It's obvious the guy could have made a much more impressive explosion, if that was his goal. Fireworks are for show, not for blowing things up. It...
So do I. Everything I post here is a lie. Everything.
^ I like it!
This is a fantasy thread, that has nothing to do with reality. Dear Leader said that people had to vote just this one time, and wouldn't have to vote...
Not to mention the Taiwanese (Trump's policies concerning Russia and Ukraine will certainly embolden China to take over Taiwan), and the whole world...
You do realize that statements like this only reinforce the idea that Trump supporters are woefully ignorant, don't you? If that's all you saw about...
This is a blatant example of a straw-man argument. You don't have to be a "paragon of moral virtue" to be considerably better than Trump. To see you...
A very bad idea. A bad idea Another bad idea. As both a Christian (the Bible teaches over and over again that we should love immigrants as much as...
I see you choose to ignore my primary point, and focus on the secondary point. And that secondary point is true for an awful lot of Trump...
Translation: She has policies I don't like because she doesn't want corporations getting richer at the expense of average people, not to mention she...
Not sure about this, but I do believe a majority of American Christians wanted fascism.
But on the other hand, a candidate as blatantly dishonest and unfit for office as Trump couldn't possibly be elected without an electorate that is...
There was never any doubt. Despite your claims, it is obvious you are a Trump fan all the way.
Thank you. But unfortunately, I just don't have much time for Wordforge any more. I miss the place, but don't come around very often.
I do not consider myself as adhering to a religion. I am a fervent disciple of Jesus Christ, but religion is a human invention that is part of the...
To me, the saddest part of it all is that American Christians have made this possible. Do they understand nothing of the teachings of Jesus?
That would have cost her even more votes than it would have gained. There is no doubt that if Trump is re-elected, Hamas will have been one of the...
Which is stupid. While I disagree strongly with the way the Biden administration has dealt with Israel and enabled the massacre in Gaza (both before...
Why do you say that will not be a moral stain? It seems to me that that is exactly what it is.
Just out of curiosity, what colour are the trees on your planet?
I am not yet convinced of this.
I helped. I already had my wife vote a dozen times. I sent my own ballots by bulk mail. Since I'm an American citizen, I think I deserve more votes...
This is what can make a difference. There aren't that many people who would prefer Harris over Trump but would prefer Trump over Biden. The change in...
Just tell them Saint Peter did it to you. He was known to take off peoples' ears. I think he took it too literally when he heard, "He that has an...
I'm sure it isn't for you...
Do you say the same thing about prison? Or is having your guns taken away from you worse than being sent to prison for years for a crime you didn't...
Snopes and other sources completely discredit that business about the teleprompter as a conspiracy theory. There was no shattered teleprompter for a...
Perhaps not yet "verifiable", but certainly logical: the kid was a hard-right Republican (the kind who are statistically the most likely to like...
This is a common but fallacious assertion. Given "A or B, but not both A and B" (such as: "today is Wednesday or Thursday, but it sure isn't both"),...
Absolutely. But those people are disciples of Jesus, rather than adherants to a religion. Right-wing Republicans talk about "bringing America back...
Wow, I agree with all this very much. With one minor caveat, that is: I am assuming that at the end you implied: "It makes you a hypocrite if that's...
Without giving the slightest thought to what that implies about the victims of school shootings...
North of Samiria...
1) That's not at all what he said. 2) Broad brush much? I see that I can go away for a couple of years, and you haven't become much more logical.
Yeah, I suppose Wordforge will always be something of a home to me, even though it's a home I (unfortunately) don't have time to visit very often....
Haven't worked on the castle in quite a while, and gave up speed-walking competition years ago (I'm getting really close to 70 years old now...) but...
Well, that's true no matter what. I can't believe what the Republican Party has become.
Are the jokes funny, at least? I probably should have stayed around more, to give you something more to disagree on...
I now officially hate you...
Separate names with a comma.