Germany's top companies have hired just 54 migrants.

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Dinner, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. Inútil

    Inútil Fresh Meat

    Sep 18, 2015
    So just to recap: having been caught lying about the statistics, lying about the circumstances and failing to understand how literacy rates change over time, despite all the necessary information having been provided for you, your argument now rests on some lines being 'straight'.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  2. gturner

    gturner Banned

    Sep 27, 2014
    Did you just fall off the back of a turnip truck?

    Do you know what real-world data is supposed to look like?

    Hint 1: trend lines do not stay absolutely straight over decades.
    Hint 2: there's no way to measure literacy rates in a brutal civil war where nobody even has access to half the country.
    Hint 3: Older people just up and die to make a line on a graph perfectly straight.
    Hint 4: Syria has been at war since 2011, and children in many areas haven't been going to school, yet the literacy rate is still increasing?
    Hint 5: How on Earth did UNESCO get a data point in 2015? Maybe our Special Forces operators should buddy up with those UNESCO people because somehow they slip in and out of ISIS controlled areas unhindered, such as Aleppo and Raqqah.
  3. Dinner

    Dinner 2012 & 2014 Master Prognosticator

    Aug 26, 2009
    Land of fruit & nuts.
    The article I read made it sound like an official status which might help people get work permits faster. As it did not elaborate I asked you. So what is sliding and how does one go about getting it?
  4. Dinner

    Dinner 2012 & 2014 Master Prognosticator

    Aug 26, 2009
    Land of fruit & nuts.
    It is really long and it is hard to dig out the needed bits but many academics have said the official Syrian government stats on literacy have accuracy problems.

    Basically the dictatorship tends to publish numbers which make it look good but no outsiders get to check numbers for accuracy. Thus leaving their numbers some what questionable as to accuracy.
  5. K.

    K. Sober

    Mar 29, 2004
    Well, your original source already defined it, so I can really only repeat it. Duldung is a documented situation in which a person who is not accepted as an asylum holder or seeker, immigrant, migrant, or refugee for any number of reasons, is still not forced to return to their home country. Reasons can be anything from their health through extreme conditions in their home, or absence of any documented home altogether, to cases where people's staying on is in the strong interest of a child, or a German business, or (rarely) German national security. It is basically a catch all for miscellaneous cases that all have in common that a judge ruled the person might as well be free to move, work, and remain out of prison despite theoretically having violated some immigration law.

    One way to think about it is to say that the US has lots of illegal immigrants that are not currently actively being removed; in good and classic German fashion, we here can't abide that thought without giving them an official piece of paper saying they don't qualify for any official piece of paper right now.

    You can't apply for Duldung or seek it actively if you're a refugee (though companies etc. can seek it for an existing employee who suddenly lost his previous right to stay in Germany for some reason). It's basically what happens when a judge throws their hands into the air and declares a given case to be unresolvable for now.
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