The only reason I knew about the Angela Lansbury thing before Faceman's post was because I creeped on her wiki page right before she passed. But then again, I would have been hard pressed to name any other Trek books she wrote besides Strangers From The Sky, Dwellers in the Crucible, and the whole Probe debacle. But yeah, I guess garamet must have had an affinity for Angela Lansbury. Maybe. Or perhaps it was commissioned by a publicist, I don't know. I'm curious as to why she wrote the book too. Maybe the Okudas would know.
A biography of Lansbury is more worthy than all these autobiogs of 20-30 something "celebs" that populate the bookstores like pubic lice.
Found this with a quick google:
She's an unsung hero, after all who can forget her single-handedly ending the Nazi werewolf threat with a stale baguette and three cans of surstrommung? Or going undercover as a comfort woman to use her little-known ability to generate maliciously intelligent versions of STDs, thus weakening Japan as Tojo watched his genitals fall off as she sneered "and that's for Pearl Harbour" Or even her ending the alien invasion of 2007, where with an arm full of crudites and dressed as Barney the Dinosaur she sent the whole fleet packing for daring to disturb her fancy dress party. And of course the apotheosis of any actor - having their show crossover with Magnum PI. She a fucking legend.
air tickets are dirt cheap now! My son might take a trip to NYC in a month (some actual business, some social) and it's 67 dollars round trip from Atlanta. It literally costs more for him to drive back & forth to Atlanta and parking fees while he's gone.
Wasn't really online over the weekend, checked in here just now at lunch and when i saw the title, I assumed it was a troll thread. Wow, really sorry to read this. A fixture in WF from the start. Sometimes her constant snarky jibes at her opposition got a bit repetitive, but she needed credit for always holding her ground to the trolls who some of the time attacked her just on her trek history. I remember when I was in LA, she was out of town and she sent me a PM saying that she would have offered to meet up if she had been around. Always seemed a genuine person. RIP Garamet.
Aw, the guy who thought it was funny to joke about how fun it would be to lynch Anna has something to say.
“Ramen” should keep in mind that thread was dedicated not to victims but to heroes who died with honor in service of country.
Guys can we resist making this thread about this person attention seeking please? Love her or loathe her garamet was a part of all our daily lives and this is all we can do to pay our respects. Let's just be that little bit better than our friend and do her that much at least?
If you think this was bad, go look up the gender neutral bathroom that @Sokar 's memorial turned into. Deservedly so, in his case. Still, good on Bick for splitting it out. All things considered, I was expecting far worse, given all her many, many rivalries. I'm just glad she got to outlive the worse assholes, although I'm sure Archangel will come by to jizz himself eventually
So how long before dayton steals her identity and makes a sock account at TBBS as her drunk footless ghost?
Also, garamet's death still guts me. She was an institution here for such a long time, and considering we were in the same state, I regret never even trying to meet up with her. From everyone's account, she seemed like such a pleasant person.
I do feel sorry for your loss and for the loss of WF. Any problems I had with her aside, she was a huge part of the forging of this place, and her presence clearly enriched people's lives. I think it is cool that she was a creator of the universe where the fans created this place. She put her shit out here for everyone to read. You guys were lucky to know her in the way that you did, and that is part of the greatness of this life. I like that she fought with me up until the end. She certainly had some fight in her and a drive that kept her coming back. I can have some respect for a rival like that. She did it her way, and that did inspire me to post things. The fire burns a little dimmer without her. It will always burn differently without her stoking it.