Dearest Wordforge, I have told you, in all earnestness, that the greatest film of all time was "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock." With a degree of shame (and a degree of pleasure) I must admit I was wrong. The greatest film of all time was...
The Whiz is fine. You can't go wrong with a black Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow. But you also can't argue with the Little Purple Dude, heartfully putting Wendy and Lisa's melody to his Dad's lyrics. Of course it helps to be on the high end of your 30s and have actually spent a couple Friday nights in the First Avenue & Seventh Street Entry. There's a shot of a catwalk that I certainly stood on some ten years later than this film.
You could make a case for Purple Rain being one of the greatest albums of the 80s. I've never seen the film.
I've listened to the album and it is definitely one of his best. I've never seen the movie though. Perhaps I'll rent it. dig if you will, the picture of you and I engaged in a kiss the sweat of your body covers me can you, my darling, can you picture this?
The greatest movie of all time is The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eight Dimension. And I'll take you all on, one at a time or all in a lump, to prove it.
Aww, you've finally come to terms with that there's no God, and that Conservatism was all a scam dreamt up by industrial scumbags at the turn of the 20th century and it just got out of hand, and stupid people thought it was a "philosophy". Well goood for yooouu. Doesn't it feel good to be a real human being finally?
It's.... unique. I enjoyed it, but I was told to get really stoned before I watched it, which I did, so who knows.
I was there when the film was made. I was also offered a security job for that tour but turned it down. It was quite the undertaking. The club was completely shut down for the film which didn't go over too well with some of the regular patrons. Gotta agree with Robo about it being his best album. Strange man to say the least. Oh, and Ben Hur was the best film of all time.
While I realize IMDB and Wiki--along with a host of other places--will tell you what the film was about, basically Prince plays a Minneapolis musician with a penchant for purple who has a troubled home-life, a huge ego, and a hot protege. Said woman's interests (and stage time at the club) are being competed for by Morris Day and the motherfucking Time. Prince, er, I mean The Kid, is fussy and temperamental and has no time for this song that bandmates Wendy and Lisa have been working on. From here we get into spoilerish territory.
As for the movie, Purple Rain is well worth watching. If for no other reason than seeing Prince in his prime, performing most every song on the classic soundtrack. Morris Day did a fine job too "Jungle Love" and "The Bird" may well be his biggest hits. Plus he and Jerome provided some solid comic relief.
You forgot Apollonia's tits [?=NSFW][/?]
Oh, get a sense of fuckin' humor, and some perspective, the goober brigade say shit like this about liberalism all the time, and you sit on your thumbs, I do a parody, you take it serious? Ridiculous.
Speaking of which, how many chicks did Prince just fuck up / damage, and in a good way. Apollonia, Shelia E, Sheena Easton.. I'm serious. One year Sheena is singing about taking the morning train and then WHAM!!! It's all about her sugar walls. The man has a power.
Ten of the greatest non-great films of all time: The Thing (John Carpenter version) Better Off Dead Caddyshack Evil Dead 2 A Shock to the System To Live and Die in L.A. Fearless Silverado Anchorman Any Which Way You Can
Ever since this..... [YT="Prince Masterpiece...."]tgq3UaATX_U[/YT] I can't even think of Prince without giggling.