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Fuckin A right. Good God, could this not degenerate into a Jr. High level verbal AIDS fest? Just checking. :dayton:
Man. I never saw that coming. :neroon:
So........not the best and brightest, eh? An army of political prisoners, what could possibly go wrong? I was amused by the news recently of a...
I just lost mine, too. I feel you, brother.
Nor is it my position. Ease is irrelevant. We are neglecting domestic problems to feed the military industrial complex and discourage trading oil...
You tell me. :neroon:
Hamas' overwhelming election victories say otherwise.
So, these guys are jihadists, but Hamas and the palestinians aren't? :lol:
Ok, Irish Nazi. :lol:
It's a figure of speech, retard. :neroon:
Jesus, shut the fuck up.
But, muh escalation!
No concussion, he's just a Nazi that supports terrorism. :neroon:
Pure fantasy, Rick. Cope harder. :lol:
Life has been a war since I shot out of the womb. I've managed to stay alive, and have navigated it like a surgeon. Hence the name.
Your obsession with this topic is......disturbing.
No. Trimming with scissors, only.
A lot of drinking. Many times, with the Priests. A lot of the ones that taught classes at Gonzaga University were veterans, and a fucking hoot....
This was the bible passage that stuck with me for the rest of my life. Growing up Catholic was wild, man.
Oh, boy. Another call-out thread.
I need someone to take the Frank Gorshin Riddlers body, and put P Ditty's head on it? I have an idea........
The latter.
I double dog dare you.
Russia never was a democracy.
Muscovy Delende Est.
I can dig it. What kind of Jeep is it? CJ series?
This Vance guy is goofy as fuck. How can anyone take him seriously?
All strongmen, like Putin, want one thing; to be in power. Putin knows that if he uses nukes of any variety, it will trigger an overwhelming...
Russian population growth is already in freefall. They're bleeding themselves white.
You sound like Adolph Hitler. :bailey:
Separate names with a comma.