Well I'm sold.
Actually it's a perversion of them. Communism on paper is supposed to have no leader except to set things up, but no one wants to lose that job.
That while she was able to appear to laugh off what many have called transphobic, the same kind of abuse caused her to end up taking her life. Even...
The greatest defeat he can have is to be forgotten completely as if he never existed at all.
Transphobia kills? Do you need it spelled out?
If the schools and various companies that make money off them, they should get a cut. Especially since they're putting their bodies and lives at risk...
All these people saying that certain groups are "too sensitive" are just dismissing the abuse that certain groups always get while these same people...
All I can confirm is that at the very least he's an asshole, which has nothing to do with gender.
I stayed in his area for job training recently. I can confirm that.
Actually I’m Sophie Turner, don’t ask me about Game of Thrones or X-Men. Just remember I’m the fucking Queen of the North.
The real NotDayton was the friends we made along the way.
So you found trans porn? First day on the internet?
Well that isn't happening.
I like it a bit between medium rare and medium. Still red, but warm.
Do you hate flavor?
Honey, you know that isn’t true and anyone who eats steak well done is a terrible human being.
I’m at the point where I’m really concerned for the mental well-being of conservatives. Trump is openly admitting to illegal stuff while insisting it...
It’s kind of fucked up that a handful of people die from vaping and the government wants to ban them, but guns kill far more and nothing is done....
Aliens I get, talking snakes is just weird.
Jesus came over today to play Smash Bros, he said no. Also the key to happiness is making other people happy and Shirley Temple killed JFK.
It’s not a competition.
I don’t think there is a single religious exemption that doesn’t lead to horrific abuse. Maybe the one for the Draft, but that hasn’t been a thing...
Conmen robbing their naive followers blind by using their supposed faith to hide their scumbag nature?
Has anyone watched The Family documentary series on Netflix yet? Basics are that there is an extremely influential group behind the Prayer Breakfast...
Kevin is even more violent in the second film. [media]
What point do you think you’re making?
I’ve read Ready Player One, it’s the first book I wanted to actually burn. But mostly to keep others from suffering as I had.
I love Dragon Con, I sadly had to miss it this year due to work. I always brew apple pie, the first year there was a competition at Dragon Con I won...
Your descendants are going to deal with hardships you can’t imagine and you want to protect the men who share much of the responsibility for it. Yet...
They just did lasting damage to the planet we all have to live on. Your children and grandchildren will have worse lives than you because of them.
The show died twenty years ago, they’ve just been dragging the corpse out ever since.
I’ve seen West Side Story and this is still shit. Now this was a classic. [media]
This is just awful. [media] This shit is so bad, it could unite the country.
It’s because conservatives end up being useful idiots to fascists. The fascists do share some small degree of agreements with normal conservatives,...
The only good Joe Briggs is Joe Bob Briggs.
I’m sorry @Tracker, you aren’t 4th dimensional.
Yeah, time seems to have a habit of moving forward in one direction.
He’s not White Nationalist racist, but he does seem to have certain biases and prejudices if only on a subconscious level that sometimes comes out....
That’s a stupid reason to keep it, especially since it’s becoming a threat to our lives. People can change if there is an attempt to change the way...
Separate names with a comma.