The Arbitrarium Podcast

Discussion in 'The Workshop' started by Nocturne of Vladimir Jazz, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. Nocturne of Vladimir Jazz

    Nocturne of Vladimir Jazz And Hell's comin' with me!

    Oct 3, 2006
    Indianapolis, IN
    I haven't come here much over the last couple years, but I figured I'd share a big project I've been involved in with my friend, Garrett. We have a podcast.

    There are now 10 episodes of The Arbitrarium Podcast available! We tackle subjects across the board, such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, a review The Social Dilemma, Materialism vs. Idealism, what it means to be human, what it means to have identity, animal uplift, and absurd questions like, “If The Universe is so big...why won’t it FIGHT me?”

    We engage in dialogue with guests about these topics and offer our insights through our varying fields of interest, such as science, technology, philosophy, psychology, history, and pop culture. Throughout the episodes are scattered [fake and humorous] ads for our sponsors, such as Phantom Touch Ghost Masseuse, Soylent Silver, Wolf Government Brand Anchovies, Nixon Logs, Scottish Bog Soap, and Romie O’Possum’s Totally Legitimate Pizza and Child Casino.

    If you're interested in hearing breakdowns of interesting topics from all over the spectrum of human endeavor, this is the podcast for you! Check out the Spotify link below:

    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Bickendan

    Bickendan Custom Title Administrator Faceless Mook Writer

    May 7, 2010
    Romie O’Possum’s Totally Legitimate Pizza and Child Casino.

    Does it have a ballpit? It's only legit if there's a ballpit :yes:

    Good to see you, though. Post moar ;)
  3. Nocturne of Vladimir Jazz

    Nocturne of Vladimir Jazz And Hell's comin' with me!

    Oct 3, 2006
    Indianapolis, IN
    Thanks! Well, we'll see if I post more or not. I've gotten quite busy with so many projects and jobs. I'm an animation professor now, but I'm also writing a major philosophical work--a sort of anthology--as well as developing Mallory Bash, writing Scratch, and doing development work for some partners out in L.A. who work at the major studios. I'm doing illustrations for a few Disney TV writers and developing Mallory with my partner who works at Netflix.

    I've stepped back from Wordforge mostly because of the unproductive discourse. It just came to feel like a lot of dark-corner-of-the-internet bickering over nothing that could ever be resolved that way. A lot of self-indulgent conflict and very little ethical dialectic, in my estimation. But we'll see. I might return for some feedback on the philosophy book. It's coming along. There's a lot in it, including a proposed model of reality, a collection of aphorisms, commentary on social issues and ethical dialogue, Christian apologetics, a collection of ruminations, and propositions on what God is and our position as beings of free will within it. In truth, it's more like Existence Apologetics. Something like that. A refutation of nihilism by way of a cohesive structure of reality. A model of it which attempts to account for the greatest physical, metaphysical, and philosophical paradoxes.

    Sorry, that's where my head's been for a while so it's easy to ramble. But yeah. We'll see.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • popcorn popcorn x 1