There are a lot of great quotes in the quote thread, but it feels barren to have them without a link to the original quote - a link that shows context, and thus the true greatness of the mind that created the quote. To make it easier for everyone to properly format the quote, I've created this template for you to use. If you'll use it, it will make quotes much more enjoyable. [noparse] [/noparse]
Not to flame you in your troll thread in the Green Room, but sensible people have found the "quote" button and know how to copy/paste.
Well, no one ever does it. Look through the forum - there are virtually no linked quotes. Thanks for the love, foil1212.
Really, if you look to take enjoyment in trawling through the quotes thread, its time to re-evaluate your home life! IMO
I added a quote. I then looked at a few above mine. I wished that I could see what they were from, easily. No big deal mate, no need to freak out over something that doesn't matter. Your modus operandi isn't needed here.