You're right, the South is a poor, illiterate and obese shithole because the damned Yankees took away your slaves. :jayzus:
Dude, you live in a crystal palace and drink vodka out of a plastic jug mixed with energy drinks. You're clearly on welfare. :lol:
Silly Legion, you don't have any munnehz. :marathon:
Natural selection works to eliminate the Confederate genes. Not seeing the problem here. :shrug:
Assange is down with being martyred by the Great Satan. :shrug:
I've been reading the imdb board, and based on the comics a lot of people seem to think that the doctor told Rick that they're all infected (they...
Moroccan food is spectacular. The Confederate influence probably damaged it. :(
Living the dream, eh? Hardly, my lifestyle is expensive as fuck. On average I spend almost 3k a month on school fees, 1.5k on my portion of the rent...
Bick, I lived in that area of LA for three years and was in Pasadena a week ago. The 210 proper doesn't leave LA, no shit, but head west on the 210...
Paladin, just watch it on Netflix instant. :shrug: My girlfriend wanted to watch it a few weeks ago. :lol: It's not as thoroughly revolting as the...
There's a junction. The 210 turns into the 134 simultaneous with the I-5 running north-south. Pasadena is adjacent to valley, if you're heading west... Israel has expressed disappointment at Brazil's decision to recognise a...
210 morphs into the 134, and the 134 into the 101, so you're actually wrong, Bick. He'd end up around Santa Barbara or San Luis Obispo, depending...
Aileen Wuorvos: "So, I was gonna do it, and the only reason I didn't was a 5 dollar bill, I knew I'd probably given some asshole a blowjob for it,...
I don't have student loans, my income comes principally as dividends from my various investments. :marathon:
After taxes, roughly $6.5k/month. Last year I paid around $45k in state and federal taxes. Fuck the government. :(
821 out of 250k cables have been released so far. Are you mathematically challenged? :marathon:
Well, first of all, it's not at all true that there's a lack of Chinese data. From the American embassy in Beijing:...
Possible? Sure. But it's also possible that Julian Assange is an alien from Alpha Kentauri and that Wikileaks is their vehicle for terrestrial...
You were accusing Assange and not Manning of treason? You are aware that Julian Assange is not an American citizen, are you not?
Ignoring the fact that you were busted for being inconsistent in your stated donation, What? Where and when did this happen? :marathon: Wikileaks...
Helping pay for the legal defense of one of his sources after the fact is hardly indicative of having purchased the information to begin with.
A million dollars really isn't a lot of money. It's not at all inconceivable that this amount would be raised from small donations. 4000 people...
Fo shizzle mo crizzle mah bizzle da nizzle!
Example: It's in a lot of the old Vizionrazor threads, which have unfortunately been deleted...
I don't feel the need to hunt it down for you. Ask Tamar. :shrug:
Have you considered that by reporting your countertroll of my troll I was, in fact, trolling Tamar, whose swallowing of my bait provided me with a...
You don't think bomb threats are reasonable justifications for reporting? :marathon:
The people of Arizona are doing better than that -- they voted with votes, [Better than voting with their wallets] You clearly place the use of state...
A communist believes in communal ownership. I am a staunch advocate of property rights. If you wanted evidence for The Saint being an authoritarian...
80 proof, so it's got some stuff to it. :wtf: What kinds of hard liquor have you been drinking, retard? :lol:
Why wouldn't Lanz want to talk to FBI? :marathon:
I'm not a commie, you statist pig.
No, it was always $250.
18 replies and only one overt terrorist threat? You're slipping, Wrodforge.
I gave $250, wish I could've afforded more. :( Help fight tyranny, propaganda, and oppression! Donate today!
Sup, Wrodforge?
At least you got one right.
Separate names with a comma.