I am so sick of our pussified military.

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by enlisted person, May 17, 2008.

  1. Caboose

    Caboose ....

    Mar 29, 2004
    Mission Control
    Ok, either you're losing me or you're agreeing with me now, I need clarification...

    If you're using Yon as a yardstick here I can't say I'm on top of his writings. :shrug:

    So I'll just go with what I've got here and the common sense God gave me.

    Of course Petraeus is touting becoming personal with the people, he really wasn't the one to instigate that, it's been part of the mission from day one. If it hadn't been then it's pretty unlikely we would have seen purple stained fingertips a while back. He mearly is further perpetuating a notion that has been in circulation for some time.

    Of course someone met with the Tribal Leaders. Christ man, The President of the United States gave an apology for the incident after the leaders met with the second in command over there and asked for their forgiveness, giving them a new copy of a Koran in a bowed fashion, something they should have never had to do if this guy hadn't been such a silly fucking boob. They are on top of the incident, trust me. This soldier's ass being thrown overboard for a good keelhauling was the punishment for being such an idiot and damn near creating an international incident of biblical proportions. What part of Tribal Leaders commanding some pretty impressive numbers globally doesn't catch on here? If this were left unchecked and brought forth as no big deal do you realize the bloodbath that would ensue? Do you not understand that the entire mission, as fucked up in places as it has become, would have come apart at the seams?
    The Tribal Leaders are the warlords if they have to become such. They've decided to play ball. Let's let them do that so we can get our asses out of there.
    This nimrod threatened escilation of this conflict, and while some may sit with their wangs in their hands over that for whatever reason their tiny brains conjure up, common sense dictates not throwing a sabo into the works.

    Your milage may vary.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Ryan

    Ryan Killjoy

    Mar 29, 2004
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    We missed that boat a long time ago.