Every Republican's post diminishes me...

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Grandtheftcow, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. Grandtheftcow

    Grandtheftcow Fresh Meat

    Dec 23, 2004
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    and everyone's enjoyment of Wordforge.

    You know I always suspected Republicans were secretly Nazis. They've been quietly waiting out the decades for the perfect time to enact their secret super evil white agenda. Now it's obvious with the surprise election of Donald "LITERALLY HITLER (For realsies this time guys not like all the other times we called Republicans Hitler)" Trump that they are now goose-stepping their way towards the total destruction of good hearted and most importantly, smarter progressive America.

    Sixty-two million people have declared themselves openly racist, deplorable filth this election. So I'm certain we've got a few of them here. To spearhead the Wordforge administrations recent efforts to promote more harmonious and healthy discussion with the overall end goal of better group thinking. I think it would be helpful if we pointed out posts from members that have posted with the incorrect viewpoint. Hopefully the offending poster will reconsider their wrong headed ideology and the Wordforge administration can gently guide them towards being more productive members of the community. Because failure to properly participate may result in being sent to the gulag Violet Room.
    • Funny x 2
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