Firing Commanding Officers? Not Just a Navy Activity. Army Shitcans 172nd BDE Commander

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Chest Rockwell, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. Chest Rockwell

    Chest Rockwell I'm a big fuckin' dick.

    Jun 28, 2010

    In short, he didn't do anything illegal or unethical. He didn't give the Army any blackeyes, he just sucked as a commander so he and the Command Sergeant Major get their walking papers.

    I don't know how the Navy works, but I know the Army doesn't generally fire people who need fired unless they really have to. They just promote them and send them on their merry way to fuck up someone else's command. It's good to see the brass actually standing up for the soldiers by getting rid of someone who just couldn't do the job.
  2. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    Re: Firing Commanding Officers? Not Just a Navy Activity. Army Shitcans 172nd BDE Comman

    No, The Army does "fire" people on occasion for just not being able to handle the job. It's generally called "Relieved For Cause". You do have to have some quantifiable, justifiable reason to fire can't be done on a whim, since much paperwork is involved.

    I've never heard of anyone this high ranking get canned for job performance reasons, but no doubt it happens.