Huh. I could have sworn I read somewhere of the fascist connection between evenflow and Storm. But I could be wrong. I can't keep up with all the drama on this board. Serious apologies if I was mistaken.
Yea, I started rereading that thread cuz I didn't remember Evenflow being mentioned there. Then the board crashed and I couldn't read the entire thread. What happened? or was it just my internet connection?
I know the flows were RL friends with Storm for a while but I believe they distanced themselves if not more when the news about him broke last year. I could be wrong about that, but knowing them IRL myself I can't see them supporting Storm's views.
That may have been where I mistakenly made the connection. I know it was mentioned in one of the more recent threads that talked about Storm. I'd edit my posts to remove the evenflow reference but they've been quoted a few times already.
Thanks. I'll have to look through it. I actually have some personal interactions with 'flow and he is one of the nicest guys I've met.
Ah, so you've come back just to lie, have you? Nope. Otherwise you'd be seeing white folks getting beaten and murdered by cops at comparable rates to black and latinx people, and that's not the case. You'd also be seeing right-wing and white nationalist protesters getting attacked with overwhelming force just like BLM protesters, but instead the cops are parting them on the back and offering them water. Because each party does their best to make their opponents look like shit, and gullible folks like you buy into it?
As someone who has also hung out them multiple times in real life (including 3 or 4 times of us staying at their place or them at ours) I agree.
He became a whackaloon too, I think. I may be confusing him with @frontline , though. Edit:NM, see Anc's post. A few others died while you were gone, namely Muad Dub and Sokar. I could tolerate the former and eventually grew posthumously to dislike the other as my politics changed. I'm glad not to have to put up with either the last 4 years.
Um.....maybe not Jew-gassing Nazi, but Randroid-ism is chock full of dog whistle racism I didn't notice before, and...let's just say it's a gateway drug, and Storm ended up in the fashy camp for a reason. The flows probably don't want the poors gassed, but you can bet they damned well think they deserve to be in ghettos.
Pancreatic cancer. He was an asshole troll to the bitter end, and we didn't find out he was sick until he died. The other asshole trolls thought him being a prick to the last was heroic. It was pretty gross.
Oh right, I remember that now. I think I still lurked when that happened. The fact that 'flow is gone is pretty telling though. I'm beginning to think this place has turned into a shithole.
Nah, I did actually remember this as a place where I'd get challenged from all sides. Now it really seems like a fucking wank fest by the TDS crowd posting 60 page threads about how Trump is a fascist and jerking each other off. Fascist Trump. One does wonder how fucking stupid you have to be to believe that.
Innumeracy. Not a great sign. We have a 4-page thread about how Trump is a fascist. We have a 178-page thread about how he’s a joke (albeit an ever darker one).
*Facepalm reps* Ohhh, not Flow! Not Flow! Yeah, and last year you would have said "not Storm! ". You'll see. You'll fucking see.
That he's a moron of a President who shouldn't be in the position he is in? But he's not a fascist. Those fuckheads saying he is have no idea what fascism is.