Well, shit. I just finished watching the 3rd season today. What an awesome show. Loved the dialogue especially. Especially the amount of times they used 'fuck' in a sentence. I didn't realize that word had some many different uses. Too fucking bad they didn't make more seasons. It really felt like the story ended with an ending. Would have loved if someone would fucked that cuntbag Hearst up the ass with a 2x4.
I'm about a third of the way through season two, but I was renting it back in the states. Maybe I can buy it over here cause I would really like to finish watching it myself.
I've been a few episodes past the start of season three for the past few months, and am finally going to end it. It's an awesome show, verily. They were going to make a movie to end the story, but it got stuck in production hell.
I just re-queued Rome in netflix for my third watch-through. Long live Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus!
Re: Deadwood. I have never heard such beautiful, original Shakespearean-style dialog with such a rich content of obscenities in my entire fucking life. The dialog (and soliloquey!) writers were absolute fucking geniuses.
Instead of learning Shakespeare in school, we should show kids Deadwood. The dialog made it extremely interesting. Wish they would have had more action though.