I Told You So (Lady Lynne Forester de Rothschild, Daily Beast)

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Eminence, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. Eminence

    Eminence Fresh Meat

    May 8, 2008
    Complete article at link....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Eminence

    Eminence Fresh Meat

    May 8, 2008
    One of my comments from the original link at the Daily Beast:

    Amen, Lady Lynn!! You said it far better than I ever could.

    It is fact that if a voter had bothered to look into Obama's record and accomplishments while he was a candidate, they would have realized what kind of President he would be. A repugnant, repellent one that no one but the perpetually deranged would want to be associated with -- as evidence again and again by his now constantly diminishing poll numbers.

    But sadly, aided by a fawning media, as well as the establishment powers in the Dem party who were secretly backing his campaign from before the primaries even began, the DNC pulled a fast one on the country and foisted their establishment candidate to the Presidency. So be it, but the people are on to it now and are aware of how that all worked out.

    As for the neo-libs who go around bashing anyone -- whether they are Dem, Republican, or Independent -- who has the temerity to stand up to them, STFU. Lady Lynn is speaking what you are too ignorant or too controlled by ego to admit, that Obama is a disaster. You people are just as bad if not worse than the neo cons you constantly rail against -- the only sad part is, you have no idea how ridiculous and pathetic you sound to the rest of the country, a country which is middle of the road!

    So then, let me put it bluntly. Get out of the Democratic party, neo libs. Go away and never come back. No one wants you or what you stand for; something which has been repeatedly evidenced in your utter failure to recreate any of the "Obama magic" in Virginia, New Jersey, and most deliciously, Massachusetts.

    Neo cons may have been allowed to influence this country disproportionately for far too long, but we won't let the same happen with the neo lib crazies now. So hear this, if you don't clean up your act, the days of the neo libs and their Black Jesus (a term originated by Obama's campaign insiders itself, in reference to the ego and vanity of Obama -- look it up) are numbered. Moderates of all stripes will be taking the country back from your ideological insanity.
  3. Eminence

    Eminence Fresh Meat

    May 8, 2008
    This I thought was the part most appropriate for posting here. I know that there are people here who are fed up with the policies of both parties, myself included.

  4. Lanzman

    Lanzman Vast, Cool and Unsympathetic Formerly Important

    Mar 27, 2004
    Someplace high and cold
    I'd almost agree with that, except "progressive" as currently understood means "disastrous for long-term growth and liberty".
  5. Captain X

    Captain X Responsible cookie control

    Mar 29, 2009
    The Land of Snow and Cold
    "Progressive" certainly does tend to mean different things to different people. I'd use it as meaning greater liberty for a greater number of people, but I know others mean it as being supportive of Democratic ideals, which is to say statist with a socialist bent.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Tuttle

    Tuttle Listen kid, we're all in it together.

    Apr 17, 2004
    not NY

    Personally I prefer foul language to your more flowery speech and literary flourishes.

    Many people on WF said the same thing about Obama the Myth, the Neophyte, the Conman. Ms. Rothschild scores no particular points for perception, although you were right here with so many others pointing out that the Emperor Has No Clothes.

    As its chief beneficiary for the past several decades the left is on very shaky ground to criticize the established media (MSM). You guys (remember, to a conservative your Hillary and Obama are just two sides of the same coin) should stick to calling FOX News a Republican shill and not look the gift horse in the mouth.

    I agree, what you call "neolibs" are just as damaging to your vision of the Left as the "neocons" are to what conservatives dream as the ideal picture of the Right. But the Left has always had wingnuts. Just as the Right has always been burdened with religious extremists. Old news.
  7. Liet

    Liet Dr. of Horribleness, Ph.D.

    Jan 11, 2008
    Evil League of Evil Boardroom
    PUMA troll still needs a new troll. Would you die in a fire already?
  8. brudder1967

    brudder1967 this is who we are

    Apr 14, 2004
    Bumfuck MS
  9. Eminence

    Eminence Fresh Meat

    May 8, 2008
    Foul language has its uses but to be honest, I'm just not that good at it lol. Haven't been much of a swearer for most of my life. Don't even know that many salacious words, they were not permitted to be used in our house growing up and never really developed a penchant for them. I know a few in English, but to this day, not even many of the basic cuss words in my native language....

    I agree, WF was and is definitely ahead of the curve on the flim-flam man.

    Well to be fair, Lady Lynn was speaking up about Obama long before anyone here (including myself, though about the same time) was. I remember being on conference calls with her, Rudy Guiliani, and many others from both parties during the 2008 election. She had perceived what was happening for a while, and tried to tell people, she tried to do something then, hence the I Told You So in her article. She even resigned from her position on the Democratic National Committee's Platform Committee. Many of us did in fact, resign from our places in the Dem party (I'm not going to say state which Dem state committee I was part of, but I left, and also reregistered as an independent. I doubt I will ever register Dem again, though feel no need to register Republican either.)

    On that much I can agree to the extent that I want Big Media to die a painful death as well. BTW, I used to call it mainstream media as well, but then realized, they are anything but mainstream, and I am not going to confer upon them that sort of legitimacy. The PEOPLE are the mainstream; and the media acts like a lunatic political party, hence the name Big Media. They need to be called the hacks that they truly are.

    Hillary is not at all the same as Obama but we will leave that for another day. Anyway, I fully recognize your point about Big Media's inherent political bias, but also let's not forget that FOX News could have stopped Obama had they wanted. They had plenty of things they could have reported about him, far sooner than they did, but they didn't. How do I know this? Because many of us sent it to them, with documentation, backup, evidence etc. They contacted us for details, questions. But they wouldn't report the story right away, instead they wait and release the story when it was convenient.

    For instance, the 1st Jeremiah Wright scandal, when all that news about the pastor initially came out. That was in March 2008. But the news networks were aware of it from much earlier. They just chose to sit on the story, for various reasons though. The liberal networks because they were protecting Obama. FOX News because they wanted Obama to win, on the thought that he would be easier to beat in the election than Hillary.

    To her credit, Hillary was aware of the Jeremiah Wright story but chose not to push it early, when it could have done her some good, or at all because she didn't want to win that way. She wanted an election based on the issues. Little did she know that she would not be returned the same courtesy.

    So, while your admonition is correct that the liberal media is to blame for this sad state of affairs as well and it serves them right, I just want to point out that FOX News and conservative media isn't innocent either. They kept Americans in the dark longer than they should have, because they thought it would yield a political advantage for Republicans.

    Both parties have had their extremists for a long time, but I think what is noteworthy here is that.....these days, the lunatics seems to be running the asylum in both parties. For instance, the current Democratic resembles something like Liet, horrifying to be sure.

    But the Republican party has its own PR problems as well. To a portion of the country, the Republican party is tarred (and sometimes rightfully so) as a party of freedom-hating, ideology pushing, social antiquates. They may have some good ideas, but are having a hard time getting people to really give them the benefit of the doubt. So they have a problem in terms of how the country sees them as well.

    What is new about this though, is my earlier point of the wingnuts and extremists of both parties running the show for both Dems and Republicans.

    Both the neolibs and the neocons then, need to be stood up to by the militant middle from both parties.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Eminence

    Eminence Fresh Meat

    May 8, 2008
    The only person who needs a new troll act is Obama. The country is increasingly growing tired of what he's selling -- it's time for the Teleprompter to send him a new script to recite.

    But hey, perhaps he can borrow John Edwards'. Maybe then you might like him again. :lol:
  11. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    That's what I believe it means as well. I've always felt that the Constitution should be used to guarantee more freedoms, not less, which is one of the reasons, among others, that I was dead set against DOMA as an amendment, and I felt any conservative worth their salt should have been screaming bloody murder over the idea of an amendment against gay marriage in the Constitution.
    • Agree Agree x 2