I might need to get active again here since this pandemic is gonna just be a cull in US and you'll need someone around to post when 50% of this board...
He lost a foot? Hahahahahahahaha. I need someone to give me a quick update? Is Techman still dead? What about that sickly woman who was always...
It's super gross you have a picture with one of your victims in your avatar. A mod should probably remove that.
And now one of them is going to be god damn senator from the worst state in America! God damn how times have changed!
Love this Trump guy. Great act he's got going on. I full endorse him for America. :polarslam:
"!" Don't come by here much due to the whole life "thang" but I'm sad to read this. He was a good Peg City guy. WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN A...
Techman still a tranny? I can't keep up with the drama here.
Well, we don't really stay in touch. I assume things have been better! But cause this is the helpdesk, I wish to have help! Why is this site so...
Veags is gauche. You're still too new money for me.
I'm like all grownup with a life and stuff, I don't have time to read threads and pick away at people's weaknesses in order to cause general mayhem...
6) Is Tamar dying still just a lame cliche, or she like actually dying?
I've been like living the life of an adult, so please fill me in on the sensitive topics that will cause the mods to look for a reason to permaban...
What are the requirments for a permaban? Please outline them. THANKS!
The amusing British reaction is what I imagine it would have been like if Canada did not win gold in the non boring man sport of hockey. But we did....
Nervous Nellies tried to derail the Chretien moves too. Cameron will have to man up and rise to become a great statesman like Jean Chretien was.
The warm glow of my prozac makes me happy!
NO! The world demands catharsis for these BP mess and only a few dozen dead Brits washing up on the beaches of the Falklands will satisfy our...
I don't give a shit about any BP shareholders. If you are so over exposed to one company that their bankruptcy will wipe you out, than you are...
This would be a good time for Argentina to take back the Islas Malvinas.They could win the PR effort and justify it as a preemptive strike before the...
Perhaps after 60 years of World Cup failure the English will be begging to be allowed a few talented Scots, Welshmen and Irish to compete under the...
:( It's harder to troll now that I'm a young career man on the move IMHO! Time is money and all that jazz.
You can have one today if you really want. Higgins Avenue beckons.
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/canada-the-teacher-as-uk-prepares-for-budget-blitzkrieg/article1595455/ Most U.K things...
"!" A great statesman! His 1995 budget laid the foundation of Canada escaping the worst of this global downturn! Cameron/Clegg will need strong...
So the lesson is that being rich and having a powerful family will let you get away with one murder. Not two. I will pick the one I get with great...
You can tell that despite his father being a well connected Dutch political official, that he was not raised that well cause he dresses and carries...
I do enjoy the World Cup cause it's the only sport where I can cheer for the Americans as the plucky underdogs against a chav state of old world...
Ugh. Privileged youth need to be better than that. He gives all of us a bad name.
Asians are disgusting. IMHO! Like little yellow trolls.
UND is kind of amazing. Not sure about the quality of education, but the girls are great and are delivered to Winnipeg upon a silver platter to take...
A Yale Degree is useless. WORST SCHOOL EVER! However, I promise I will make you my admin assistant one day. I will buy you flowers on secretaries...
You can always go back and shoot the place up when your life of menial labour causes you to snap!
You should have gone to a better school IMHO! Working your ass off at some mid tier state school is less smart that coasting by at an Ivy or top...
Ugh. Way too much work. If I'm going to suck the right dicks I just want to be senior adviser land spin that off into a lifetime of lucrative...
I find the poor fascinating! I have strong commitment to noblesse oblige. Like a young John Edwards I look forward to lifetime of poor people helping...
I did a double honors undergrad in Economics and Political Studies and did a M.A with a focus on Political Communications.
I went to school with white rich people, and black rich people and Asian rich people! And rich people from many other countries too! Like Brits and...
Indeed. I am too deeply ingrained in the mosaic of equality that is Canada, where we are all equals and have no elites. I'm surprised I never picked...
Separate names with a comma.