I'm a Medieval lord's banquet baby. And I was roundly despised for very those reasons. Ha! I could get heat just for posting about the weather....
A dispute between citizens of the same nation state is a rebellion.
I'll just leave this here. [media]
I've forgotten how literal minded people are on these places. Either it was a dispute between citizens of the same nation state or it was between...
That addresses one and not the other. Again a dispute between family is what the participants in said dispute settled on. You know better than them?
Show your work. Bear in mind that my first argument is the one which was settled on 150 years or so ago.
Which one? There are two.
Sandbagger One was one of my regenerations followed by Callan and finally Harry Palmer. I like to think that I've always been my own distinct brand...
Conceded. There were some pretty distinct differences in motivations certainly.
Bzzt wrong. I'm me always was me and always will be me.
I laid out the reasons behind mine let's see you do the same. Oh you're just wrong isn't an argument.
No one's dual. I just discovered making money and an old hard drive with some saved files. Quarantine cleaning. Forgot all about this place actually.
I'm making an argument. Why don't you give it a try.
Really? The only difference between the original colonies and the CSA is that the colonies won their war.
Please refer to my original post. I explained it pretty clearly.
I think it's a bad idea to to divide this country any more than already is at present. We have adversaries who would love nothing better than for our...
I'm not the one reopening 150+ year old wounds. I'm just pointing the reasons why it's a bad idea to do so.
Which is?
Maybe once the reparations ran out. Of course there'd be all that sweet UN development fund money. China might might pony up some dough as well. I'm...
Then the former Confederate States and their people have a right to demand the right to self determination and the end of the occupation of its lands...
Either the American Civil War was an unfortunate messy disagreement within a family. Or the former Confederate States are a conquered and subjugated...
Let's fire up the randomizer then, no prison time for first time non-violent felony convictions involving less than $10,000 and no more than three...
These two things are heavily related. The "War on Drugs." Has been one of the biggest assaults on American's liberties since the days of the...
I stunned that the turn out was so low. 14 or so million fewer voters than in 2008. I expected Obama to lose voters to disastifaction didn't expect...
Free stuff vs Work for stuff.
Is it that obvious?
This is stagnation, not a recovery.
America = Evel Knieval Election = Snake River Canyon
The voters have spoken and who am I to argue. Can't beat'em join'em. Where's my "free" stuff?
I don't base my opinion on wishful thinking. So I can't help you. It is however my opinion not one I've borrowed from someone else. Says the...
Pundit not pollster darling. I assure you ladies and gentlemen, she is a professional writer.
My methodology is not much different than that employed by many a profesional pundit.
There's plenty of hard data that goes into my analysis. I read dozens of articles a day from multiple news outlets. I form my opinion the same way as...
Could have fooled me. What is my "problem" then?
I am the lone voice in the wilderness saying Romney is going to win. :jayzus: She's a professional writer ladies and gentlemen. I'll say no more.
Are saying that people who read the NYT, WaPo, the wire services, and what not are uninformed? That's quite a damning indictment you've leveled at...
I don't care.
I realize the idea that someone might bother to keep themselves informed is a strange concept nay almost alien concept to you. Garamet we discuss...
You want links to four years worth of news articles from dozens of news outlets from around the country and the world? Here ya' go. I can't...
Separate names with a comma.