I took a nice vacation out in Big Bend and came up with some interesting pictures. Please forgive the cell phone quality. Enjoy: Looking down the...
A lot of sources are now reporting that Texas A&M to the SEC is basically a done deal. The official announcement would be on or before the 22nd....
I've been wanting a 9mm for a while now and found myself with some extra time and cash today so . . . [IMG] My original intent was to get a Glock...
Look who decided to be consistent!...
Just got back from this and I have to say that I enjoyed it thoroughly. The Good This film wastes no time getting straight to the story. I mean no...
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704545004575353292222831832.html My favorite quote: sraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's...
This guy thinks so: http://www.cbssports.com/columns/story/13437930/death-penalty-for-oklahoma-hoops-thats-the-hypothesis-here The NCAA shouldn't...
I was following ESPN.com's punch by punch analysis of the fight and one of the analysts types "Mayweather is like the Borg. You can get him once and...
. . . by Cormac McCarthy. Has anyone else read this? I just finished it and I'm not sure what to think. The book is extremely violent and the...
Pretty damned accurate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFicqklGuB0
The other day I was cruising through Cabelas (awesome place) and decided to pick up some JHP's. They were pretty cleaned out and I ended up with...
Dan Wesson is discontinuing the majority of their 1911 pistols including the CBOB, Pointman 9, Pointman 7, Pointman Marksman, Razorback, and SS...
Anybody else ever done this? I almost through day 4 and it's not so bad. I found the gum to be worse than the cravings. Disgusting stuff. Has...
Has anyone seen this show? It's pretty entertaining watching Seagal relate everything back to martial arts training. He's like a big, fat, white...
Anyone else drunk and bored?
Does anyone here have any experience with the Dan Wesson CBOB? My dad is looking to get his carry license. He loves my 1911, but doesn't want to...
This is horrible. http://www.news9.com/global/story.asp?s=11141949 I realize this is Oklahoma, but can the rest of the states really be that much...
I found this little guy while out walking with my dad tonight. [IMG] Give us a kiss! [IMG] Here's a size comparison [IMG] Here's me moving him...
I found this little guy tonight walking the dog. It's a very young Eastern Blackneck Garter snake. This snake is maybe 10 inches long. As they get...
I need an assist here from our esteemed Brit posters. I was reading your English Premier thread and I have decided that I want in on the action....
Here's a few more pics gathered while walking the dog. These first two pics are of what I believe to be an eastern black neck garter snake. This...
Tonight I had a chance encounter with a neat little snake. He was laying in the road soaking up heat and if I hadn't had a flashlight it would have...
. . . well for me anyway. Just a bit ago, my dog discovered a creature that I've always wanted to find in the wild. I was watching him from the...
So I get these nice old growth walnut grips for the Kimber and tonight I go to try them on. One of the damn grip screws is stripped and will not...
This is a good laugh. A hypothetical script of a Michael Bay version of "The Dark Knight". Enjoy.:lol:...
http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=Am4pNXXJQD1ovWzfteqwC4oQ0bYF?slug=ap-diamondbacks-byrnes&prov=ap&type=lgns PHOENIX (AP)—On a painful day in...
Looks like no religion is close to catching Islam for the "Biggest Titty Baby" award. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,374564,00.html A new...
Anybody here ever put VZ grips on their pistol? I'm thinking about replacing the factory double diamond grips on my Kimber but I'm not really sure...
This video is so incredibly disturbing that I hesitate to even post it. I found this on the UT Rivals board....
Behold! [IMG] Please feel free to post your own pictures of drunken revelry so that you too may be photo shopped by evenflow (heeeyyyy buddy).
Or is it just awesome? You decide. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYigC49tnh8
Purchased my Kimber Custom TLE II today, plus 3 McCormick Power mags! Can't wait to get to the range. In the mean time, I'll enjoy taking it apart...
What do you guys think? I've been shopping around recently and this was one thing I didn't think about before I started. I'm personally not a big...
Preview: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809912814/video/7004235 Article: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20182058,00.html If you don't recognize...
I was watching Braveheart the other day, and was struck once again by how powerful the music is in that movie. What are some of your favorites?...
Prediction: Sean Sutton will have at least two DWI's this year.
http://news.yahoo.com/photos/ss/1479/im:/070814/photos_ts_wl_afp/140e13087c8865bec0c22bcf01aa597b;_ylt=AmRsk8HKRA96XQ609D7xS0_lWMcF An elderly...
http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=3449692&page=1 "Then two officers came out of the brush over there," he told The Oklahoman. "They didn't tell us...
For your consideration . . . http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3516485959423466479
So here I am in England, dicking around and drinking way too much. Just thought I'd stop by and say hi. And for all you Brits, try not to get in my...
Separate names with a comma.