Internships (UK/US)

Discussion in 'The Green Room' started by Pylades, Jan 17, 2007.

  1. Pylades

    Pylades Louder & Prouder

    Jun 1, 2005
    Okay, I've hinted at this in a former BR thread of mine (that I've since abandoned) but I'd really like to do an internship in either London or some place like NYC (even though I can't stand the city :busheep:) or Boston or whatever else American East Coast city offers a financial market.
    Now, this is pretty far in the future for now. It'll have to be a summer internship - this summer (07) I won't have the time (after checking a couple websites it seems like 10 weeks is about what you usually get but that's hard as is and simply impossible this year as I'll have about 5 weeks and will need to prep for exams too) so I'll just stay in Liechtenstein and work for maybe a month or something. I don't really need the money (well, I don't) but it's a) nice to have the money and b) important to get experience.

    So, here's what I'd like you people to tell me. How would I go about getting an internship in either the UK or the US (I've looked at a couple places like Meryll Lynch, Lehman Brothers and the like - so yeah, I'm talking about investments banks or at least something in the financial 'rsector - and I more or less know how to handle that part - fill out application by Dec/Jan/Feb and hope for the best). Most important, obviously, legal stuff. I can't stand it but I guess it's necessary. I can offer a Liechtenstein passport (European Economic Area) and a Swiss passport (but I really, really don't want to have to get that one for various reason) - how do I get the necessary permits? What are the necessary permits? What are the best places to apply to?
    Also - pay. Do your interns even get paid? :unsure:
    'round here you get paid about 17,5 $ an hour (which is about 4$ than what McDonalds pays but still alright) - anyone know anything about that? :unsure:
    I guess that depends on your level of education (if at all?)? I'm thinking either next summer ('08) at which point I'll be done with my 4th semester or in '09 at which point I'll (almost) have a BBA.
    So yeah, I wouldn't really care about making lots of money but it'd be nice to make as little debt as possible (well, I know it won't be me who'll foot the debt but still :busheep:) with accommodation, food and the like (so to open this up a little further: any advice on how to live as cheaply as possible close to a financial hot spot? ;)).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Fox Mulder

    Fox Mulder Fresh Meat

    Oct 21, 2004
    (In the UK) Firms usually recruit penultimate year undergrads - that is students in the summer before doing final year. Yes they do pay - I don't know how well as this is second hand information. It's down to you to sort out somewhere to live etc. 10 weeks is also the typical length of an internship. You might find some at 6 I guess.

    Most internship deadlines are February, March at the latest. They won't wait till that deadline to start interviewing though!

    And it's definitely the best way into the big city firms.
  3. Aurora

    Aurora VincerĂ²!

    Mar 23, 2004
    Storage B


    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Techman

    Techman Still smilin' Deceased Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    "Tell me...what color is the sky on your world?"
  5. Fox Mulder

    Fox Mulder Fresh Meat

    Oct 21, 2004