Simple solution if all you need is a printed document (rather than you are going to be sending it electronically to people.) is to make the cover in...
One can never have too many cute animals... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Saying that admins can't participate in rep wars would imply that they actually matter. If admins and mods can participate in rep wars then it gives...
The problem with pit bulls is not the breed itself its the way people treat them. They are very loyal dogs so if their owners teach them to be...
My opinion as someone who is not really part of the community, and there for some what of a third party observer is: If rep wars are obtrusive...
MN needs to try this. They're facing yet another government shut down because they can't get the budget passed. All non-essential services will be...
I think it works in conversation, I say it. It could also work if you were writing dialogue for prose, although it doesn't look pretty. I wouldn't...
^If that's her she looks like she's spent a little too much time in the sun. One possibility is that it was a new swimsuit that was just a little...
If River was in the suit and killed the Doctor, then River was shooting at herself when she shot at the suit. But on the other hand, I find it...
I've probably been to that store! I have seen lots of interesting returns. :wtf: Fortunately I don't have to put up with that anymore! 7 or so...
sounds like a newt to me, was it scaly or smooth?
The coyotes around my folks place have been really bold lately, last fall they were in the barn, and this summer they were in the yard. :-s
mine depends on a lot of things like how big of a hurry i am, or what i'm writing or my mood. Neatness ranges from really nice to completely illegible
Banned for making me crave cookies. :p ;)
Speculation of the impending end of the world. much LMAOing
that is ausome
answering as a "not there yet" Yes, I want to have kids. However I don't hold anything against people who don't want to have kids. It's always...
I got to go with "Ewww" on this one (sorry honey!) Although I do like them raw. :D
Hopefuly I should have my stuff pmed yet tonight, just trying to get things straight, particularly for the character background, but it's starting to...
yeah, we're probably not going to start for a week or two.
Human ;)
Ok, I'm confused, am i going to be a Druid or do i get to be a Wizard, or do we not know yet? I want to start making my character sheet. Edit: Never...
Well Captain asked me if I'd be willing to be a Druid, and since it was Ranger and Druid i was debating between anyway, i said yes. Although i guess...
Sunday should be good for me too... as long as it is in the afternoon. I'll probably be a female elf ranger... pending examination of my players...
i'm in. :)
Any time on Saturday should work for me. I have read up on DnD, but never had a chance to actually play it, but i would love to.
Me, at two or three: [IMG] Me and my little brother: [IMG]
Game Cube, GBA, GBC and NES... One would think I'm partial to Nintendo...
we have a similar tradition... well not really but we put up our tree a day or two before Christmas, not because Santa decorates it but because we...
I want an iPod, a guitar, and an electric keyboard.... but being realistic, i really have no clue what i want. :-s
sort of sounds like a permaban to me. :shrug: And he certainly feels like it is.
Unfortunately, I also suspect the announcements of specials in 2009 are lies. I think it is an attempt to cover Tennant leaving the show without...
I was dubious about the musical numbers but they've grown on me.
Separate names with a comma.