It should be a surprise, I can't remember ever agreeing with Liet before. I'm curious to know what you won't defend. Cops firing into a crowd at an...
Your integrity never ceases to amaze me.
I'm with Liet on this one. That cop should be charged with a crime.
I don't think anyone would confuse you with a fence sitting observer. If you were, you would not categorize Rick's hyperbolic thread grenade as an...
I read the whole thread. You're reaching Actually, your use of hyperbolic and inaccurate language demonstrates your lack of objectivity. Whether...
It's not a fine point, gul. A battleship also has a tool that uses a controlled explosion to propel a projectile at high speed towards a target with...
Does he believe that? He certainly never said anything like that.
Anyone who thinks it's splitting hairs to differentiate a machine gun from a semi-auto rifle is an idiot. A quick glance at military history from...
It's not the same. Rape is a predatory action. Stepping out into traffic is inherently dangerous no matter how much accountability you put on the...
Or you could just use the damn crosswalk that was put there for your safety. Don't you think that is a bit more sensible than bringing vehicular...
I mostly hear about identity theft.
Looks like they are going to waste $45.5 million of that.
Yes, I understand and agree for the most part. But Oldfella's point could very well have merit. After all, poverty influences culture. But not...
Good question. We need numbers to compare poor blacks with poor whites.
Dramatic little bitch, aren't ya? He's not talking about feeding them gruel. Imagine encouraging healthy, nutritious food for our nation's poor so...
This. In England, I once physically stopped two mainland Euros from cutting in front of me. They were more confused than anything about my anger....
Art Acevedo, like much of Austin, comes from California. He is famous for being hostile to gun shows and for encouraging his officers to increase...
A great lawyer can confuse a jury and that's what happened here. Otherwise, only an idiot could possibly believe the defense's narrative.
I'll give it a shot. Downey Jr. made $50 million for Iron Man 3, which grossed $1.2 billion world wide. He only made $500k for Iron Man 1 which...
The split tongue alone makes her heinous. Who would have guessed that self mutilation could be such a red flag.
This is the most unsatisfying Super Bowl in recent memory.
Yes, bourbon must be AT LEAST 51% corn. That leaves 49% which can consist of additional corn, rye, wheat, or malted barley. Wheated bourbons are...
Nah. They are not the same recipe. The percentage of corn and secondary grain (usually rye) will vary in order to give distinctive flavor...
Elijah Craig 12 is my daily bourbon. Others I like include: four roses small batch, four roses single barrel, elmer t lee, w.l. weller 12, old...
I do notice a pattern. That's an awful lot of "maybe". Here's another maybe: Maybe he doesn't have a gun. Crazy assumption, what with the not...
I can't accept that a cop's number one job is to make it safely home. That is certainly one of many priorities. But his job is related to his...
Bolded for emphasis. What you are describing is text book overreaction. They didn't see a gun. They didn't mistake another object for a gun. They...
I've lived there and I call it a shithole all the time. Never heard more gun shots in my life. Never seen more streetwalkers in my life. Never...
Great point. However, it's still hard for me to be jealous what with your perpetually gray skies, shitty job market and fat, barrel shaped women....
For some insight into the Ohio State fan mindset:
Get a hold of yourself, dude. He's not the one who hijacked the thread.
I grew up around Houston in the bayous. I've seen more cotton mouths than I could possibly remember. No one get's chased down and bitten by cotton...
What constitutes directly threatening you? I don't have any experience with Australian snakes, but here in the states, the idea of a snake actually...
Those formations are the reason the area is protected. Your example of skipping a rock across a stream is not equivalent.
The Lakota Sioux have no more claim to that land than the U.S. government does.
I lost my cat Regis back in Feb. He was diagnosed with kidney disease and the vet was going to keep him for 3 nights with a an IV to flush his...
This reads as "From one attention whore to another". God forbid she make money off her sex appeal. Maybe she should shave her head and rip up a...
Just PM the ladies individually and ask for titty pics. They'll all do it. Every single one.
Judge Dredd mentality. Judge Dredd: You could have gone out the window. Fergie: 40 floors? It would have been suicide! Judge Dredd: Maybe,...
That's cops :shrug:. They aren't your friends and they don't have your best interests at heart. I learned that in college when the local police...
Separate names with a comma.