Its the most wonderful time of the year.

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by enlisted person, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    Bryce, I think I can safely speak for everyone when I say we don't give a fuck. :borg:

  2. bryce

    bryce Optimism - It's Back!

    Jun 7, 2007
    Space, The Final Frontier

    I *LOVE* big hearty "breakfast" type meals like steak and eggs and potatoes (w/salsa)...real corn beef hash (not that dog-food shit from a can), Denver omelets (w/ salsa), ham, biscuits and gravy (just plain white for me, no sausage) eggs Benedict, and a huge mess of Southwest style huerveos rancheros w. chirizo....(and ALL w/ slasa - from the Southwest, breakfast isn't breakfast without salsa...damn Midwesteners and New Englanders...)

    I just don't like that stuff first thing in the *morning*!!!

    My stomach isn't that awake yet! I get cravings for stuff like that around midnight, or 2am. It's *GREAT* then - but in the early morning when I just woke up, my stomach isn't ready for all that grease. But at like 2am, I get mad cravings for thats tuff.

    But cold cereal is pretty crappy for breakfast too. :vomit: I *hate* it. And it (never* satisfies me.
    (Hot cereal is *okay* with fresh fruit and cream. But not my favorite.)

    And I never personally could stand grits - maybe I just have never had them done right. They just look and smell nastly to me - especially in theearly AM... :shrug:

    When I first wake up, I prefer fresh fruit w/ cream & sugar...some good bread - a croissant or baguette w/ spreadable sweet cheese and some cold sliced meats. Or maybe a fresh-fruit European-style danish. And some coffee and tea. (Like a typical breakfast I remember from Germany.)

    Some herb-roasted potatoes or fruit crepes are good too. Maybe a fritatta.

    Yeah, it's "gay", but I like it. :shrug:

    But sometimes (a lot of times) I dig up leftover Indian food (or Chinese) so I could dig a Megatron-style breafast too. Sometimes congee (traditiona Asian rice porrage breakfast) is good too.

    I just don't like greasy food first thing on an empty stomach.
  3. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    A Megatron-style breakfast involves using his feet to hold the spoon. :D