2020 Thread Update, Trump, COVID, Protests, Foreign Policy Rant

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Azure, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    What is up losers. So, it has been a crazy year as we all know.
    Been getting a bit frustrated with some of the idiots on some other forums I visit. Hoping the same idiots aren't here. Complete lack of objectivity, and a lot of derangement and zero ability to look beyond their own little bubble. Seems to be pretty common these days.

    Where does everyone stand? Trump? COVID? Protests? Foreign Policy?
    For me, I've been on the Trump is an incompetent fool train for the last 5 years, mostly since he has been running. Felt that the Democrats would allow someone more progressive to run and he would easily beat Trump, but ever since the Biden/Harris ticket was announced, I'm actually pretty disappointed.

    Biden is a senile old fool that has spent 50 years in politics helping lead the US (and North America) down a road of destruction. Him and all the other lifers in Washington who have been manipulating the government for years need to be thrown out. I couldn't believe that the party who had Obama at the helm for almost 10 years who stoop to this level of stupidity. And then they add Harris? I mean seriously, she is a manipulative, evil bitch who has spent a career in the judicial system concerned only about her record, and if she were white, everyone would be piling on her LONG career of abusing the system just to get wins, and often at the expense of minorities and under privileged families. The fact that the media is complete unwilling to call her on it, and think she is some 'woke' candidate that can reverse this apparent institutional racism that she has spent MANY years helping create is about as hypocritical as anything I've seen in the 15 years I've been following politics.

    Then you move on to COVID. Caught most governments by surprise, so understandable that there were lockdowns, etc. As I'm sure everyone remembers, the lockdowns were sold as a way to flatten the curve so that we don't overwhelm the hospitals and medical system. I think we've moved beyond that, and most states & provinces here in Canada have realized that and are opening up. Still a lot of uncertainty, but if we look at the total picture, where suicides, financial ruin, depression rates, complete ruin of small businesses, insane public spending and increase in the overall debt (something nobody currently in government is worried about paying for) are ALSO part of the picture, and policy is not dictated by simply looking at case count, one does wonder how frickin' stupid our supposed health experts have got to me. My other issue is with treatment options, and how months ago there was a pretty good link at how Vitamin D could help with treatment and it was completely ignored by everyone. Now, 6 months later we are starting to see 'studies' saying how it can help. Is our health care system so pathetic that we can't emphasize something with such a low risk, cheap, easy to use, and also something where we know most people are deficient in? Considering we were blowing up the world with the shutdowns and ruining people's lives and livelihood, why weren't simple things like that a bigger deal?

    And before everyone wants to jump on the governments in charge, need I remind you that the biggest pushback against treatment options like Vitamin D (and public recommendations for everyone to increase their intake of Vitamin D) came from our corrupt public HEALTH officials, who long explanations on why 'more research needs to be done before we can suggest this as a solution.' Seriously? Coming from the same public health officials where first masks were not important, then they were, and now we should wear them while having sex? How does anyone even trust a single person in the government anymore after the mask debacle? And this isn't just about the US. The Canadian government, and the health officials leading the COVID response are about the dumbest people anyone here would meet. Our chief medical officer actually said people should wear a mask while they're having sex. And a few months ago she was saying 'I euphorically state that masks are not important.'

    Foreign policy. I actually agree with a lot of what Trump has done, as I think China is the biggest threat to the world right now (something the Demo morons don't get). With the push towards peace deals in the Middle East, combined with an increased effort to drawdown troops and wind down the endless wars, I feel that part is moving in the right direction. But, emphasis China. Here in Canada an article recently came out where the author talked about how China stole all the intellectual property from one of our prized companies, Nortel, and then turned it into Huawei, who then are selling back to the tech to us. Like really? And this was well known in the industry. Then you have the genocide, human rights abuses, Hong Kong, etc, etc. I know most countries aren't perfect, but controlling China is a big deal right now. So, I feel Trump has done a decent job there. Hell of a lot better than the morons who have gotten us caught up in a 20 year cycle of trillion dollar wars.

    Finally the protests. Interesting how the narrative has shifted. An idea with merit hijacked by a bunch of crazy people who feel like they have the right to destroy stuff. Again, hypocritical by many in government who are just using the protests as a platform to gain more power. Does anyone even feel that a single member of the US government gives a shit about minorities, black people, etc? Like really? Same thing can be said here in Canada. I think most elites don't give a damn about those lesser people. But in an attempt to look woke I guess they'll do all kinds of things. The athletes are the biggest frickin' joke to me. Nothing like a bunch of multi-milllion dollar crybabies telling the world how they feel slighted by the system. What a joke.

    Real change is generational, and real change almost always happens on a local level. All this bullshit about kneeling, standing, crying, yelling, screaming by rich athletes, I sure hope people see how much of a joke they are. Take Lebron. He cares, right? Just not about people in China, and the labor camps being used to make the stuff that gives him his billion dollar endorsement with Nike, right? And then to say 'oh they are two seperate issues, and don't criticize the NBA for getting cozy with China because BLM!!@#!@)(#*)(!@#*)(_!@*#' Holy shit what a joke.

    Here in Canada we aren't even allowed to point out the fact that we have multiple reserves that don't even have clean drinking water because that is taking away from BLM@!#)!(@#(@!*#)(!@)#. Holy fucking shit what a joke. We treat our native people like shit, and have for years, and suddenly our government has $200 million kicking around to help black people start a business, while at the same time they restrict funding on providing clean drinking water to the reserves.

    Like I get it, black people are sick and tired of racism. But this is more than a racism problem. I could go back and find a post that @evenflow (that beautiful bastard) posted back in 2011 that talked about the militarization of police in America. THAT is the main problem right now. Most cops are probably decent people, but when higher ups are pushing this equipment and policies on them, what do we think will happen? And who do we think implemented those policies? Surely not the Democrats, right? They're so woke right now that they would have never done anything like that. Listening to the media you would think that the Democrats have never done anything wrong, and are the saviors for all that is wrong in America and the world for that matter. Like holy shit.

    Why do we get a constant stream of shitty candidates in politics? Even here in Canada. Just pure shit. Maybe it has to do that we take sides, refuse to admit that our side has issues, and constantly vote based on the 'lessor of two evils.' Then we wake up and realize we have a major election coming up, and both sides such donkey balls and there is nothing we can do about it.


    Oh, and any good rep wars to join in on? :)
    • TL;DR TL;DR x 4
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • popcorn popcorn x 2
    • Fantasy World Fantasy World x 1
  2. Jenee

    Jenee Driver 8

    Jan 20, 2008
    On the train
    Everyone always returns eventually ....

    Hey @Azure, it's been a while. I'm recently back after a break as well.

    Didn't read your whole post. But, I agree with your second and third paragraphs.
  3. Tererunererun

    Tererunererun Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Nov 11, 2004
    On the darkside of the moon
    but another canuck's view on the US cesspool that is, is always welcome.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    I could post a longer post about the shitshow that is Canada. Our finance minister RESIGNED during a period of unprecedented public spending because of corruption. Think about that for a second. We are spending billions of dollars trying to prop up our economy, and our finance minister gets caught cheating the system and has to resign. What a gong-show.

    Our government a bloody joke. The US makes us look like a frickin' joke right now. Seriously. I know lots of Canadians are up on their platform thinking they can look down on the US because we think we're not racist and have less COVID cases. Isn't that a load of shit. We just turn a blind eye on the racism in our country. Because BLM!!@#*(!@)#(*()!#!@#
    • popcorn popcorn x 3
  5. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    Well, some of the other forums I visit have become a cesspool of groupthink, and if Wordforge has one thing going for it, the lack of groupthink is probably it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  6. Jenee

    Jenee Driver 8

    Jan 20, 2008
    On the train
    I don't know about that .... there are some of us left-wingers who are not happy with Biden and the rest of the left-wingers insist on calling us trump supporters because of it.

    It's not one big group think here. But, rather, two big groupthinks.
    • teh baba teh baba x 1
  7. Asyncritus

    Asyncritus Expert on everything

    Mar 28, 2004
    Stuck at home most of the time. :(
    Same here. I came back in February or March, something like that, mostly to have info about the US election and about the pandemic.

    Once those two fronts quiet down, I'll probably be gone most of the time once again.
    • Sad Sad x 3
  8. The Original Faceman

    The Original Faceman Lasagna Artist

    Mar 29, 2004
    ViTaMiN d CuReS CoViD!
    • Funny Funny x 5
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  9. Fisherman's Worf

    Fisherman's Worf I am the Seaman, I am the Walrus, Qu-Qu-Qapla'!

    Apr 3, 2004
    sir this is a Tim Hortons we are only serving takeout at this time, please vacate the premises
    • Funny Funny x 8
  10. Fisherman's Worf

    Fisherman's Worf I am the Seaman, I am the Walrus, Qu-Qu-Qapla'!

    Apr 3, 2004
    But for starters, I recommend reading all 7,000+ posts in this thread. Also, El Chup died at some point.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. We Are Borg

    We Are Borg Fir Defamsation

    Mar 28, 2004
    Jesus, buddy. Good to hear from you but you're not even close.

    Canada definitely has some big problems but as long as the Cult of Trump exists and is in charge of the USA, the runny shit I took this morning looks better than that country.

    Hopefully saner heads prevail in November, but you need to get a grip.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  12. Tererunererun

    Tererunererun Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Nov 11, 2004
    On the darkside of the moon
    You read his post?

    You have to remember he was last seen building windmills in the tar-sands.
    • popcorn popcorn x 1
  13. Jenee

    Jenee Driver 8

    Jan 20, 2008
    On the train
    Those windmills cause cancer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • popcorn popcorn x 1
  14. We Are Borg

    We Are Borg Fir Defamsation

    Mar 28, 2004
    Of the ass?
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Jenee

    Jenee Driver 8

    Jan 20, 2008
    On the train
    Ya' know ..., I did not actually listen to the entire rant from trump. So..., I've no idea where the cancer is.
  16. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    Wind industry is actually doing very well. One of the wind farms I was involved in is adding a battery system right now and should be a real game changer.

    The oil sands on the other hand are a hot mess. But, Alberta is well positioned to take advantage of advancements in clean energy if they get their ducks in a row.
    • Happy Happy x 2
  17. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    Well I meant in regards to the pandemic. Numbers in the US are in a free fall, while in Canada they keep rising.
  18. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    Actually came back to read some threads about El Chup. Nice guy. Always liked him.

    Why is Evenflow not here anymore?
  19. Tererunererun

    Tererunererun Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Nov 11, 2004
    On the darkside of the moon
    he's a sissy.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  20. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    You are still as dumb as ever.

    Nobody said it 'cured' COVID. I said it has been shown to be a great treatment option. Seriously, morons like yourself are the reason these options do not get pursued any further.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  21. Tererunererun

    Tererunererun Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Nov 11, 2004
    On the darkside of the moon
    Who showed you? May we see the facebook page?
  22. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    Well, I personally don't think WF has the same level of groupthink as other forums of frequent. There is a healthy dose of skepticism all the time.

    Also, not being happy with Biden and holding your nose and still voting for him is still a problem, and there are many who are doing that.
    If more care would have been given to electing a good candidate this problem wouldn't exist, but the establishment told everyone that Biden was the only option.

    I guess if no good options care to run, the only option is bound to be a hot pile of shit.
  23. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007

    There are a few other studies, including one in Spain that have concluded there seems to be a link. My point was that given how cheap it is, how it has proven to help with other similar issues, and how most people are deficient, is there harm is recommending that doctors prescribe it if people are struggling with recovering from COVID? No. But, the elites and big pharma said we did triple blind studies on random people in random countries, of random backgrounds with random ethnic links, different DNA, genes, color skin, ages, weight, height, etc, etc so that kinda screws up the idea of expediting research. But hey, we can churn on a vaccine in 8 months or less. What a shit show.
  24. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    You seem to be a pretty stupid fucking idiot yourself given the 5 posts I have seen from you in this thread.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  25. Asyncritus

    Asyncritus Expert on everything

    Mar 28, 2004
    Stuck at home most of the time. :(
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  26. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    Great post!
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  27. We Are Borg

    We Are Borg Fir Defamsation

    Mar 28, 2004
    Turns out evenflow and Storm were Nazis.

    I shit you not.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • popcorn popcorn x 1
  28. Azure

    Azure I could kick your ass

    Oct 24, 2007
    Eh? Any link to a thread? I don't remember Storm, but 'Flow was a good poster.

    The heck happened.
  29. We Are Borg

    We Are Borg Fir Defamsation

    Mar 28, 2004
    Here you go. Don't say I never do anything for you. Surprised you don't remember Storm, as he was one of the original and most prolific members of WF.


    I think there were more threads/posts that linked flow and a few others to Storm, but I'll be arsed to search for them.
  30. Fisherman's Worf

    Fisherman's Worf I am the Seaman, I am the Walrus, Qu-Qu-Qapla'!

    Apr 3, 2004
    Didn't Storm turn out to be a pedo too?