Transportation Center and Fort Eustis

    USATDGL [AR 310-50] United States Army Terminal Detachment, Great Lakes

    USATEA United States Army Transportation Engineering Agency

    USATEC United States Army Topographic Engineering Center

    USATESAE United States Army Test Equipment Support Agency

    USATHAMA United States Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency

    USATIC United States Army Technology Integration Center

    USATMACE [AR 310-50] United States Army Traffic Management Agency, Central Europe

    USATMC [AR 310-50] United States Army troop medical clinic

    USATOPOCOM [AR 310-50] United States Army Topographical Command

    USATRADOC United States Army Training and Doctrine Command

    USATRASANA [AR 310-50] United States Army TRADOC Systems Analysis Activity

    USATRFSTA [AR 310-50] United States Army transfer station

    USATSA [AR 310-50] United States Army Technical Support Activity

    USATSC 1United States Army Training Support Center, 2United States Army Terrestrial Sciences Center

    USATSCH United States Army Transportation School

    USATTAY [AR 310-50] United States Army Transportation Test Activity, Yuma

    USATTC [AR 310-50] United States Army Tropic Test Center

    USATUC [AR 310-50] United States Army Terminal Unit, Canaveral

    USAWC 1United States Army War College, 2United States Army Weapons Command

    USAWES [AR 310-50] United States Army Waterways Experiment Station

    USB 1upper sideband, 2universal serial bus [Intel]

    USBE unified S-band equipment

    USBP [JP 3-07.4] United States Border Patrol

    USBRO United States Bases Requirements Overseas (WWMCCS®)

    USBS unified S-band system [tracking]

    USC 1Unit Source Listing (AFCC), 2United States Code, 3unit security code, 4[AR 310-50] under separate cover

    USCEEIA United States Army Communications – Electronics Engineering Installation Agency

    USCENTAF 1United States Central Command Tactical Air Force, 2[JP 1-02] United States Central Command Air Forces

    USCENTCOM United States Central Command

    USCG United States Coast Guard

    USCGA [AR 310-50] United States oast Guard Academy

    USCGNET United States Communications Grid Network

    USCGR United States Coast Guard Reserve

    USCIIC [AR 310-50] United States civilian internee information center

    USCIIC (Br) [AR 310-50] branch United States civilian internee information center

    USCINCACOM [JP 3-08] Commander in Chief, United States Atlantic Command

    USCINCAFRED United States Commander-in-Chief, Air Force Readiness Command

    USCINCARRED United States Commander in Chief, Army Forces Readiness Command

    USCINCCENT Commander-in-Chief, United States Central Command

    USCINCEUR United States Commander-in-Chief, European Command

    USCINCLANT United States Commander In Chief, Atlantic Command

    USCINCMEAFSA [AR 310-50] United States Commander in Chief Middle East, Southern Asia, and Africa South of the Sahara

    USCINCPAC Commander-in-Chief, United States Pacific Command

    USCINCRED United States Commander-in-Chief, Readiness Command

    USCINCSO Commander-in-Chief, United States Southern Command

    USCINCSOC Commander In Chief. United States Special Operations Command

    USCINCSPACE [JP 1-02] Commander in Chief, United States Space Command

    USCINCSTRAT [JP 1-02] Commander in Chief, United States Strategic Command

    USCINCTRANS [JP 1-02] Commander in Chief, United States Transportation Command

    USCMA [AR 310-50] United States Court of Military Appeals

    USCOB [AR 310-50] United States Commander Berlin

    USCS 1United States Customs Service, 2[JP 2-02] United States Cryptologic System

    USD 1ultimate strength design, 2Under Secretary of Defense

    USD(A) Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition)

    USD(A&T) Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology)

    USD(C) Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)

    USD(P) Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)

    USD(P&R) Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)

    USD(R&E) Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering

    USDA 1United States Department of Agriculture, 2Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition

    USDA&T [JP 1-02] Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology

    USDAO [JP 1-02] United States Defense Attaché Office

    USDB [AR 310-50] United States disciplinary barracks

    USDCFO United States Defense Communications Field Office

    USDEL United States delegation

    USDELLADB [AR 310-50] United States Delegation, Inter-America Defense Board

    USDELMC [JP 1-02] United States Delegation to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Military Committee

    USDELMR [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, Missouri River

    USDELMV [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, Lower Mississippi Valley

    USDELNA [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, North Atlantic

    USDELNC [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, North Control

    USDELNE [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, New England

    USDELNP [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, North Pacific

    USDELOR [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, Ohio River

    USDELPO [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, Pacific Ocean
  24. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    USDELSA [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, South America

    USDELSP [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, South Pacific

    USDELSW [AR 310-50] United States Army Engineer Division, Southwestern

    USDH United States direct hire

    USDLGI [AR 310-50] United States Defense Liaison Group, Indonesia

    USDLO United States Defense Liaison Office

    USDOCOLAND-SOUTHEAST [AR 310-50] United States Document Office, Allied Land Forces - Southwestern Europe

    USDP 1Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, 2United States disclosure policy

    USDR United States defense representative

    USDR&E Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OSD)

    USDSEA [AR 310-50] United States Dependent Schools, European Area

    USE 1unit support equipment, 2UNIVAC systems exchange

    usea [AR 310-50] undersea

    USEC united system of electronic computers

    USEIT user system evaluation and integration tool

    USELEMNORAD [JP 1-02] United States Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command

    USENET User's Network [Internet]

    USEP [AR 310-50] United States Escapee Program

    USER ultra submicron electronic research

    USER ID 1user sign on, 2[AR 310-50] user identification

    USERID user identification

    USES United States Employment Service

    USESSA [AR 310-50] United States Environmental Science Service Administration

    USEUCOM United States European Command

    USFJ United States Forces, Japan

    USFK United States Forces, Korea

    USFORAZ [AR 310-50] United States Forces in Azores

    USFORAZORES [JP 1-02] United States Forces Azores

    USFS 1United States Frequency Standard, 2[JP 3-07.4] United States Forest Service

    USFWS [JP 3-07.4] United States Fish and Wildlife Service

    USG United States Government

    USGCA United States Coast Guard Academy

    USGEID United States Government equipment identification

    USGLI [AR 310-50] United States Government Life Insurance

    USGR United States Government report

    USGRDR United States Government research and development report

    USGS United States Geological Survey

    USI user-system interface

    USIA United States Information Agency

    USIC 1United States International Carrier, 2[JP 3-07.4] United States Interdiction Coordinator

    USICA United States International Communication Agency

    USIDF United States Icelandic Defense Forces

    USIS 1United States Imagery System, 2[JP 3-07.4] United States Information Service

    USITC United States International Trade Commission

    USJTF [AR 310-50] United States joint task force

    USJUWTF [AR 310-50] United States Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force

    USKAC United States Key Access Code

    USL upper specification limit

    USLANTCOM United States Atlantic Command

    USLANTFLT [JP 1-02] United States Atlantic Fleet

    USLO 1United States liaison office, 2[JP 1-02] United States Liaison Officer

    USM 1unscheduled maintenance, 2user security matrix, 3user support management, 4[AR 310-50] underwater-to-surface missile

    USMA United States Military Academy [West Point]

    USMAPS [AR 310-50] United States Military Preparatory School

    USMARFORCENT [JP 1-02] United States Marine Component, United States Central Command

    USMARFORLANT [JP 1-02] United States Marine Component, United States Atlantic Command

    USMARFORPAC [JP 1-02] United States Marine Component, United States Pacific Command

    USMARFORSOUTH [JP 1-02] United States Marine Component, United States Southern Command

    USMC United States Marine Corps

    USMCC United States Mission Control Center

    USMCEB United States Military Communications – Electronics Board

    USMCR United States Marine Corps Reserve

    USMCW [AR 310-50] United States Marine Corps, women

    USMEMILCOMUN [AR 310-50] United States Members, United Nations Military Staff

    USMER [JP 1-02] United States Merchant Ship Vessel Locator Reporting System

    USMILCOMUN [AR 310-50] United States Delegation, United Nations Military Staff Committee

    USMILGP [JP 1-02] United States Military Group

    USMILREP [JP 1-02] United States Military Representative

    USML United States munitions list

    USMLMCINCGSFG [AR 310-50] United States Military Liaison Mission to Commander in Chief, Group Soviet Forces, Germany

    USMMA United States Merchant Marine Academy

    USMPTC [AR 310-50] United States Modern Pentathlon Training Center

    USMS 1[JP 3-07.4] United States Marshals Service, 2[AR 310-50] United States Maritime Service

    USMSR United States Military Specifications Requirements

    USMTF United States message text format

    USMTM United States military training mission (SAO in Saudi Arabia)

    USMTMSA [AR 310-50] United States Military Training Mission to Saudi Arabia

    USN United States Navy

    USNA United States Naval Academy

    USNATO United States Mission to NATO

    USNAVCENT United States Naval Forces Central Command

    USNAVEUR United States Naval Forces Europe

    USNCB [JP 3-07.4] United States National Central Bureau (INTERPOL)

    USNH [AR 310-50] United States Naval hospital

    USNI United States Naval Institute

    USNMR United States National Military Representative (SHAPE)

    USNMTG [CJCSI 5705.01] US North Atlantic Treaty Organization Military Terminology Group

    USNR United States Naval Reserve (Ready)

    USNS [AR 310-50] United States Navy ship (civilian manned)

    USNSTN United States Naval School, Transportation Management

    USO United Services Organization

    USOC universal service ordering code

    USofA [AR 310-50] Under Secretary of the Army

    USOID [AR 310-50] United States overseas internal defense

    USOM [AR 310-50] United States Operations Mission

    USP unit sale price

    USP&FO 1United States property and fiscal officer, 2United States property and fiscal office

    USPACAF [JP 1-02] United States Air Forces, United States Pacific Command

    USPACFLT [JP 1-02] United States Pacific Fleet

    USPACOM United States Pacific Command

    USPFO United States property and fiscal officer

    USPHS [JP 4-05] United States Public Health Service

    USPS United States Postal Service

    USPWIC [AR 310-50] United States Prisoner of War Information Center

    USPWIC (Br) [AR 310-50] branch United States prisoner of war information center

    USQ unsqueezed (files)

    USR 1unit status report, 2user, 3unsatisfactory service report

    USREDCOM United States Readiness Command

    USREPMC [JP 1-02] United States Representative to the Military Committee (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

    USREPMILCOMUN [AR 310-50] United States Representative, United Nations Military Staff Committee

    USRNMC [AR 310-50] United States Representative to North Atlantic Treaty Organization Military Committee

    USRT universal synchronous receiver/transmitter

    USS 1United States Standard, 2United States ship, 3user support subsystem

    USSA 1User Supported Software Association (United Kingdom), 2[AR 310-50] United States Security Authority for North Atlantic Treaty Organization Affairs

    USSAH [AR 310-50] United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home

    USSDP [AR 310-50] Uniformed Services Savings Deposit Program

    USSECMILCOMUN [AR 310-50] The Secretary, United States Delegation United Nations Staff Committee

    USSID [AR 310-50] United States signals intelligence directive

    USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command

    USSOUTHAF [JP 1-02] United States Air Forces, United States Southern Command

    USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command

    USSP universal sensor signal processor

    USSPACECOM United States Space Command

    USSPC United States space part steering committees

    USSR United Soviet Socialist Republics (obsolete)

    USSS 1United States SIGINT System, 2United State Secret Service

    USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command

    UST 1UHF SATCOM terminals (ESD), 2undergraduate space training, 3USAFE Sortie Tables (USAF), 4underground storage tank

    USTF uniformed services treatment facilities

    USTR United States trade representative

    USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command

    USUC United States Unilateral Control

    USUHS Uniformed Services University of the Health Services

    USUN [JP 3-07.3] US Mission to the United Nations

    USUTC United States Unified Transportation Command

    USWACC [AR 310-50] United States Women's Army Corps Center

    USWACS [AR 310-50] United States Women's Army Corps School

    USWB United States Weather Bureau

    UT 1user test(ing), 2universal time, 3Utah, 4user terminal, 5ultrasonic test(ing), 6[JP 3-04.1] unit trainer

    UT&E user test and evaluation (Army)

    UT1 Universal Time

    UTA unit training assembly

    UTACCS USAREUR Tactical Command and Control System

    UTAD [AR 310-50] Utah Army Depot

    UTAIN USAFE Tactical Air Intelligence Network

    UTAIS USAFE Tactical Air Intelligence System

    UTC 1unified transportation command, 2unit type code, 3coordinated universal time

    UTD unit training device

    UTE 1utilization rate, 2flying hour utilization, 3universal test equipment, 4user terminal element

    UTE RATE utilization rate

    UTES [AR 310-50] unit training equipment site

    UTH USAREUR transportable host

    UTI universal text interchange/interface

    UTIC USAREUR Theater Intelligence Center

    util [AR 310-50] utility

    UTIP user test instrumentation plan

    UTM 1universal transverse Mercator [grid], 2universal test message, 3utility technical manual

    UTO 1Universal Time Observed, 2[TTPIO-ABCS] united task organization, 3[JP 1-02] unit table of organization

    UTP 1USAREUR Theater Plan, 2unshielded twisted-pair (cable)

    UTR uptake ratio

    UTROAA [AR 310-50] units to round out the Active Army

    UTS 1ultimate tensile strength, 2unified transfer system, 3universal test station, 4universal time sharing

    UTS-20 Universal Terminal System-20

    UTS-40 Universal Terminal System-40

    UTTAS [AR 310-50] utility tactical transport aircraft system

    UTTC universal tape-to-tape converter

    UTTCo utility tactical transport helicopter company

    UTTR Utah Test and Training Range

    UU 1uuencode/uudecode, 2user unit

    UUCP UNIX-to-UNIX copy

    UUD uudecoding [UNIX]

    UUE uuencoding [UNIX]

    UUENCODE UNIX-to-UNIX encoding

    UUI user-to-user information [AT&T]

    UUID universal unique identifier

    UUM submarine-launched, anti-submarine missile

    UUM-44A submarine rocket

    UUT unit under test

    UUV unmanned undersea vehicle

    UUX UNIX-to-UNIX execute

    UV 1ultraviolet, 2under voltage, 3unitary variant

    UVASER ultraviolet amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

    UVD undervoltage device

    UVEPROM [JP 1-02] ultraviolet erasable programmable read only memory

    UVPROM ultraviolet programmable read-only memory

    UW 1unconventional warfare, 2University of Wisconsin

    UWATU [AR 310-50] underway training unit

    UWB ultra-wideband

    UWC underwater communications

    UWM universal window manager

    UWOA [JP 4-02] unconventional warfare operating area

    uwtr [AR 310-50] underwater

    UXB [AR 310-50] unexploded bomb(s)

    UXO unexploded ordinance (bomb, warhead, munitions, etc.)

    UXOI [AR 310-50] unexploded ordnance incident

    UY 1unit years, 2[FM 101-5-1] Uruguay

    UZ [FM 101-5-1] Uzbekistan
  25. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    T 1tera- [prefix], 2transformer, 3aircraft symbol- trainer, 4trillion, 5[JP 1-02] search time available, 6[JP 1-02] trackline pattern, 7[JP 1-02] ton (short)

    T plan test plan

    T PROC test procedure specification

    T&A 1transcription and analysis, 2time and attendance [card or unit], 3test and adjustment

    T&C tracking and communication

    T&D 1training and development, 2test and diagnostic, 3transmission and distribution

    T&DE [JP 1-02] test and diagnostic equipment

    T&E test and evaluation

    T&EO training and evaluation outline

    T&M time and materials

    T&O test and operation

    T&P transportation and packaging

    T&TW test and training wing

    T&W targeting and weaponeering

    T-33A Shooting Star

    T-38A Talon

    T-41 Mescalero

    T-ACS [JP 1-02] tactical auxiliary crane ship

    T-AGOS [JP 3-07.4] tactical auxiliary general ocean surveillance

    T-AH [JP 1-02] hospital ship

    T-AKR [JP 1-02] fast logistics ship

    T-ASA television audio support activity

    T-CAN transportation – capability assessment net

    T-CON Training Constraints Aid

    T-day [JP 1-02] effective day coincident with Presidential declaration of a national emergency and authorization of partial mobilization

    T-H [AR 310-50] trans-hydro

    T-HOST WWMCCS® transportable host (USCENTCOM)

    T-MI training-modeling integration

    T-MIL transportation – mini information library

    T-MUX terminal multiplexer

    T-net [JP 1-02] training net

    T-RAP TRADOC Remedial Action Program

    T-SCRC TEMPEST Small Computer Requirements Contract

    T-VIT tactical video imaging terminal

    T/B top and bottom

    t/c thickness/chord ratio

    T/I TPFDD interface

    T/O 1take off, 2[JP 1-02] table of organization

    T/R transmit/receive

    T/RIA telemetry/range instrumented aircraft

    T/V 1threat/vulnerability, 2[JP 1-02] tank vessel

    T/W thrust / weight ratio

    T.O. [JP 1-02] technical order

    T1 A commercial circuit with a transmission rate of 1.544 Mbps.

    T2 [JP 2-01.2] technology transfer

    T2A total terrain avionics

    T2C3 1tactical command, control, and communications, 2theater command, control, and communications

    T2IWG teamed test integration working group

    T3 Joint Military Intelligence Training Center’s Train-the-Trainer Program

    T4C termination for convenience

    T4D termination for default

    TA 1transportability approval, 2target area, 3target acquisition, 4target audience, 5target [vacuum tube], 6technical advisor, 7turbulence amplifier, 8table of allowances, 9target analysis, 10terrain avoidance, 11theater army, 12time and attendance, 13traffic analysis, 14turnover agreement, 15technical assessment, 16traffic advisory, 17transition altitude,18table of allowances, 19target alert, 20technical analysis, 21technical architecture, 22type assistance

    TA ATD target acquisition ATD

    TA&CP [Department of Defense Intelligence Information System (DODIIS)] Technology Assessment and Control Plan

    TA&P theater assessments and planning (OSD)

    TA/CE technical analysis/cost estimate

    TA/CP technology assessment/control plan

    TAA 1technical area advisor, 2total active aircraft authorization, 3total Army analysis [1996 – 2001], 4technical assistance agreement, 5Trade Agreement Act, 6[JP 1-02] tactical assembly area

    TAAA total active aircraft authorization

    TAABS [AR 310-50] The Automated Army Budget System

    TAACOM 1theater army area command, 2Tank Automotive and Armament Command [Army]

    TAACS Tactical Airlift Accomplishments and Commitments System (USAFE/MAC)

    TAADS the Army Authorization Document System

    TAADS-R the Army Authorization Document System – Redesign

    TAADS(R) the Army Authorization Document System (Reddesigned)

    TAAF test, analyze and fix

    TAAI total active aircraft inventory

    TAALS [AR 310-50] The Judge Advocate General Automated Army Legal System

    TAAM [AR 310-50] transportation Army aviation maintenance

    TAAN tactical aircrew alert net

    TAAO time available at action office

    TAARS [AR 310-50] The Army Ammunition Reporting System

    TAAS three-axis attitude sensor

    tab [AR 310-50] tabulate

    TAB 1target acquisition battery, 2training aid booklet, 3technical abstract bulletin, 4technical advisory board, 5total allocated budget, 6[JP 1-02] tactical air base, 7[AR 310-50] target acquisition battalion

    TAB-VEE hardened aircraft shelter half-round steel/concrete

    TABBS Theater Allocation Buy Budget System

    TABR targeted area background report

    TABS terminal access to batch service

    TABSIM tabulator simulator

    TABSOL tabulator systems oriented language

    TABSTONE target and background signal-to-noise emission

    TABWS tactical air base weather system

    tac 1[AR 310-50] tactic, 2[AR 310-50] tactical, 3[AR 310-50] tactics

    TAC 1technical assistance contract, 2time-to-amplitude converter, 3Tactical Air Command, 4TRANSAC assembler compiler, 5transistorized automatic control, 6translator-assembler-compiler, 7trapped air cushion, 8terminal access controller, 9transportation account code,10tactical advanced computer, 11tactical air control, 12terminal access center, 13training, advising, and counseling, 14type of address code, 15[FM 101-5-1] tactical command post, 16[FM 101-5-1] tactical (artillery, naval gunfire, and close air support) (graphics), 17[AR 310-50] type of activity code

    TAC CBITS TAC Computer-Based Instruction Training System

    TAC CP tactical command post

    TAC INTEL tactical intelligence

    TAC PACERS peacetime analysis of the combat effectiveness of repairable spares (TAC)

    TAC(A) [JP 1-02] tactical air coordinator (airborne)

    TAC-RRS tactical remote receiving system

    TAC-D tactical deception

    TAC/TADS Tactical Air Control System/Tactical Air Defense System

    TAC2 theater army command and control

    TAC2IS Theater Army Command and Control Information System (Army)

    TACA [AR 310-50] tactical air coordinator, airborne

    TACAC [AR 310-50] theater army civil affairs command

    TACACCIS TAC Coordinator Automated Command and Control Information System

    TACACPS Theater Army Construction Automated Planning System

    TACACS TAC Access Control System (MILNET)

    TACAIR tactical air

    TACAIRCG tactical air control group

    TACALS TAC Command and Control Alerting System

    TACAMO take charge and move out [EC-130A and E-6A aircraft that relay communications with USN submarines]

    TACAN tactical air navigation

    TACAP Tactical Air Command Aircraft Profiler

    TACAPS Theater Army Construction Automated Planning System

    TACAWS the Army Combined Arms Weapon System

    TACBEAMS TAC Base Engineering Automated Management System

    TACBUS tactical asynchronous control bus system

    TACC 1tactical air command center (USMC), 2tactical air control center (USN), 3Tanker Airlift Control Center [Scott AFB]

    TACCAR time-averaged clutter-coherent airborne radar

    TACCIMS Theater Army Command and Control Information Management System [Korea]

    TACCO tactical coordinator [second crew member in some USN aircraft]

    TACCP tactical command post

    TACCS 1Tactical Army Combat Service Support Computer System, 2tactical command and control system

    TACCS-K Theater Automated Command and Control System – Korea

    TACCTA [AR 310-50] tactical commander's terrain analysis

    TACD tactical deception

    TACDEN tactical data entry device

    TACDEW Tactical Advanced Combat Direction and Electronic Warfare Trainer

    TACE 1technical analysis and cost estimate, 2transmission alarm and control equipment

    TACELINT tactical electronic intelligence

    TACELIS Tactical Emitter Location and Identification System

    TACEVAL [NATO] tactical evaluation

    TACF 1temporary alteration control form, 2tactical air control flight

    TACFAX tactical digital facsimile

    TACFDC [AR 310-50] tactical fire direction center

    TACFIRE Tactical Fire Direction [Computer] System

    TACG 1Tactical Air Command Guard, 2[AR 310-50] tactical air control group

    TACGRU tactical air control group

    TACH tachometer generator

    TACIDN tactical information distribution network

    TACIES 1Tactical Imagery Exploitation System, 2Tactical Intelligence Information Exchange Subsystem (USN)

    TACINTEL tactical intelligence

    TACITS Total Army Centralized Individual Training Solicitation

    TACJAM Tactical Jamming System

    TACJS Tactical Automatic Communications Jamming System

    TACL 1time and cycle log, 2[AR 310-50] theater authorized consumption list

    TACLOG 1[JP 1-02] tactical-logistical group, 2[AR 310-50] tactical-logistical group

    TACM 1tactical missiles, 2[JP 1-02] Tactical Air Command Manual

    TACMAR [AR 310-50] tactical multifunction array radar

    TACMET TAC Forces Control Management System

    TACMIS Tactical Management Information System (Army)

    TACMS Tactical Missile System (USN)

    TACNET 1TAC Force Control Management Network, 2tactical area communications network

    TACNUC tactical nuclear weapons

    TACO2 tactical communications protocol 2

    TACODA target coordinate data

    TACOL thinned aperture computed lens

    TACOM 1tactical Army command, 2[Army] Tank – Automotive and Armament Command, Warren, MI, 3theater army command

    TACOM-ACALA Tank – Automotive and Armament Command Armament and Chemical Acquisition and Logistic Activity

    TACOM-EWS Tactical Communications Electronic Warfare System

    TACOMM [AR 310-50] tactical communications

    TACON tactical control

    TACOPS tactical air combat operations

    TACOR threat-assessment and control receiver

    TACOS test and checkout satellites

    TACP 1theater ammunition control point, 2tactical air control party (Air Force), 3technical analysis of cost proposal

    TACPLAN tactical plan generation

    TACPOL tactical procedure oriented language

    TACR 1time and cycle record, 2TAC regulation, 3tactical reconnaissance

    TACREP tactical report

    TACRON tactical air control squadron

    TACS 1tactical air control system, 2technical assignment control system, 3test assembly conditioning station, 4target acquisition and control system, 5Theater Air Control System (USAF), 6total access communication system, 7tactical area communications system, 8[AR 310-50] theater army communications

    TACSAO Tactical Air Command Security Assistance Office

    TACSAT tactical satellite

    TACSATCOM tactical satellite communications

    TACSCAN [TTPIO-ABCS] tactical scanner

    TACSIM 1tactical simulation, 2tactical simulator

    TACSIT tactical situation

    TACSM tactical air combat simulation model

    TACSOP [TTPIO-ABCS] tactical standing operating procedure

    TACT 1the automated controller test, 2transistor and component tester, 3transonic aircraft technology, 4total audit concept technique, 5[JP 3-17] tactical aviation control team

    TACTASS tactical towed array sonar

    TACTEC totally advanced communications technology

    TACTICS Tactical Information Control System

    TACTICOS tactical information and command system

    TACTICS tactical information control system

    TACTRAGRULANT [JP 3-07.4] Tactical Training Group, Atlantic

    TACTS Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System

    TACV tracked air cushion vehicle

    TACW tactical air control wing

    TAD 1target audience description, 2top assembly drawing, 3temporary additional duty (USN), 4time available for delivery, 5telephone answering device, 6tactical air defense, 7tactical air direction, 8tactical computer unit, 9tactical control unit, 10tracking and communication unit (UAV), 11thermal cueing unit, 12target acquisition and designation, 13target assembly data, 14terrain analysis dataset, 15tracking control unit, 16trailing arm drive, 17turbo alternator drive, 18technology area descriptions, 19[JP 1-02] theater air defense

    TADAR target acquisition, designation, and aerial reconnaissance

    TADARS Target Acquisition, Designation and Reconnaissance System

    TADB terrain analysis database

    TADC tactical air direction center

    TADDS target alert data display set

    TADIL 1tactical digital information link, 2tactical automated data information link

    TADIL-B Tactical Automated Data Information Link – B

    TADIL-J Tactical Automated Data Information Link – J

    TADIXS Tactical Data Information Exchange System [USN]

    TADIXS-B Tactical Data Information Exchange System – Broadcast

    TADLP [TR 350-70] Total Army Distance Learning Program

    TADLP MP [TR 350-70] Total Army Distance Learning Program Master Plan

    TADNET Test and Development Network (Army)

    TADS 1training analysis data sheet, 2tactical automatic digital switching, 3typewriter automatic dispatch system, 4target acquisition and detection system, 5target acquisition and designation system

    TADSS 1training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations, 2tactical automatic digital switching system, 3[JP 1-02] Tactical Air Defense System

    TADV 1Designation for training development used in management decision packages (MDEP), 2[TR 350-70] (see also military definitions section).

    TAEDP 1Total Army Equipment Distribution Plan, 2Total Army Equipment Distribution Program

    TAEM terminal area energy management

    TAES tactical aeromedical evacuation system

    TAF 1tactical air forces, 2transatmospheric fighter

    TAFCSD [AR 310-50] total active Federal commissioned service to date

    TAFF test-analyze-and-fix

    TAFFS [AR 310-50] The Army Functional Files System

    TAFHUG tactical air forces tactical host upgrade

    TAFIG Tactical Air Forces Interoperability Group (TAF)

    TAFIIS Tactical Air Forces Integrated Information System (TAF)

    TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework For Information Management (GCCS)

    TAFMSD [AR 310-50] total active Federal military service to date

    TAFS 1combat stores ship, 2terminal aerodrome forecast

    TAFSM Target Acquisition Fire Support Model

    TAFT 1technical assistance field team, 2test, analyze, fix, and test

    TAFTRAMS TAC Automated Flying Training Management System

    TAFWG Tactical Air Force working group

    TAG 1the Adjutant General, 2transient analysis generator, 3technical advisory group, 4technical assistance group, 5tactical airlift group, 6topic area guide, 7troop action guidance, 8training advisory group, 9[CJCSI 6271.01] technical assessment group

    TAGCEN [AR 310-50] United States Army Adjutant General Center

    TAGD the adjutant general directorate

    TAGO 1the Adjutant General Staff, 2[AR 310-50] The Adjutant General's Office

    TAGS [TTPIO-ABCS] theater air ground system

    TAHQ theater army headquarters

    TAI 1TRADOC acquisition instruction, 2target areas of interest, 3time to autoignition, 4International Atomic Time, 5total active inventory, 6total aircraft inventory, 7[FM 101-5-1] targeted area of interest

    TAIG test and analysis integration group

    TAIRCG tactical air control group

    TAIRCW tactical air control wing

    TAIS 1Tactical Air Intelligence System, 2technology application information system, 3[TTPIO-ABCS] Tactical Airspace Integration System, 4[JP 4-01.7] Transportation Automated Information Systems

    TAITC [TR 350-70] Total Army Instructor Training Course

    TAJAG [AR 310-50] The Assistant Judge Advocate General

    TAK 1trainer appraisal kit, 2[JP 1-02] cargo ship

    TAL task assignment list

    TALAR tactical landing approach radar

    TALCE 1transportable airlift control element, 2[FM 101-5-1] tanker airlift control element

    TALCM Tomahawk Air-Launched Cruise Missile

    TALD 1tactical airborne laser designator, 2[JP 1-02] tactical air-launched decoy

    TALI tactical analysis logistics information (obsolete, see LOGFAC)

    TALI-WRM TALI – war readiness materiel

    TALO 1tactical airlift liaison officer, 2[FM 101-5-1] theater airlift liaison officer

    TALOG [AR 310-50] theater army logistical command

    TALON theater application: launch on notice

    TALSO theater army logistics system office

    TAM 1telephone answering machine, 2tactical air meet, 3tactical airlift model, 4theater airlift manager

    TAMA [AR 310-50] Training Aids Management Agency

    TAMC [AR 310-50] training aids management office

    TAMCA Theater Army Movement Control Agency

    TAMCO [JP 1-02] Theater Army Movement Control Center

    TAME 1Tactical Air-to-Air Mission Evaluation Model (AFSC), 2TEMPEST Advanced Multiplexer Equipment

    TAMIS 1Training Ammunition Management Information System, 2telemetric automated microbial identification system

    TAMMC [JP 1-02] Theater Army Material Management Command

    TAMMIS Theater Army Medical Management Information System

    TAMMS 1transportation movements management system, 2The Army Maintenance Management System

    TAMP 1Tactical Air Missile Program, 2Theater Army Maintenance Program

    TAMPS Tactical Aircraft Mission Planning System

    TAMR telecommunication assessment monitoring report

    TAMS 1Training Ammunition Management System, 2Test and Monitoring System (USN), 3Theater Airlift Management System (MAC), 4Termination Automated Management System

    TAMSCO Technical and Management Service Corporation

    TAN 1test advisory notice, 2transaction number
  26. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    tanalt [JP 1-02] tangent altitude

    TANDEM the Charleston Mainframe

    tanh hyperbolic tangent

    TANK [USN] tanker

    TANS tactical air navigation system

    TANSTAAFL there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch

    TAO 1tactical action officer, 2technical assistance order, 3track at once [computer storage]

    TAOC 1tactical air operations center (USMC), 2[AR 310-50] The Army Operations Center

    TAOM tactical air operations module

    TAOR tactical area of responsibility

    TAP 1The Army Plan, 2thermal analyzer program, 3terminal applications package, 4time-sharing assembly program, 5target analysis and planning system, 6target approach point, 7technical acceptance plan, 8telelocator alphanumeric protocol, 9transition assistance program, 10team acquisition process, 11[JP 1-02] troopship

    TAP-IT telephonic automated produce information technology

    TAPA Total Army Personnel Activity

    TAPAC 1tape automatic positioning and control, 2[AR 310-50] Transportation, Allocations, Priorities, and Control (Committee)

    TAPAT technology application process action team

    TAPC-PLM Total Army Personnel Command

    TAPCIS the Access Program for the CompuServe Information Service

    TAPDB Total Army Personnel Data Base

    TAPDB-AE Total Army Personnel Data Base – Active Enlisted

    TAPDB-AO Total Army Personnel Data Base – Active Officer

    TAPDB-MOB Total Army Personnel Data Base – Mobilization Data Base

    TAPE tape automatic preparation equipment

    TAPER 1the Army Personnel Roll-Up System, 2[AR 310-50] temporary appointment pending establishment of register

    TAPES 1tactical automated planning and engineering system, 2Total Army Performance Evaluation System, 3Total Army Personnel Evaluation System

    TAPFOR [AR 310-50] the Army portion of force status and identity report (FORSTAT)

    TAPI telephony applications programming interface

    TAPM technology application program management

    TAPP two-axis pneumatic pickup

    TAPR training activity program/report

    TAPS 1target acquisition predictor study, 2tactical area positioning system, 3terrain analysis production system, 4tracking and positioning system, 5turboalternator power system

    TAQ total Army quality

    TAR 1tape archive [UNIX command], 2technical assistance request, 3terrain-avoidance radar, 4trajectory analysis room, 5tactical air reconnaissance, 6threat assessment report, 7tactical air request, 8threat-avoidance receiver, 9[JP 1-03.17] training and administration of the Reserve, 10[AR 310-50] technical action request

    TARA 1technology area review and assessment, 2technology assessment/requirement analysis

    TARABS [AR 310-50] tactical air reconnaissance and aerial battlefield surveillance

    TARADCOM Tank – Automotive Research and Development Command

    TARAN tactical attack radar and navigation

    TARC 1[AR 310-50] The Army Research Council, 2[AR 310-50] theater army replacement command

    TARCAP target combat air patrol

    TARCOM [AR 310-50] United States Army Tank - Automotive Command

    TARDEC Tank Automotive Research and Development Center (Army)

    TARE 1telemetry automatic reduction equipment, 2telegraph automatic relay equipment (NATO), 3[JP 1-02] tactical record evaluation

    TARES Tactical Reconnaissance Evaluation System (TAF)

    TAREWS Tactical Air Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Support (USAF)

    TAREX 1target exploitation, 2[JP 1-02] target plans and operations

    TARFU things are really fouled up

    TARG telescoped ammunition revolver gun

    TARGET/DCP Theater Analysis and Replanning Graphical Execution Toolkit/Distributed Collaborative Planning (GCCS)

    TARH terminal active radar guidance

    TARMAC terminal area radar moving aircraft

    TARMOCS [AR 310-50] The Army Operations Center System

    TARMOS tactical radio monitoring system

    TARP 1theater army rebuild program, 2technical assistance research program

    TARPS tactical aerial reconnaissance pod system

    TARRS Tactical Air Reconnaissance Reporting System

    TARS 1terrain and radar simulator, 2three-axis reference system, 3tactical aerial reconnaissance and surveillance needs, 4Tethered Aerostat Radar System, 5Tactical Air Reconnaissance System, 6tactical air reconnaissance/surveillance, 7transportation automated routing system, 8terrain avoidance radar system, 9[AR 310-50] theater army replacement system

    TART twin accelerator ring transfer

    TARTC [AR 310-50] theater army replacement and training command

    TAS 1target audience soldier, 2tactical automatic switch, 3temperature actuated switch, 4target acquisition system, 5technical area specialist, 6terminal access system, 7telephone access server, 8tactical airlift squadron, 9targeting avionics sensor, 10tracking adjunct system, 11true airspeed [EAS corrected for density appropriate to altitude], 12transportation addressing subsystem, 13train alert shelter, 14[AR 310-50] (The) Army Staff

    TASA 1task and skills analysis, 2total aircraft status accounting (system), 3television audio support activity

    TASAMS [AR 310-50] The Army Supply and Maintenance System

    TASC 1training audiovisual support centers, 2terminal area sequence and control, 3The Analytic Sciences Corporation, 4theater ADP service center, 5touch-activated simulator control

    TASCAM 1tactical aerial system model, 2Tactical Airlift System Comparative Analysis Model (MAC)

    TASCFORM Technique for Assessing Comparative Force Modernization

    TASCID [JP 1-02] tactical Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) satellite compensation interface device

    TASCO [JP 1-02] tactical automatic switch control officer

    TASCON television automatic sequence control

    TASCS Training Analysis Support Computer System

    TASDAC Tactical Secure Data Communications system (USAF)

    TASE 1tactical air support element, 2threat assessment support environment

    TASES 1tactical airborne signal exploitation space (USN), 2tactical airborne signal exploitation system (USN)

    TASG technical architecture steering group

    TASI time assignment speech interpolation

    TASIG target and simulation image generator

    TASIP [JP 1-02] tailored analytic intelligence support to individual electronic warfare and command and control warfare projects

    TASK turnaround spare kit

    TASL [AR 310-50] theater authorized stockage list

    TASM 1Tomahawk Antiship Missile, 2turbo assembler [Borland], 3Tomahawk Anti-shipping Missile, 4[TTPIO-ABCS] tactical air-to-surface missile

    TASMO tactical air support of maritime operations

    TASO 1terminal area security officer, 2[AR 310-50] training and audiovisual support officer

    TASOSC [JP 1-02] Theater Army Special Operations Support Command

    TASP [AR 310-50] The Army Studies Program

    TASR telecommunication assessment survey report

    TASS 1Total Army School System, 2tactical air support system, 3towed array sonar system, 4tactical air support squadron, 5tactical air-to-surface system, 6Tactical Analysis Support System (TAC), 7tactical signal simulator, 8telegraph automatic switching system, 9[JP 1-02] tactical automated switch system, 10[AR 310-50] tactical air support section, 11[AR 310-50] The Army Study System

    TASSCA Total Army School System Coordinating Activity

    TASSEL TASS element

    TASSET total asset

    TASSO [AR 310-50] tactical special security office

    TASTA [AR 310-50] the administrative support theater army

    TASTG tactical air support training group

    TASWIT 1tactical advanced simulated warfare integrated trainer, 2tactical anti-submarine warfare interim trainer

    TAT 1to accompany troops, 2turnaround time, 3transportation and ammunition tracking, 4technical assistance team, 5[JP 3-07.4] tactical analysis team

    TATAWS [AR 310-50] tank-antitank/assault weapons requirements study

    TATC 1terminal air-traffic control, 2transatlantic telephone cable

    TATR tactical air target recommender

    TATS 1tactical assessment teams, 2Total Army Training System, 3tactical airlift training squadron

    TATSA [AR 310-50] transportation aviation test and support

    TATSS [TR 350-70] TRADOC Automated Training Scheduling System

    TAU terminal access unit

    TAUG temperature average

    TAV 1total asset visibility (GCCS), 2trans-atmospheric vehicle

    TAVB [JP 1-02] aviation logistics support ship

    TAW 1tactical airlift wing, 2[JP 1-02] tactical air wing

    TAWAR tactical all-weather attack requirements

    TAWC Tactical Air Warfare Center (Eglin AFB)

    TAWDS 1Transportable Automated Weather Distribution System (AWDS), 2target acquisition weapon delivery system, 3Tactical Automated Weather Distribution System

    TAWG 1threat accreditation working group, 2threat assessment working group

    TAWS [AR 310-50] tactical warfare center

    TAXI transparent asynchronous transceiver/receiver interface

    Tb tablespoon

    TB 1technical bulletin, 2terminal board, 3time base, 4transmitter-blocker [cell], 5terabyte (1,024 gigabytes), 6[AR 310-50] troop basis, 7[AR 310-50] tuberculosis

    TBA 1to be announced, 2theater battle arena, 3to be advised, 4to be arranged, 5[AR 310-50] to be activated

    TBAN [AR 310-50] to be announced

    TBAX tube axial

    TBBS the bread board system (BBS)

    TBC 1toss bomb computer, 2transportation bill code

    TBD 1to be determined, 2target-bearing designator, 3to be developed, 4time/bearing display, 5to be decided, 6[AR 310-50] terminal border defense

    TBEP Training Base Expansion Plan (TRADOC)

    TBESC Technical Base Executive Steering Committee (Army)

    TBG TRADOC budget guidance

    TBGA tape ball grid array

    TBGTA [AR 310-50] travel by Government transportation authorized

    TBI 1target-bearing indicator, 2[AR 310-50] to be activated

    TbIG terbium iron garnet

    TBIM trigger based item management

    TBIP Tomahawk Baseline Improvement Program

    TBL [AR 310-50] through bill of lading

    TBM 1training baseline materials, 2tactical ballistic missile, 3theater battle management, 4theater ballistic missile

    TBMCS [CJCSI 6271.01] Theater Battle Management Core System

    TBMD 1Tactical Ballistic Missile Defense, 2[AR 310-50] terminal ballistic missile defense

    TBMT Trailblazer Maintenance Trainer

    TBN to be notified

    TBO 1time between overhauls, 2transaction by other

    TBOI [AR 310-50] tentative basis of issue

    TBP 1to be printed, 2[JP 1-02] to be published

    TBPDD technology base project definition document

    TBS task breakdown structure

    TBSL [JP 1-02] to be supplied later

    TBTC [JP 1-02] Transportable Blood Transshipment Center

    TBU tape backup unit

    TBX tactical ballistic missile experiment

    TC 1training circular, 2Transportation Corps, 3technical coordinator, 4type classification [Army], 5Transportation Center and School, 6tactical computer, 7tantalum capacitor, 8technical committee, 9test conductor, 10technical control, 11test console, 12temperature coefficient, 13temperature compensating, 14terminal computer, 15test case specification, 16thermocouple, 17thermocurrent, 18thrust chamber, 19time constant, 20timed closing, 21tracking camera, 22transmission control, 23[NATO] transit corridor, 24transfer channel, 25transition components (WIS), 26transportation coordinator, 27test control, 28traffic control, 29training camp, 30training center, 31target complete, 32type certificate, 33[JP 1-02] tidal current, 34[JP 1-02] transmit clock, 35[JP 1-02] telemetry combiner, 36[AR 310-50] technical characteristics, 37[AR 310-50] transaction code, 38[AR 310-50] trial counsel

    TC&E training control and evaluation

    TC-ACCIS Transportation Coordinator's Automated Command and Control Information System (DCA)

    TC-AIMS [JP 1-02] Transportation Coordinator's Automated Information for Movements System (NAVSUP)

    TC/LD thermocouple/lead detector

    TC2-21 21st Century Tactical Command and Control Study (AFSC)

    TC2S Transportation Command and Control System

    TC4 Transportable Command and Control Computer Center (Army)

    TCA 1TRADOC Contracting Activity, 2tactical combat aircraft, 3terminal control area, 4target class assessment, 5time of closest approach, 6traditional CINC activities

    TCAAP [AR 310-50] Twin Cities Ammunition Plant

    TCAC 1technical control and analysis center, 2tactical collection and analysis center, 3tactical control and analysis center

    TCAC(D) Technical Control and Analysis Center (Division) (Army)

    TCACCIS Transportation Coordinator Automated Command and Control Information System

    TCAE Technical Control and Analysis Element [SSP-S and ASAS progenitor]

    TCAI tutorial computer-assisted instruction

    TCAIMS Transportation Coordinator's Automated Information for Movements System

    TCAIMS II [JP 4-01.7] Transportation Coordinator's Automated Information for Movement System II

    TCAM threat condition alerting message

    TCAS 1technical control and analysis section (Army), 2Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System

    TCAT test coverage analysis tool

    TCATA TRADOC Combined Arms Test Activity

    TCB 1trouble came back, 2task control blocks, 3technical coordinator bulletin, 4transmission control block, 5trusted computer base

    TCC 1TRADOC commander’s conference, 2technical computing center, 3test control center, 4temperature coefficient of capacitance, 5test controller console, 6transfer channel control, 7transportation component command, 8transmission control codes, 9transport control center, 10telecommunication center, 11traffic control center, 12telecommunications control center, 13transportation coordination center, 14[AR 310-50] transportation control card, 15[AR 310-50] troop carrier command

    TCC Upgrade Telecommunication Center AUTODIN Terminal Equipment Replacement and Upgrade Program

    TCC(A) Theater Communications Command (Army)

    TCCC theater communications control center

    TCCCS tactical command, control, and communication systems

    TCCF Tactical Communications Control Facility (TRI-TAC)

    TCCP 1telecommunications command control projects, 2telecommunications command control program

    TCCPSWG [AR 310-50] tactical command and control procedures standardization working group

    TCCS 1ticket consignment control sheet, 2Tomahawk Command and Control Subsystem

    TCD 1telemetry and command data, 2transistor-controlled delay, 3tactical control director, 4[TTPIO-ABCS] tactical communications diagram

    TCDC tactical commanders development course

    TCDIS Transportation Coordinator Deployment Information System (JDA)

    TCE 1terminal control element, 2thermal coefficient of expansion

    TCEM [JP 4-04] theater contingency engineering management

    TCF 1tactical combat force, 2technical control facility, 3test control facility, 4[AR 310-50] troop carrier forces

    TCFC TRANSEC communications front-end controller

    TCG 1threat coordinating group, 2tune-controlled gain, 3tactical control group, 4target constant generation, 5time code generator, 6technical coordination group

    TCHTG 1technology training group, 2technical training group

    TCI 1telemetry components information, 2terrain clearance indicator, 3target class identification, 4time change item, 5total cost input

    TCIM tactical communications interface module

    TCIO task control and information office

    TCIP 1technical control improvement program, 2technical control system improvement, 3control technician improvement plan

    TCJ tactical communications jamming

    TCL 1time and cycle log, 2tool command language

    TCLAS [AR 310-50] type classification

    TCLSC [AR 310-50] theater COMSEC logistic support center

    TCM 1terminal-to-computer multiplexer, 2terminal control mechanism, 3time compression multiplexing, 4trellis-coded modulation, 5technical content manager, 6technical coordination meeting, 7[JP 1-02] theater construction manager

    TCMD transportation control movement document
  27. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    TCMF touch calling multifrequency

    TCMP 1transportation control and movement plan, 2test capability master plan

    TCN 1transportation control number, 2transparent content negotiation [Internet], 3third country national

    TCO 1Tactical Combat Operations System (USMC), 2technical control operator, 3telecommunications certification office, 4telecommunications control office, 5telephone control officer (USAF), 6termination contracting office, 7total cost of ownership, 8termination contracting officer, 9test control officer, 10[AR 310-50] tactical control officer

    TCOSS Technical Control Operations Support System

    TCOT tactical control operations teams

    TCP 1technical cooperation program, 2[GRCS] Time Code Processor, 3tactical computer processor, 4transmission control protocol (MIL-STD-1778) [MSE], 5test checkout procedure, 6traffic control post, 7Tactical Cryptologic Program, 8task change proposal, 9telecommunications protocol, 10transport control protocol, 11TEX Code Page, 12TDATS control panel, 13transmission control program, 14task change proposal, 15technical coordination program, 16[AR 310-50] traffic control point

    TCP/IP transmission control protocol/ Internet protocol

    TCPI to complete performance index

    tcr [AR 310-50] transceiver

    TCR 1TRADOC Capabilities Report, 2training capabilities report, 3technical control rebuild 4temperature coefficient of resistance, 5[AR 310-50] Transportation Corps release

    TCRP Tactical Command Readiness Program (USAREUR)

    TCS 1telephone conference summary, 2terminal count sequence, 3troop carrier squadron, 4termal conditioning service, 5terminal countdown sequencer, 6traffic control station, 7transportation and communications service, 8Tactical Command System (USN), 9tactical computer system, 10tactical control squadron, 11theater communications system, 12television camera system, 13target control set, 14television camera set, 15trajectory control sensor, 16trusted computer system, 17telecommunication specialist, 18[AR 310-50] temporary change of station

    TCSC 1trainer control and simulation computer, 2technological cooperation subcommittee

    TCSEC trusted computer system evaluation criteria (DoD)

    TCSP 1technical control systems program, 2technical support

    TCSS 1technical control software support, 2telecommunications service system

    TCSTS tactical communications systems technical standards

    TCT 1tactical computer terminal, 2translator and code treatment frame, 3tactical commander's terminal, 4total contract training, 5total contractor training

    TCTC [AR 310-50] Transportation Corps Technical Committee

    TCTM [AR 310-50] aircraft time compliance technical

    TCTO time compliance technical order

    TCTS 1tactical communications systems technical standards, 2tactical combat training system

    TCU 1transportable computer unit [CHS –2], 2tape control unit, 3teletypewriter control unit, 4transit control unit, 5transmission control unit, 6transportation control unit, 7tactical communications system, 8[TTPIO-ABCS] tactical computer unit

    TCV 1temperature control valve, 2terminal configured vehicle, 3[AR 310-50] troop carrying vehicle

    TCW tactical control wing

    TCWG 1tactical communications working group, 2telecommunications working group

    TCXO 1temperature-compensated crystal oscillator, 2temperature controlled crystal oscillator

    TD 1training developer, 2training development, 3training device, 4tank division, 5tabular data, 6temperature differential, 7terminal distributor, 8test design specification, 9testing device, 10thoria dispersed, 11time delay, 12transfer dolly, 13transmit data, 14transmitter distributor, 15tunnel diodes, 16table of distribution, 17technical data,18tactical deception, 19tactical doctrine, 20tank destroyer, 21technology demonstration, 22target designator, 23test director, 24technical director, 25target detector, 26temperature datum, 27test description, 28test directive, 29[JP 1-02] total drift, 30[JP 1-02] timing distributor, 31[JP 1-02] transmit data

    TD&E tactics development and evaluation

    TD/CMS technical data/configuration management system

    TD/MOT test directive/method of test

    TDA 1training device annex, 2table(s) of distribution and allowance(s), 3tactical decision aids, 4target docking adapter, 5tracking and data acquisition, 6tunnel diode amplifier, 7target damage assessment, 8tactical decision aids (AWS), 9table of distribution and authorization, 10theater defense architecture

    TDAA [TR 350-70] training development and analysis activity

    TDAC 1training data analysis center, 2TENCAP Data Analyst Course, 3tactical data acquisition and correlation

    TDAD 1training development and analysis directorate, 2[JP 1-02] table of distribution and allowance (TDA) designation

    TDAMTB [AR 310-50] TDA mobilization troop basis

    TDAP 1training development action plan, 2total distribution action plan, 3technology development and acquisition program

    TDAPWG test data acquisition and processing working group

    TDAT TENCAP Data Analyst Trainer

    TDATS target detection, acquisition, and tracking system

    TDB 1technical database, 2terrain database, 3theater defense brigades

    TDBM [JP 1-02] technical data base management

    TDC 1thermal diffusion coefficient, 2time delay closing, 3technical development center, 4two-dimensional finite-cylinder transport code for computer, 5time distance calculator (JCS), 6transportation data channel, 7tactical display console, 8target designator control

    TDCA 1tactical deployment and control aircraft, 2tactical deployment coordination aircraft

    TDCC transportation data coordinating committee

    TDCM transistor driver core memory

    TDCO torpedo data computer operator

    TDCS traffic data collection system

    TDD 1technical data digest, 2test design description, 3target detection device, 4telecommunications device for the deaf, 5[JP 1-02] target desired ground zero (DGZ) designator

    TDD/SP top down design and structured programming

    TDDL time division data link

    TDDS TRAP Data Dissemination System

    TDE 1terminal display editor, 2test design engineer

    TDECC tactical display and engagement control console

    TDES tactical data encryption system

    TDF 1task deletion form, 2two-degre-of-freedom, 3tactical digital facsimile

    TDFR training device fabrication request

    TDFS [AR 310-50] terminal digit fitting system

    TDG test date generator

    TDHGA [AR 310-50] travel of dependents and household goods authorized

    TDI 1transport device interface, 2transport driver interface [Microsoft WinNT], 3target data inventory, 4time delay and integration, 5triple display indicator, 6trusted data interpretation, 7tamper detection indicator, 8toluene di isocyanate

    TDIC [JP 1-02] time division interface controller

    TDICMS redesign of technical data/configuration management system

    TDIG [JP 1-02] time division interface group

    TDIM [JP 1-02] time division interface module

    TDIP [AR 310-50] total disability income provisions
  28. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    TDIS [AR 310-50] time distance

    TDL 1transition documentation library, 2tunnel-diode logic, 3tactical data link, 4technical data library

    TDLPS tactical data link processing system

    TDLR [AR 310-50] training device letter requirement

    TDLRP training development long range plan

    TDLS tactical delta loop system

    TDM 1time division multiplexer, 2technical document management, 3time division multiplexing, 4termination decision model, 5[JP 1-02] time division multiplexed

    TDMA time division multiple access

    TDMF [JP 1-02] time division matrix function

    TDMM [JP 1-02] time division memory module

    TDMP technical data management program

    TDMS 1telegraph distortion measurement set, 2time-shared data management system, 3terminal display management system

    TDMTB [AR 310-50] TD mobilization troop basis

    TDMX [JP 1-02] time division matrix

    TDN target doppler nullifier

    TDNS training device needs statement

    TDO time delay opening

    TDOA 1time difference of arrival, 2time delay of arrival

    TDOA/DD time difference of arrival/differential doppler

    TDOP 1Total DCS Operations Plan (DCA), 2tactical deception officers (TAF)

    TDOS tape/disk operating system

    TDP 1training development plan, 2test design plan, 3technical data package, 4technical development plan, 5technology development program, 6telelocator data protocol, 7target data panel, 8technology demonstrator program, 9[AR 310-50] target director post

    TDPA tactical deception planning analyzer

    TDPFO temporary duty pending further order

    TDPL technical data package list

    TDPM training device program manager

    TDPMIS technical data package materiel information system

    TDPMP technical data package management plan

    TDR 1training device requirement, 2time domain reflectometer, 3technical data relay, 4target discrimination radar, 5technical data report, 6time delay relay, 7time domain reflectometry, 8torque differential receiver, 9traffic distribution record, 10target data receiver, 11traffic distribution record, 12teardown deficiency report, 13test data report, 14transportation discrepancy report

    TDRL [AR 310-50] temporary disability retired list

    TDRRC training device requirements review committee

    TDRS tracking and data relay satellite (NASA)

    TDRSS tracking and data relay satellite system (NASA)

    TDS 1tactical data system, 2training development study, 3target designation system, 4technical data system, 5test data sheet, 6time-domain spectroscopy, 7tape duplication system [ODT], 8tracking and data system, 9translation and docking simulator, 10transaction driven system, 11technical documentation standard, 12tactical data station (ESD), 13target designation sight, 14total distribution system, 15time distribution system, 16[TR 350-70] training device study

    TDSB test data scoring board

    TDSC Tinker Data Services Center

    TDSG [JP 1-02] time division switching group

    TDSGM [JP 1-02] time division switching group modified

    TDSM time division switching matrix

    TDSP top down structured programming

    TDSQ training development squadron

    TDSR transmitter data service request

    TDSS 1TRADOC Decision Support System, 2training devices, simulators, and simulation

    TDT 1target designator transmitter, 2tactical data terminal, 3[CJCSI 3222.01] theater display terminal

    TDTC test, development, and training center

    TDTG true date time group

    TDtoDP tablet coordinates to display coordinates (converting)

    TDU 1threat display unit, 2tactical display unit, 3terminal display unit, 4time delay unit

    TDV technology development vehicle

    TDW training development workload

    TDWM training development workload management

    TDWP training development workload planner

    TDWP-ASAT Training Development Workload Planner – Automated Systems Approach To Training

    TDX thermal demand transmitter

    TDY temporary duty

    TDZ total danger zone

    TE 1test equipment, 2training emphasis, 3test and evaluation, 4task element, 5training effectiveness, 6thermal element, 7tactical exploitation, 8thermal expansion load, 9thermoelectric, 10totally enclosed, 11transverse electric [field], 12technical evaluation, 13terminal equipment,14tactical evaluation, 15tangent elevation, 16trailing edge, 17test engineer

    TE-UAV Tactical Endurance – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

    TE/2 terminal emulator/2 [Oberon]

    TEA 1training effectiveness analysis, 2transferred electron amplifier, 3tunnel-emission amplifier, 4transversly-excited atmospheric [lasers], 5test environmental assessment, 6transportability engineering analysis, 7[JP 4-01.2] Transportation Engineering Agency

    TEAC [AR 310-50] turbine engine analysis check

    TEAD [AR 310-50] Toole Army Depot

    TEAM 1test, evaluation, analysis, and modeling, 2technique for evaluation and analysis of maintainability

    TEAMS 1test evaluation and monitoring system, 2Tactical EA6B Mission Planning System

    TEAMUP [AR 310-50] Test, Evaluation, Analysis, and Management Uniformity Plan

    TEAR transportability engineering analysis report

    TEAS technical and engineering acquisition support

    TEB 1tactical exploitation battalion, 2technical evaluation board, 3thread environment block, 4[FM 101-5-1] tactical exploitation brigade

    TEBE [TR 350-70] tests of adult basic education

    TEC 1Topographic Engineering Center, 2training extension course (obsolete), 3tactical electromagnetic coordinator, 4total estimated cost, 5task element commander, 6monitor terminal equipment configuration, 7test and evaluation center

    TECDOC technical documentation

    TECG test and evaluation coordination group

    tech 1technical, 2[AR 310-50] technician

    TECH INTEL technical intelligence

    TECH REP technical representative

    TECHCON [FM 101-5-1] technical control

    TECHDOC 1technical document, 2[JP 1-02] technical documentation

    TECHEVAL technical evaluation [Navy]

    TECHINT technical intelligence

    TECHMOD technology modernization

    TECMUS Tactical Electronic Countermeasures Upgrade System

    TECNET the Test and Evaluation Community Network

    TECO test and evaluation coordination officer

    TECOM United States Army Test and Evaluation Command

    TECR [AR 310-50] technical requirement

    TECS treasury enforcement communications system

    TECS II [JP 3-07.4] Treasury Enforcement Communications System

    TECSECI trusted embedded computer system evaluation criteria interpretation

    TECSTAR [AR 310-50] technical missions, structures, and career development

    TED 1transferred-electron device, 2trunk encryption device, 3translation error detector, 4testability and embedded diagnostic, 5tiny editor, 6tactical evaluation display, 7threat evaluation display, 8threat environment description, 9[AR 310-50] training equipment development

    TEDREP type unit equipment detail report (Army)

    TEDS [Army] Tactical Expendable Drone System.

    TEDSS Tactical Environmental Data Support System (TAC)

    TEE telecommunications engineering establishment

    TEED to end encryption device

    TEEL [AR 310-50] temporary expedient equipment list

    TEEM test and evaluation estimating model

    TEEP training effectiveness evaluation plan

    TEEVAL tactics and equipment evaluator

    TEF total environment facility

    TEFSA territorial forces effectiveness file

    TEG 1tactical exploitation group, 2test and evaluation group, 3thermoelectric generator

    TEGS Target Electronic Counter Measures Generation System

    TEI terminal endpoint identifier

    TEIN tanned identification number

    TEISS the Enhanced Integrated Soldier System (Army)

    Tel telephone group
  29. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    TEL transporter/erector/launcher

    TEL(AR) transporter erector launcher (and radar)

    TELATS Tactical Electronic Locating and Targeting System

    TELCO telephone company

    TELCOM WWMCCS® Site Telecommunica-tions Configuration System

    TELCON telephone conversation

    TELD [AR 310-50] teledate equipment

    TELE-MED television medicine

    TELECON [AR 310-50] teletypewriter conference

    TELEDAC telemetric data converter

    TELEFAX telecommunications facsimile

    TELEMAN Telephone Management System (USAF)

    TELENET 1telecommunications network protocol, 2teletypewriter network

    TELER telecommunications requirement

    TELESPO computer operator console training

    TELEX 1dial-up telegraph service, 2teleprinter exchange, 3teletypewriter exchange service, 4[JP 1-02] teletype

    TELINT telemetry intelligence

    TELNET 1GTE Commercial Data Network, 2telecommunication network, 3terminal to host communication service protocol (MIL-STD-1782)

    TELPAK telecommunications package

    TELSIM teletypewriter simulator

    TELUS telemetric universal sensor

    TEM 1terrain evaluation module, 2transverse electromagnet, 3transportability engineering management

    TEM/OPS Terrain Evaluation Module/Obstacle Planning System

    TEMA 1Tanned Management Agency, 2Test and Evaluation Management Agency

    TEMAC test and evaluation manager committee

    TEMC Test and Evaluation Management Course (Defense Systems Management College)

    TEML Turbo Editor Macro Language [Borland]

    TEMO training, exercises, and military operations

    TEMOD test equipment modernization

    temp [AR 310-50] temporary

    TEMP 1test and evaluation master plan, 2electrical resistance temperature, 3temporary, 4Transportability Engineering Management Program

    TEMPER tent, extendable, modular, personnel

    TEMPEST A short name referring to investigations and studies (e.g., TEMPEST tests, TEMPEST inspections) of compromising emanations. It is sometimes used synonymously for the term.

    TEMPLAR 1tactical experimental mission planner, 2Tactical Expert Mission Planner (RADC)

    TEMPS transportable electromagnetic pulse simulator

    TEMS 1technical engineering and management support, 2turbine engine monitoring system, 3test and evaluation mission simulator

    TEMSE technical and managerial support environment

    TEMSS test equipment mass-storage system

    TENCAP [Army] Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities Program

    TENIS terminal environment network information system

    TEO 1training and evaluation outlines, 2transferred-electron oscillator, 3technology executive officer

    TEOA 1tactical ELINT processor, 2Technical Evaluation Program, 3terminal emulation processor, 4Thermal Exchange Pump (Honeywell), 5traffic engineering program, 6test and evaluation objective annex

    TEOM transformer environment overcurrent monitor

    TEOSS Tactical Emitter Operational Support System (USAF)

    TEP 1tactical electronics processor, 2tabletop enhancement program, 3tactical electronic plot, 4tactical ELINT processor, 5task execution plan, 6technical evaluation program, 7terminal emulation processor, 8traffic engineering program, 9thermal exchange pump (Honeywell), 10test evaluation plan

    TEPG thermionic electrical power generator

    TEPI training equipment planning information

    TEPIGEN television picture generator

    TEPP tactical ELINT preprocessor

    TER 1transmission equivalent resistance, 2triple ejection rack, 3thermal eclipse reading [Sony], 4test and evaluation report

    TERA terminal effects research and analysis

    TERB time enroute bulletin

    TERCOM 1terrain contour matching [navigation by comparison of the terrain with a stored map], 2terrain comparison

    TEREC tactical electromagnetic reconnaissance (USAF)

    TEREC GP TEREC Ground Processor

    TERF terrain (following) flight

    TERIB 1tanned resource investment board, 2test and evaluation resource and investment board

    TERMPWR terminator power

    TERMS 1[AR 310-50] Terminal Management System (MTMC), 2test equipment reporting management system

    TERNVSVC [AR 310-50] terrestrial environmental services

    TERP 1terrain elevation retrieval program, 2technical evaluation review panel

    TERPES Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Processing and Evaluation System (USMC)

    TERPROM terrain profile matching

    TERPS [AR 310-50] terminal instrument procedures

    TERRAIN terrain analysis file

    TERS 1tactical event reporting system, 2Tactical Electromagnetic Reconnaissance System

    TERT test and evaluation, educational, R&D and tactical missions

    TES 1tactical engagement simulation, 2tactical engagement system, 3Tactical Exploitation System [TENCAP system replacing MIES, ETRAC, and EPDS], 4test and evaluation squadron, 5tactical environment simulator, 6thermal elbow sight, 7tactical environment simulation, 8target engagement system, 9threat emitter simulator

    TESAC Training and Evaluation System for Active Countermeasures

    TESS 1tactical environmental support system, 2The Extended Simulation System (TAC), 3tactical electromagnetic systems study, 4theater exploitation study system

    TESTCOMDNA [AR 310-50] Test Command Defense Nuclear Agency

    TESTFACS Test Facility Register (Army)

    TESTREP test representative

    TESWG TRAMCON engineering sub-working group

    TET 1technical evaluation test, 2total elapsed time, 3turbine-entry temperature

    TETAM [AR 310-50] tactical effectiveness tasting antitank missile

    TETAP test and evaluation tasking plan

    TETRA terminal tracking telescope

    TETROON tethered meteorological balloon

    TEU 1[AR 310-50] United States Army Technical Escort Unit, 2[JP 1-02] twenty-foot equivalent unit

    TEW threat early warning

    TEWDS tactical electronic warfare deception system

    TEWES Tactical Electronic Warfare Environment Simulator (USN)

    TEWS 1tactical electronic warfare system, 2tactical electronic warning system, 3tactical electronic warfare support, 4[AR 310-50] tactical effectiveness of weapons systems

    TEWT 1training exercise without troops, 2tactical exercise without troops

    TEX text executive processor

    TEXCOM Test and Experimentation Command

    TEXMIS Training Module Executive Management Information System

    TEXTIR text indexing and retrieval

    TEZ 1total exclusion zone, 2Titan enterprise zone

    tf [AR 310-50] timeframe

    TF 1terrain following, 2task force, 3technical fault, 4turbofan, 5[AR 310-50] total forfeiture, 6[AR 310-50] training film

    TF FSE task force fire support element

    TF XXI Task Force XXI

    TF/D time-frequency dissemination

    TF/TA terrain following/terrain avoidance

    TFA 1technology forecasting and assessment, 2trust fund account

    TFC 1tactical fusion center, 2traffic, 3task force commander

    TFCA total force capability assessment

    TFCC 1tactical flag command center (USN), 2tactical fleet control, 3task force command center

    TFCC/FDDS Tactical Flag Command Center/Flag Data Display System

    TFCICA [JP 2-01.2] task force counterintelligence coordinating authority

    TFCS Treasury Financial Communications System

    TFCSD [AR 310-50] total Federal commissioned service to date

    TFCUS transportable field calibration unit

    TFD 1tactical fusion division (USAF), 2television feasibility demonstration, 3thin film diode, 4terrain following device, 5time/frequency display, 6termination for default

    TFDD text file device driver

    TFE 1transportation feasibility estimator (JOPS), 2tactical field exchange, 3terrain-following E-scope

    TFEL thin-film electroluminescent

    TFG 1tactical fighter group (USAF), 2transportation facility guide (MTMC), 3terminal facilities guide

    TFIV Task Force IV

    TFL test fixture

    TFM 1TEX font metric, 2tactical flight management, 3Treasury Financial Manual

    TFMRDBS Total Force Manpower Requirements Database

    TFMS tactical frequency management system

    TFO 1trainer fabrication organization, 2transaction for other

    TFOCA tactical fiber-optic cable assembly

    TFOM testability figure of measure

    TFOS [AR 310-50] total Federal officer service

    TFOV total field-of-view

    TFP time and frequency processing

    TFR 1terrain-following radar, 2total final reporting, 3[JP 1-02] temporary flight restriction

    TFRD test facilities requirement document

    TFS 1traffic flow security, 2tactical fighter squadron, 3terminal fix sensor, 4trainer fighter simulator, 5trusted file server, 6tactical forecast system

    TFT 1technical feasibility testing, 2thin-film technology, 3thin-film transistor, 4technical feasibility test, 5technologically feasible threat, 6[AR 310-50] tabular firing tables

    TFTG tactical fighter training group

    TFTP trivial file transfer protocol

    TFTS tactical fighter training squadron

    TFTW tactical fighter training wing

    TFW tactical fighter wing

    TFWC Tactical Fighter Weapons Center (Nellis AFB)

    TG 1trainer's guide, 2task group, 3trainee guide, 4tuned grid, 5transmission group, 6test group

    TGA thermo gravimetric analysis

    TGBL through Government bill of lading

    TGC 1transmit gain control, 2task group commander, 3trunk group cluster, 4trunk group communications

    TGCR tactical generic cable replacement

    TGEN [JP 1-02] table generate

    TGH [AR 310-50] Tripler General Hospital

    TGIF 1tactical ground intercept facility, 2transportable ground intercept facility

    TGIF II tactical ground intercept facility (ESC)

    TGM 1timetable generation module, 2trunk group multiplexer

    TGMOW [JP 1-02] transmission group module/orderwire

    TGMTS [AR 310-50] tank gunnery and missile tracking system

    TGOSC TENCAP General Officer's Steering Committee

    TGS translator generator system

    TGSE telemetry ground support equipment

    TGSM terminally guided sub-munition

    tgt target

    TGTINFOREP [JP 3-56.1] target information report

    TGTM transportability guidance technical manuals

    TGU [JP 1-02] trunk compatibility unit

    TGW terminally guided weapon

    TH 1transportation and handling, 2true heading

    THA 1test hazard analysis, 2threat hazard analysis

    THAAD theater high-altitude area defense

    THAIS Type Commanders, Headquarters Automated Information System (USN)

    THAR 1test hazard analysis review, 2test hazard assessment review

    THAWS tactical homing and warning system

    THD total harmonic distortion

    THDS screw threads

    THERP technique for human error rate prediction

    THI 1temperature humidity index, 2time handed in

    ThiNet [TTPIO-ABCS] Thin Net

    THIR temperature humidity infrared radiometer

    THJM thermal joining of metals

    THMT tactical high mobility terminal

    THOMAS the [United States] House [of Representatives] Open Multimedia Access System

    THOPS tape handling operational system

    THOR 1tape handling option routines, 2Tandy high-performance optical recording

    THP 1terminal to host protocol, 2take home package

    THQ theater headquarters

    THR transmit holding register

    THREATCON 1threat condition, 2[JP 1-02] terrorist threat condition

    THS test host substitute

    THT 1token holding time, 2tracking head trainer

    THURSIS the human roles in space (NASA)

    THz terahertz

    Ti titanium

    TI 1traditional instruction, 2tape inverter, 3test instruction, 4time interval, 5transfer impedance, 6technical Interchange, 7trials installation, 8thermal imager, 9target identification, 10Texas Instruments, Inc., 11target indicator, 12thermal imaging, 13thermal infrared, 14training instructor, 15technical information, 16technology insertion, 17test incident, 18[FM 101-5-1] Tajikistan, 19[TTPIO-ABCS] Tactical Internet, 20[JP 1-02] threat identification, 21[JP 1-02] technical instruction for WSCs, 22[AR 310-50] technical inspection, 23[AR 310-50] technical intelligence

    TIA 1training impact analysis, 2Telecommunications Industry Association, 3the Internet adapter

    TIAP Theater Intelligence Architecture Program (DIA/AFIN)

    TIARA 1tactical intelligence and related activities, 2target illumination and recovery aid

    TIAS target identification and acquisition system

    TIB target intelligence branch

    TIBOE transmitting information by optical electronics

    TIBR truly integrated baseline review

    TIBS Tactical Information Broadcast System [Service]

    TIC 1tape intersystem connection, 2target intercept computer, 3technical interface concept, 4transducer information center, 5temperature indicating controller, 6tool issue center, 7troops in contact, 8theater intelligence center, 9telecommunications information center, 10transaction identification code,11technology integration center, 12targeted industry category, 13total item change, 14[JP 1-02] target information center, 15[JP 3-07.4] The Interdiction Committee

    TICARRS Tactical Interim CAMS and REMIS Reporting System

    TICE time integral cost effectiveness

    TICF [AR 310-50] transient installation confinement facility

    TICP [AR 310-50] theater inventory control point

    TICS teacher interactive computer system

    TID 1technical implementation directive, 2target ID, 3tactical information display, 4target information display, 5technical interface description, 6test instrument development, 7test introduction document

    TIDAR time delay array radar

    TIDAT target intelligence data [message format for FS]

    TIDCS transitional integrated DCS

    TIDDAC time in deadband digital attitude control

    TIDE tactical information data exchange

    TIDES 1time division electronics switching system, 2training impact decision system

    TIDP 1Technical Interface Design Plan (TAC/TADS), 2telemetry and image data processing

    TIDPTE technical interface design plan test edition

    TIDS [JP 1-02] Tactical Imagery Dissemination System

    TIDY teletype integrated display system

    TIE 1technical independent evaluator, 2technical integration and evaluation, 3target identification equipment

    TIES 1transmission and information exchange system, 2time independent escape sequence

    TIF 1tape inventory file, 2task initiation form, 3telephone influence factor, 4telephone interference factor, 5tactical interface facility, 6technical information files

    TIFF tagged image file format

    TIFS total inflight simulator

    TIG 1tactical intelligence group, 2track initiation and grouping, 3The Inspector General, a publication of Air Combat Command (USAF), 4time in grade, 5transmission identification generator, 6tungsten inert gas [method of welding], 7the Inspector General

    TIGA Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture

    TIGER 1tactical intelligence and evaluation relay, 2topologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing

    TII total inactive inventory

    TIIAP Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program [NII]

    TIIF tactical image interpretation facility

    TIIPS technically improved interference prediction system

    TIL transportation information library

    TILO technical and industrial liaison office

    TILS TMDE Inventory List System

    TIM 1technical interface meeting, 2time meter, 3target identification markers, 4technical interchange meeting, 5technical information memo [COMPAQ], 6target information module, 7transmission interface module

    TIMAR [AR 310-50] near-term improvement in materiel asset reporting

    TIMI technology independent machine interface [IBM]
  30. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    TIMIG [AR 310-50] time in grade

    TIMINT [AR 310-50] time interval

    TIMIT time interval

    TIMP test investment master plan

    TIMS 1technical information management system, 2theater information management system, 3thermal imaging navigation set

    TIN 1taxpayer identification number, 2turn in, 3[AR 310-50] temporary identification number

    TINA Truth in Negotiation Act

    TINS thermal imaging navigation set

    TIO 1time interval optimization, 2[JP 1-02] target intelligence officer

    TIOE test in other environment

    TIOH, USA [AR 310-50] The Institute of Heraldry, United States Army

    TIOP tactical interface operational procedures

    TIP 1tent interface panel, 2technical information processing, 3technical information project, 4terminal interface processor, 5target impact prediction, 6tracking and impact prediction, 7telecommunications implementation plan, 8Transition and Integration Plan (DSCS), 9tailored instruction program, 10technical improvement program, 11test integration plan, 12track initiation processor, 13transit improvement program, 14treaty implementation plan, 15turn-in point, 16tactical integration plan, 17[JP 1-02] target intelligence package

    TIPA Treaty Implementation Plan Agency

    TIPG [JP 1-02] Telephone Interface Planning Guide

    TIPI 1tactical image processing interpretation, 2[JP 1-02] tactical information processing and interpretation system

    TIPI-IIS tactical information processing and interpretation – imagery interpretation segment

    TIPIL turn in point item list

    TIPL teach information processing language

    TIPP 1time-phasing program, 2test investment plan and program, 3test investment planning and programming, 4test investment planning process

    TIPS 1terrain intelligence processing system, 2technical information processing system, 3telemetry integrated processing system, 4total integrated pneumatic system, 5Transportation Information Processing System (MAC)

    TIPT transition integrated product team

    TIPTOP tape input, tape output

    TIR 1test incident report, 2technical interface report, 3total indicator reading, 4target illuminating radar, 5thermal imaging radar, 6tracking and illumination radar, 7transportation item reporters, 8total item record, 9[TTPIO-ABCS] tactical interface requirement

    TIRAS task identification and resource allocation system

    TIREM terrain integrated rough Earth model

    TIROS television and inferred observation satellite (NOAA)

    TIRP total internal reflection prism

    TIRPF total integrated radial peaking factor

    TIRS [FM 101-5-1] terrain index reference system

    TIRT target identification and recognition trainer

    TIS 1target information sheet, 2technical information service, 3total information system, 4TAC information system, 5TACOPS Information System (TAC), 6tactical intelligence support, 7tactical intelligence squadron (USAF), 8tactical input segment (JSIPS), 9test instrumentation system, 10thermal imaging system, 11tracking information subsystem, 12tracking instrumentation subsystem, 13training integration system, 14time in service, 15test information sheet, 16test instruction sheet, 17test investment strategy

    TISA 1TAC information systems architecture, 2troop issue subsistence activity

    TISC technology integration steering committee

    TISCA technical information storage and control application

    TISD tactical information systems division (TAC)

    TISL target indicator system laser

    TISO 1threat integration staff officer, 2[AR 310-50] troop issue subsistence officer

    TISP test investment strategic plan

    TISS 1TEWS Intermediate Support System (AFSC), 2transportation information subsystem, 3troop issue subsistence system, 4tactical intermediate support system

    TISSS tester independent support software system

    TISURS trainer inventory status utilization reporting system

    TITE TEWS Intermediate Test Equipment

    TITF test item transmittal form

    TITL tracker in the loop

    TIU 1trusted interface unit, 2tape identification unit

    TIV threat impact value

    TIWADS TIP interface with automated data system

    TIWG test integration working group

    tj [AR 310-50] trajectory

    TJADC [AR 310-50] theater air defense command

    TJAG the Judge Advocate General

    TJAGSA [AR 310-50] The Judge Advocate General's School, United States Army

    TJC trajectory chart

    TJD trajectory diagram

    TJOC [AR 310-50] theater joint operations center

    TJS tactical jamming system

    TK/TK track to track

    TKG terminal key generators

    TKT threshold knowledge test

    TKTRANSR [AR 310-50] tank transporter

    tl [AR 310-50] truckload

    TL 1target list, 2tape library, 3target language, 4task leader, 5test log, 6tie line, 7transmission level, 8[NATO] transit level, 9technical letter,10total loss, 11termination liability, 12truckload, 13travel and living allowance, 14temporary living allowance, 15[JP-1-02] team leader, 16[AR 310-50] time length, 17[AR 310-50] transport/loader

    TLA 1training level assignment, 2three-letter acronym, 3[AR 310-50] temporary lodging allowance, 4[AR 310-50] travel and living allowance

    TLAM Tomahawk Land Attack Missile

    TLAMC Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (conventional)

    TLAMD Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (bomblet warhead)

    TLAMN Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (nuclear)

    TLB 1translation lookaside buffer, 2top level budget

    TLC 1telecommunications line center, 2telecommunications live controller, 3[JP 1-02] traffic load control, 4[JP 1-02] thin layer chromatography

    TLCC theater logistics coordination center

    TLCCS total life cycle competition strategy

    TLCF 1teleconferencing, 2[JP 1-02] teleconference (WIN)

    TLCSC top level computer software component

    TLD 1top level domain [Internet], 2transport and logistics dataset. 3top level demonstration manager, 4[AR 310-50] technical logistics data

    TLDI [AR 310-50] technical logistics data and information

    TLE 1tracking light electronics, 2target location error

    TLF temporary lodging facilities

    TLI 1telephone line interface, 2transport layer interface, 3three letter identifier, 4type line item code

    TLK test link

    TLM telemeter

    TLMR trounced land mobile radio

    TLO 1terminal learning objective, 2[AR 310-50] technical liaison officer

    TLOD technical letter of delegation

    TLP 1threshold learning process, 2top load pad, 3total language processor, 4test level point, 5transmission level point, 6troop leading procedure, 7[NATO] Tactical Leadership Program, 8[AR 310-50] total loss of pay

    TLR 1telecommunications leasing request, 2technical letter report, 3termination liability reserve, 4top level requirement, 5[JP 1-02] trailer

    TLRN Technical Logistics Reference Network

    TLRP TRADOC Long Range Plan

    TLRS total logistics readiness and sustainability

    TLRTP TRADOC Long-range Training Plan

    TLS 1telecommunication liaison staff, 2terminal landing system, 3tactical logistics system, 4through life support, 5time line sheet

    TLSC total logistics support cost

    TLSS tactical life support system

    TLT test loop translator

    TLTA two-loop test apparatus

    TLU table look-up

    TLV 1threshold limit value, 2threat likelihood value, 3[AR 310-50] threshold limit values

    TLW termination liability worksheet

    TLX [JP 1-02] teletype

    tm team

    TM 1technical manual, 2tactical missile, 3tape mark, 4telemetry, 5temperature meter, 6temperature monitor, 7tone modulation, 8transmission matrix, 9transverse magnetic [field], 10[JP 1-02] theater missile, 11task memory, 12tasking memorandum,13trademark, 14technical maintenance, 15thematic mapper, 16technical management, 17test manager, 18to receive telemetry, 19type model, 20threat manager, 21[JP 1-02] team member, 22[JP 1-02] TROPO modem

    TM CHG technical manual change number

    TM IND technical manual indenture code

    TM V&V technical manual verification and validation

    TM/TO technical manual/technical order

    TMA 1TRADOC Management Activity, 2training mission area, 3total materiel assets, 4target motion analysis, 5terminal control area, 6traffic management agency, 7traffic management analyst, 8[AR 310-50] Taiwan Maintenance Agency

    TMACS training management control system

    TMAO 1[JP 4-06] Theater Mortuary Affairs Officer, 2[AR 310-50] troop movement assignment order

    TMAP telecommunications monitoring and assessment program

    TMARP tanker mating and ranging program (SAC)

    TMAS 1thermal mine avoidance system; 2tank main armament system, 3transaction monitoring and analysis system

    TMAW Technical Managers Advanced Workshop (Defense Systems Management College)

    TMAWG threat model accreditation working group

    TMC 1traffic message channel, 2temporary mobilization center, 3thermal management control, 4test management council

    TMCA 1Transportation Management Control Agency, 2Transportation Movement Control Agency

    TMCC 1[AR 310-50] theater movement control office, 2time-multiplexed communication channel

    TMCR technical manual contract requirement

    TMCRL [AR 310-50] tailored master cross reference list

    TMCS 1tactical maintenance control system, 2telecommunications management and control subsystems

    TMD 1tactical munitions dispenser, 2transient mass distribution code, 3theater missile defense, 4tactical modular display, 5technical management database

    TMD/EXJAM tactical munitions dispenser expendable jammer

    TMDE test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment

    TMDR technical manual deficiency report

    TMDS theater missile defense system

    TMEC TRADOC Materiel Evaluation Committee

    TMEP [JP 4-06] Theater Mortuary Evacuation Point

    TMET 1Transportable Medium Earth Terminal [GRCS], 2technical management evaluation team

    TMF time management facility (Honeywell)

    TMFD technical manual functional description

    TMG 1TRADOC manpower guidance, 2[JP 1-02] timing

    TMGS transportable mobile ground station (USAF)

    TMHS tactical message handling system

    TMICP [AR 310-50] topographic map inventory control point

    TMICS transportation management information control system

    TMIMPS Technical Manual Integrated Management Program System

    TMIS 1Technical Management Information System (NASA), 2technician's maintenance information system, 3training and maintenance information system, 4[JP 1-02] Theater Medical Information System

    TML [JP 1-02] terminal

    TMLS tactical microwave landing system

    TMM 1target materials management, 2target management matrix

    TMMC theater materiel management center

    TMMMC [JP 4-02.1] theater medical materiel management center

    TMMS Technical Manual Management System

    TMN 1technical and management note, 2telecommunication management network, 3true mach number, 4[JP 1-02] trackline multiunit non-return

    TMO 1training material outline, 2traffic management office, 3[AR 310-50] transportation movements office(r), 4transportation management office, 5training and military operation, 6[AR 310-50] total materiel objective

    TMOPES TRADOC Mobilization, Planning, and Execution System

    TMOPS TRADOC Mobilization and Operations Plan

    TMOS transportation management/OPTEMPO system (USN)

    TMP 1training management plan, 2triple modular redundant, 3TAC Mission Processor, 4temporary, 5technical management plan, 6target master plan, 7technology master process, 8[JP 1-02] Telecommunications Management Program, 9[AR 310-50] technical manual parts, 10[AR 310-50] transportation motor pool

    TMPC theater mission planning center

    TMPO 1terrain modeling project office, 2[AR 310-50] total materiel procurement objective

    TMPODS 1Technical Manual Print on Demand System, 2Technical Manual Publish on Demand System

    TMPS Theater Mission Planning System (SAC/JCS)

    TMR 1triple modular redundancy, 2[JP 1-02] trackline multiunit return, 3[AR 310-50] total materiel requirement, 4[AR 310-50] transportation movements release

    TMR/TL Table of Manpower Requirements/Troops List System (USMC)

    TMRBM transportable medium range ballistic missile

    TMRS tactical missile record system

    TMS 1tactical missile squadron, 2time-shared monitor system, 3transmission measuring set, 4training management system, 5traffic management specialist, 6type, model, and sery

    TMSD [AR 310-50] total military service to date

    TMSS 1technical manual specifications and standards, 2technical munition safety study

    TMT 1TOPSOIL Maintenance Trainer, 2transition management team, 3TRAMCON master terminal, 4transportation motor transport

    TMTS transaction monitoring tool

    TMW tactical missile wing

    TMWS target material workstation

    TMX telemeter transmitter

    TN 1technical note, 2Tennessee, 3technical needs, 4twisted nematic, 5technology need, 6[AR 310-50] thermonuclear

    TNA transient network analyzer

    TNAPS [JP 1-02] Tactical Network Analysis and Planning System

    TNAPS+ [JP 1-02] Tactical Network Analysis and Planning System Plus

    TNAS TELCON Network Administration System

    TNB tail number bin