If Selzer matched her biggest error ever (5points) that would still be a 6 point move away from Trump since 2020 There's also a Kansas poll and an Ohio poll (coming tomorrow per Rick Wilson) that shows similar large movement. If there's a legitimate 5-6 swing from 2020 against Trump we're talking the kind of blowout that might be big enough to end Trumpism altogether.
It's about time someone called out these adult pretenders for their fake endorsements. Ricky Gervais is seen in his bathtub talking about how smart he is and compares voting for the wrong person to a hate crime.
It doesn’t feel like Harris will win Iowa but it feels like she’s going to make it competitive. Interesting how the media is now herding in relation to the Selzer poll. There are women voting in this election? Women of all ages? Who knew this information beforehand?
With the benefit of hindsight, if you look only at what happened in the four years immediately following the election, 2012 was probably one of the least important elections this century. Romney would likely have governed from the center-right, different from Obama's center-left positioning but not a radical shift. He probably would have tweaked Obamacare to create more profit-making opportunities for big business, but wouldn't have been obsessed with overturning it the way most Republicans are. There were no confirmed Supreme Court appointments during Obama's second term. The knock-on effect, however, is that if there had been an incumbent President Romney in 2016, there wouldn't have been a vacuum for Trump to rush in and fill, and Obama losing after one term might have temporarily quieted the raging beast within the Republican party that Trump let off of its leash. As for this one and the two before it, I think it's legitimate to say that Trump has become more of an existential threat with each successive election.
In general, the more Trump loses, the more dangerous he becomes. Never completely surround your enemy. Always give him a way to escape. I think Trump at this point feels completely surrounded.
Trump is certainly surrounded, and that is where he will flail and become desperate. However, it is Trump. I think there is fatigue and a knowledge this is not a real war for most of his people. Yes, he has some batshit loonies in his base, and they are goingg to act out, but after seeing what happened on Jan 6th I doubt most of his people are going to step up to defend him beyond words. He is not a strong person with an ability to fight anymore either. His only hope of power is becoming president again. The war isn't coming, and his people are not doing any real organizing. A resistance requires an organized push. Law enforcement can deal with arresting the individuals who pop off. Yes, I do accept people will get hurt in either process, but many less people will be hurt in the slow arrest of a few crazies who lose their shit, rather than in an open fight for america.
Sun Tzu FTW!!! OT: I think that's the reason the Ukrainians haven't completely taken out Putin's bridge that links Crimea and Russia. My understanding is that it can handle light vehicle traffic, but not military traffic. It allows people who want to leave a way out. It will be taken out at some point.
Pretty amazing how @Steal Your Face went from defending Mike Lindell to actually becoming Mike Lindell
Where was that? The only thing I can find was this: http://www.wordforge.net/index.php?posts/3549002/ And that was very obviously making fun of you
No, but I used to work for a newspaper, and every single election, the state AP wire transmitted "results" for every single race they were covering a few days before the election, always with made-up numbers, to test their systems. In addition, when races weren't expected to be particularly close, we would pre-write some of our stories, and when a major race was expected to be close, it wasn't unusual for whoever was in charge of the front page to mock up two different pages, one for each result. Working in advance was the only way we were able to deal with the sheer volume of news on Election Night. Anyone who believes that a broadcaster accidentally displaying one of many prebuilt graphics before the election proves that the result is pre-determined and the broadcaster is in on the secret ... is a complete moron. So, for what feels like the 10,000th time, I have to ask: Are you really that dumb, or are you just a liar who's hoping other people will be that dumb? Stupid or dishonest? It's one or the other.
Oh my god You have literally no idea what a sense of humor is do you Clearly I was making fun of QAnon and MAGA there, like can you seriously not see that?
I helped. I already had my wife vote a dozen times. I sent my own ballots by bulk mail. Since I'm an American citizen, I think I deserve more votes than my wife does!
To be fair to him, they probably haven't introduced his class to Occam's Razor yet lest they cut themselves on it.
This. If real numbers were ever released the supervisor of elections and/or the staff who released it would be spending time in prison.