It’s not linear??
Generic Dino movie with the Jurassic Park label slapped on it.
When it comes to their philosophies on time??? Soran: "Time is like a predator, it's stalking you!" Picard: "It's a companion that reminds us to...
Enabrin Tain is so fricking fat, that when the ships sensors pick him up he registers as a Dyson Sphere.
It's almost as if having essential services connected to the Internet is a terrible idea.
When your wife puts weight on and doesn't fit into the sexy underwear you bought her 20 years ago.... [IMG]
So it's looking increasingly likely the UK is going to be dumb enough to elect a Reform government in 2029. Perhaps selfishly my biggest concern...
Were they hitting it from behind?
When you're hitting it from behind and she asks "Is it in yet?" [IMG]
That’s crazy talk.
I don’t know about sick but I’d say she’s pretty sic.
When I read the thread title I thought we were talking about this guy..... [IMG]
Seriously though.... Dude had a nerve begging for it's life, it's lucky they didn't do it sooner.
I had a dream that I invited Hawkeye over to my house for dinner, he asked what we're having and I said "Chicken" and he was like: [IMG]
I haven't, but I know someone that did - a company I used to work for was talking about rigging a competition for wrestling tickets so they'd win (I...
Enabran Tain Is so fat, when he decides to go to an all you can eat, the civilian population starve. Enabran Tain Is so fat, his quarters are a...
Does anyone else think it deserved to die??? I do....
Well I want to go pitching small jars of marmalade - when they start shitting all over my product start throwing the jars at the wall in a fit of...
[IMG] I once did, it was my brother in law to be that I really didn't like very much - I couldn't help myself.....
I whole heartedly agree with you, I don't get the hate it gets.
After losing both his parents he decides to turn to a life of crime and join the Orion syndicate, he shares everyone in the 24th century’s obsession...
When you're hitting it from behind and she screams "The line must be drawn here!" [IMG]
Would it of being funny if when Kruge was hanging onto the edge of the cliff Kirk told him to "Klingon"?
I had a dream that the "Dead Xeno Bitch" pulled out a can of Spinach from a hiding place - ate it then the usual happened and it beat up the other 2...
I've been hash tag bombing every article/video involving Scott Ritter I can find with #ScottShitter - we need to spread the word and make it a...
In "Peak Performance" why did Picard risk 40 lives rather than just surrendering the Hathaway?? It's an 80 year old piece of crap with nothing...
I watched about half the first episode, it ate ass.
So yesterday outside my local shop I saw 2 teenage boys beat up a third one while he begged them not to. Reminded me of that scene, if I wasn't so...
I watched the audio commentary on the Apollo 13 DVD with Jim & his wife, she sounds so hot. Anyone agree?
I will make it legal.
Come with me if you want to live.
Because he had a tiny skinny body and an enormous head.
"Slimy, Mud?" - Yoda TESB "Don't Jerk me off, when people Jerk me off I kill 'em" - Robocop "It's time for the White" - DS9
When he got to the front he said: "I'm not saying this queue took a long time, but I was William Hartnell when I joined it".
If the answer you’re looking for is “yes” go and ask on TBBS.
Only if you’re an over sensitive whiney ass bitch.
No marijuana in my case, that’s just what I’m like that anyway. I haven’t seen Toys.
I do, especially when the bus goes over the red cart - I bet the bus driver had a big grin on his face. [media]
When you're hitting it from behind and she starts singing "You & Me". [IMG]
Separate names with a comma.