1. Build 10% more birds of prey in preparation for attack on Federation. 2. Ban blood wine. (My head hurts this morning.) 3. Speed up the executions of traitors on Kronos. 4. Stricter control of Romulan immigration to the Empire. More later.
You'd be a shit Chancellor. You'd pussify the entire Empire! Klingon knitting would become a thing. Still, you'd probably still have more honour than "noted" 21st Century President Dayton L. Kitchens. All for the moment.
5. Kill Worf before he gets any ideas about "honor" and "duty" in his noggin and comes at me with a bat'leth. I saw what happened to Gowron.
Little Bat'leth Man Gowron just stated that the “Photon Torpedo Button is on his desk at all times. Will someone from his honorless regime please inform him that I too have a Photon Torpedo Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!