Yep. For every The Thing, there's a Village of the Damned; for every Halloween, there's a Ghost of Mars. The other night, I watched a Carpenter film...
I might post there. :calli:
I don't think you're understanding my point. I can imagine anything. Imagination is not difficult. Imagination costs nothing. But imagining...
Looks like a good premise but, yeah, it's weird that they use the name. Of course, using the name to trade on goodwill from the old show is the kind...
Multiply Waco by a million, and that's what a tyrannical government would face. But we'll see when we see. First, I am hardly unregulated (and, I...
I'm not paranoid. I don't think they're coming to get me. But, just in the last few years, we've seen large-scale urban unrest, breakdowns in social...
While the government response at Waco was heavy-handed, I did not claim it was tyrannical. You brought it up. I only pointed out that four ATF agents...
I'll grant you that the Branch Davidians underestimated the government's willingness to burn children to death. But four ATF agents were killed in...
Well, this has taken a turn for the absurd. If by imagine, you mean "think up, invent," then, yes. I not only can do this, I do it routinely...
What fucking over? What personal gain? I think people should have the capability to resist our Founders did. I'm not sure why that...
You don't have to win the game if you can make it expensive enough that your opponent won't play it.
You mean redefined. They already have legal definitions. And if they choose to forfeit their rights, there's little I can do. But I won't speed the...
I am. I've answered your points in good faith. I think some of your ideas are feel-good utopianism but are practically unworkable and unattainable....
Only saw Moonrise Kingdom once, but remember liking it. The Grand Budapest Hotel is terrific. Rushmore is probably my favorite because I am Max.
Amend away! You'll need 38 states to ratify. Good luck with that. Nearly 30 states are Constitutional Carry. A couple of additional points: 1. The...
Senor Naugles! [media]
Really? Isn't it a matter of how much benefit is obtained for how much cost? Would you say no to employing 10,000 people if it meant cutting down an...
Okay. My point is: can't the people on the other side also claim to be doing what's best for the people? Every economic system needs some method of...
Saw this while having lunch a few minutes ago and moaned audibly. She seemed like she'd go forever. :(
O, that a man might know The end of this day's business ere it come! But it sufficeth that the day will end, And then the end is known. -...
Yes, we can always hope that someone working away in secret has cracked it, but I doubt it. Of course, it isn't just a matter of coming up with a...
That's a very difficult standard to uphold. Or, maybe I should say: those pushing almost every law passed today could make that claim. See my next...
I saw this a while back. It illustrates how INSANELY large the Enterprise-D is. If its crew were evenly distributed, you could walk its corridors a...
The institution formed to establish and enforce rules by which a society operates. (This is a very narrow definition of state that leaves out...
These are what I consider the facts of life about the state: 1. Popularity of a law does not always mean the law is just or wise; in fact,...
Flashback to my visit to the National Ignition Facility waaaay back in 2012. The photos are gone, unfortunately....
I can feel the Grim Reaper creepin' up on me! :sob:
No cause mentioned yet, but since he was in Italy on a job, it must've been something sudden. Heart attack would be my guess.
Just saw this. Shit. I always liked him in everything he did. He'll always be Titus Pullo to me. I never saw that Punisher film he did. I should...
ATJ isn't a terrible fit, but he doesn't seem dark enough. I heard Tom Holland's name being batted around and that I absolutely can't see. Of...
I would say that's the only good alternative to a fresh idea.
That's one of my local stations and I remember that well. They got soooooooooo much shit for falling for that. Sum Ting Wong! SERIOUSLY?!?
Yes, the trillion dollar gamma ray blaster is for...talking to aliens. Yeaaaah, that's the ticket.
Genesys and Dark Fate both had good moments, but were ultimately pretty weak. Arnold's right: someone needs a fresh idea for the franchise.
Eh, I suppose I'll see it.
Sadly, yes. The window for Fillion to be a superhero lead has closed. I think he would've been good in the Maxwell Lord role in Wonder Woman 1984.
I'm in. Serve it up.
I can't wait to see this! Is what I would be saying if it looked like a good movie and I cared two shits about it.
Separate names with a comma.