Mom, @oldfella1962 is being reasonable, tell him to stop it.
Any dude who wants to ingratiate himself with my family and take my kid out on unsupervised activities is already on my WTF list.
It is all about consent, yes. Although if my cat walks in the room with a come-hither stare and a sleek black coat, obviously she's asking for it. Or...
You should all take a moment to read this:
See ya back in Arkansas, Dayton! Whoo! I'll bring my bi-curious chipmunk along just for you.
Maybe that's why @Scott Hamilton Robert E Ron Paul Lee fears home invaders in West TN so much. You definitely need an AR-15 to take out a family of...
/me reminds self that hypocritical "Christ"-ians must exist for a reason.
Hey gun buddies, looks like Trump is backing down on that whole raising the age to buy firearms thing! I woNdeR whAt changed his mind.
No. The correct answer to the evangelical plight in 2016 was to sit the election out or just write in a person they like. But they didn't. They got...
Oh wow, is it already November 2020? What did I miss? Is North Korea still a thing? Has Tom Brady retired? Because FUCK that guy, you know?
Oh good, so I can still jerk off my cat in Canada?
Well, speaking for Democrats everywhere, we are really glad you took the time to post this. Thank you. I really think we can all relax now that...
PROOF of modern technology in ANCIENT times?! TOP Bible Scholars DO NOT want you to see THIS!
But a universal background check would abrogate the Second Amendment and cause the downfall of the United States of America.
I didn't give a shit who won the 2016 Dem nom, as long as Trump didn't win. But then America lost its fucking mind and now here we are. You voted...
Fair enough.
"Stripping away our rights." Jesus fucking Christ. Sorry, Skippy, but maybe some of us don't want to live in a culture that glorifies guns to the...
I'm not saying there's any actual corruption, they just have that stink about them. Maybe I'm full of shit. I admit it's just a gut feeling.
The DNC reeks of corruption. Anything they do to dispel that notion would be fine by me.
Who am I to argue with your mom?
Matthew 4:1-11 New King James Version (NKJV) 4 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had...
True! George Washington was, in fact, buried alive after his presumed death. This was only discovered after Washington desperately clawed his way out...
I think the insane amount of gun violence in the US is boogeyman enough, but whatevs.
We should just merge any and all gun threads into one big mega-thread where the gun-grabbers and the gun-fuckers can argue for all eternity.
I hate Onion ripoffs.
This sounds like the greatest thing ever. If this happened to Amelia Earhart and her co-pilot...Fred something?--then they probably died from having...
Who's the first lobbying group that gets mentioned after a shooting incident? Which group is specifically kowtowed to by any Republican looking to...
Maybe he's going for a rap effect, like "some might even think this song is sexisist because I axed the girls to rub on their breasteses."
It's funny that Schmerple uses the term "NRA policy' in his post. The NRA obviously doesn't set policy officially, but has a huge influence on those...
The. 357 Magnum Force magazine clip is obviously what's at stake here, even though the AR-15 crotch rocket is more than sufficient.
I just watched "Chaos on the Bridge" and all I could think is that William Shatner WILL NEVER DIE.
My dad was always on me to read these. He was a huge fan.
Thank God for unanswered prayers, you know?
It has also been established that the number of Red Room threads about guns is directly proportional to me blowing my brains out when the thread...
Just wanted to thank @Scott Hamilton Robert E Ron Paul Lee of the NRA and the YMCA for warning us about the dangers of living in West Tennessee. I...
Jessie did that to herself. Her relentless desire to succeed drove her to make bad choices.
Any tax of this kind is going to be vociferously opposed by the NRA and won't go anywhere legislatively. At this point the gun lobby has far too much...
Every time I go into Best Buy they look surprisingly busy. Based on what I've looked at, anyway, their prices are roughly on par with stuff you'd...
Such a sad thing all around. 17 kids dead, dozens of people's lives shattered, and this guy is going to be a Grade A social pariah. Really tragic.
Separate names with a comma.