My Prologue Is Done To Trinity

Discussion in 'The Workshop' started by JUSTLEE, Jun 23, 2007.


    JUSTLEE The Ancient Starfighter

    Mar 21, 2007
    The main points are mostly some personal background and foreshadowing.

    The book revolves around a character named Nicholas Cross, who has powerful Psionic abilities. He's had them since he was a boy and with them he could always see the past. While he was a kid he would often be overwhelmed by them as though he was having powerful hallucinations. One day they caused him to crash his bike on a pile of rebar while bicycling through a construction site trying to get away from some other kids who were trying to beat him up.

    In the modern day he's inherited fifteen million dollars plus a genuine WW II U-Boat that was slated for salvage. Instead he'd decided to renovate it to be traveling museum. He'd inherited it from the estate of Nicholas Cross. It was quite the coincidence that the man he got the money from has the exact same name.

    But he is taken aback when he is given notice that his money has been frozen because the will is being contested by the grandaughter on the grounds of mental competency. So he decides to go see her to try to convince her to change her mind. She is shocked to finally greet him and asks if he has a scar on his back from a bad bicycle accident. When he says yes, she asks to see it and agrees to end the contesting of the will if he has the scar. He agrees.

    While there he see a wall of family photos. His psionic abilities enable him to see th pictures move as though they were video. As he views the pictures, he finally comes across aa picture of her grandfather: Nicolas Cross. He is a dead ringer, an exact look alike, which explains her reaction to him.

    He shows her the scar and she ends the contesting of the will. When he leaves, she says "I'll be seeing you again, grandfather."

    Essentially the prologue was heavy on foreshadowing. Eventually I plan on having him traveling back in time to WW II to fight a secret was against an alien invasion force. The story will be based on trhe wilder aspects of UFO lore that I've read. It will all come to aq head when they find themselves at the earth's core.