The Enterprise had just been crippled from a Klingon ambush and they narrowly escaped. They needed to get their wounded off of the ship and onto a...
There was a terrible stench filling the bridge of the Enterprise. None of the crew knew the source of such a foul stench. Counselor Troi picked up a...
Fuck Chuck wendig. He wrote a worse star wars trilogy than the prequwls [ATTACH] THIRSTGRASS?! AND PICK A FUCKING TENSE. [ATTACH]
>Deleted Star Wars spoiler image<
>Deleted Star Wars spoiler image< And warned the asshole poster.
Ugh, what's her face is from game of thrones is secretly working for another crime Lord... It's not Jabba... It's... darth maul, and he's in the...
Day after day I just ignore more and more idiots here . I've always tried to see the other sides perspective but the left has gone insane with...
Right about one thing. "Plantation" [ATTACH]
I keep hearing this that if only the stupid Americans could understand what the Liberals were saying they would vote for them Obama said that all...
I watched the little March today that ended up being an anti republican rally and keep wondering what if the republicans hold the house and Senate in...
Dear baby, welcome to ignoreville. Population: you
Still waiting for proof. I've been anti Trump since the primaries. Waiting for you to show me the opposite
It's amazing the lefts hatred for rich white men making policy but they are fine with rich white boys making policy. Thank God I live in the midwest...
This kid is unhinged and needs to get a nice 48 hour evaluation and then go to school [media]
You're a racist bigot.
Beat me by seconds lol
“I tell people, I said [sic] Austin is kinda the blueberry in the tomato soup in the state, if you will. It is a little different than the rest of...
OMG. Does tardrun really not know about Austin ? Lol
Get the sand out of your vagina. You'll feel better
This is the most irresponsible reportore I've ever seen. CNN put a kid on the air who had no credible information and was just spewing nonsense he...
Separate names with a comma.