The New American Emperor

Discussion in 'The Workshop' started by Tuckerfan, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. Tuckerfan

    Tuckerfan BMF

    Oct 13, 2007
    Can't tell you, 'cause I'm undercover!
    The new American Emperor arrived at his coronation riding in an enclosed litter made from the bones of those caught trying to escape the country. The litter bearers were naked women and children drawn from the welfare districts created when he was "merely" the last American President. If any of the litter bearers stumbled or lost their grip, a large, gold painted whip master swiftly appeared and began lashing them until they either returned to their station, or they ceased to move. At which point, their bloody form was tossed into a cage of starving lions that followed behind. The crowd cheered whenever someone was tossed into the cage, for they knew that they might be next, if the wrong person saw them failing to be enthusiastic enough.

    The litter stopped at the stage which had been constructed in front of the Capital Building, and the Emperor emerged, wearing a purple toga, trimmed with gold, and his hair styled to match that of busts of Julius Caesar. Awaiting him on the stage were some of his concubines, his dozen or so children, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the leaders of the House and Senate, no longer elected, but all hand-picked by the Emperor, to better ensure that his vision for America could be carried out, with little opposition from those who were against his ideas. They were all similarly attired in Roman-style outfits, though none as lavishly as his was, and the stage was arrayed with plaster Roman columns, painted gold.

    As the emperor ascended the stairs to the stage, a naked woman, who before this moment, was a popular Hollywood actress, known more for her beauty than her performances, emerged from behind one of the columns, carrying a purple velvet pillow in her upturned hands. Seated in the center of the pillow was a laurel wreath, made from solid gold. She walked towards the Chief Justice, reaching his side, just as the Emperor stopped in front of him. The justice smiled uneasily, while the Emperor simply stared at him.

    "Your excellency," the justice's voice carried a hint of nervousness as he spoke, amplifiers carrying it so the massive crowds could hear what was being said onstage. "Today, it is my very great honor, to offer to you this symbol of power, modeled after that worn by the great leaders of ancient Rome, but which today, gives you dominion over a nation, an empire, far greater than that which any of Rome's subjects could have imagined. I do this at the request of the American people, in hopes that you might repair the damages done to this nation by those opposed to America remaining the greatest nation, and the brightest light of liberty and freedom this world has ever known. Will you accept this offering?"

    The Emperor's face was twisted into what he no doubt thought was an expression of great contemplation, but would have been called a mocking pout, by anyone foolish enough to voice a negative opinion of the new Emperor. He bobbed, slightly, in time with the words spoken by the Chief Justice, no doubt checking to make sure that matched exactly with those that he had written. He continued to bob after the justice finished speaking, as if to indicate that he was debating the sham offer before accepting. The outcome of this day had been decided months before, when there had been a rigged election which pushed through a new amendment to the Constitution, giving the Emperor absolute power, and setting today as the date for his coronation.

    "I will." The Emperor's voice was curt, and the crowd, as they had been instructed, erupted into cheers and applause. The justice turned, and took the laurel wreath from the pillow, as the Emperor inclined his head to receive it. The actress holding the pillow walked backwards towards her place behind the column she had emerged from, as the Emperor, wearing the wreath approached the edge of the stage, with his arms held high, and a bright smile on his face.