Cops to Congress: We need a 2 year record of all text messages of everyone. Wow. I can't believe they have the balls to even make this request. Anyone involved in the writing of the proposal needs to be fired immediately. They have no business being in a position of power.
The postal service should be required to photocopy and store all letters for two years too. Hey, why not?
Hey, why not let's turn every cell phone into a sonar? It worked in Batman. Why did he ever blow that up? Ethics, what are those? They sound damned inconvenient.
Ya, it's way harder to do police work when you can't just listen in on every phone call, read every text message, open every letter... and while we're at it, lets just set up CCTV to keep a video log of the last 2 years of every square foot of America, even in the homes of residents. After all, if you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about.
"The Tree of Liberty must, from time to time, be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants." -Thomas Jefferson.
So, who much you want to bet that the law will only cover SMS messages sent via wireless carrier and not text messages sent via Google Voice or iMessage? And hell, getting an app which sends encrypted text messages via something like The Onion Router into one of the Android app stores would be a piece of cake.
All digital communications in the US are recorded and stored by the government: text, cell phone, and internet.
And this is what happens when you keep reelecting the people who brought us such gems as the Patriot Act. Congress: 10% approval rating, 90% incumbent reelection rate.
Europe already has something similar with its brand new & shiny Telecommunications Data Retention. They don't store contents, though, just who communicated with whom at any given time. It's fucking crazy and the reason why I have a prepaid cell phone like a teenager. But it's very hard to argue against such measures. Whatever you say, they will shout CHILD PORN!!!! and that's it. And if that doesn't stop you, they will ask if you like child porn. Or terrorism. Or whatever's en vogue in the world of thought terminating clichés these days. Problem is, the stupid sheep believe it. Because, hey, you wouldn't want to look like you support child porn, would you...
I had a few friends who sold "in-demand" items. They all used Blackberry. Reason being, Blackberry only stores their messages for a few hours before being deleted from the system. This is what I heard, anyways.
Remember: It's not YOUR Congresscritter that's the problem. It's all the others Stop reelecting your own asshole, and the 90% incumbent reelection rate starts to go down, America...
This needs to be squashed. They might as well record our phone calls then and hold them for two years.
Re: Cops to Congress: We need a 2 year record of all text messages of everyone. Well boys, sounds like we got us a communist here.
I demand that we start a poll to get that lady in your avatar to make a "watch it on the plane" video for us. How dare they tease us by not having a video of her!
Re: Cops to Congress: We need a 2 year record of all text messages of everyone. I can believe it. I don't know why anybody in this day and age would be shocked or surprised.
I don't know why they are even bothering to ask the companies to do it when the Federal Government is already doing it. Just look at that massive data center they are building.
Do wish the "privacy is an illusion, submit to sharing your personal info openly" crowd would weigh in on this issue.
Eh, encryption for individuals is dead as soon as quantum computers get going. Of course, the next people to buy them after governments will be the mob who'll use them to loot banks.
so if you're selling drugs...not that anyone on this fine site would do such a should probably just have people contact you via draw something messages.
How I'd do it is have some guy sitting in a van somewhere logged on to one of those dime a dozen Chinese MMORPGs and take orders in-character. Good luck with the US government or any government demanding the messages found on Chinese servers.