My Star Wars Prequel

Discussion in 'Media Central' started by Steal Your Face, May 24, 2017.

  1. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    So, I've been thinking about this for a looong time and I think I finally worked it out. This is just a basic outline, no dialogue. Here it goes...

    Star Wars Episode One: Fall of the Republic
    Obiwan is in route to Aldaran where he's supposed to escort Senator Bail Organa and the young Queen Padme Amadala, she's around 16 in this. They are heading to Curasaunt to block a crucial vote of no confidence of Chancellor Vallorum. As they are leaving, they are attacked by a mysterious ship, its Maul. Their ship is heavily damaged and the pilot is killed. Obiwan is forced to pilot the ship, but he knows of a mechanic who can help him and possibly find him another pilot. The guy is Owan Lars, so they fly to Dantooine to find him. They find him, he's an old friend of Kenobi, but slightly younger, Kenobi is roughly thirty. Lars introduces him to his stepbrother Anika's Skywalker.

    Kenobi immediately senses he's strong in the force. In my version Jedi are like Navy Seals, people know of them, but nobody knows who they are. For years Kenobi has disguised himself as a moisture farmer on Tatooine. Kenobi explains that he is in need of a pilot that can find quicker routes and will not ask a lot of questions. So on and so forth. Lars says it's sounds like a damn fooled mission. Anikan jumps at the opportunity telling Kenobi he's a navigator on a spice mining ship. Owen and Anikan argue, but Anikan persists. Kenobi, knowing Skywalker is very strong in the force convinces Owen that things will be fine and he will take good care of Anikan. Anikan is also a young teenager, their parents are dead and Owen is his legal guardian. Repairs are made and they are on their way.

    Meanwhile Paps/Sidious, who's a Hitler type is slowly gaining power and has convinced much of the population that the Jedi are bad for the Republic, much like the Jews and Germany. Anyway, he sends Mail to Mandalore to strike a deal with Jango Fett, leader of Mandalore, to wage war against the Republic. There have been tensions for quite some time. Fett agrees in exchange for power over the outer rim and a clone of his own. In my version, the thing with Syfo Dias still happens. Of course Palps is lying.

    Back on Curasaunt, the vote passes, then suddenly an invasion fleet is arriving. The Jedi prepare to defend Curasaunt and Palps is declared Chancellor. Some Jedi, like Yoda don't trust him, but can't really sense anything. Kenobi speaks to Yoda about Skywalker and Yoda thinks he's too old and senses something disturbing about Skywalker.

    A battle occurs and Skywalker helps, he is shown to be an excellent pilot and clearly taps into the force. The Jedi win, but take several casualties. Kenobi reveals he is a Jedi and tells Skywalker he's strong in the force. Skywalker shows enthusiasm and asks Kenobi to train him. Yoda objects, but has no real say. Kenobi agrees to train him, roll credits.

    What do you guys think? Also, if you have your own ideas, feel free to post them.

    Next up, episode 2.
    • popcorn popcorn x 2
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  2. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    I forgot to mention there is some flirting going on between Padme and Anakin.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Zor Prime

    Zor Prime .

    Dec 28, 2013
    I've often thought about how some very minor changes to episode 1 could have made that whole trilogy so much better.

    But the two main things: Excise Jar Jar and Gungans entirely from the story. And make Anakin the same age as Amidala.

    Anakin should have been more proactive in Episode 1, he should have already had a bit of a dark side (he was a slave!), and he should have had way more interaction with both Padme and Kenobi right from the start.

    Because they wasted so much time on episode 1 they had to play catch up with episode 2 and so we got the weird unconvincing romance beteeen Anakin and Padme and the rushed relationship between Anakin and Obi Wan plus set up the Clone Wars. A lot of that could and should have been established in episode 1 but Lucas wanted to waste valuable screen time on pos races, Gungans, lifeless Padme, lifeless Obi Wan, and useless Anakin who just gets shuffled around and accidentally achieves victory.

    Even though Hayden Christiansen was awful, at least if he had played Anakin thru all three movies we could relate to him more and see a more gradual fall to the dark side.

    Instead we went from 'Yippee!' kid straight to stalker and serial killer. The Clone Wars series made up for some the damage but as it stands Episode 1 is almost entirely useless to the overall plot.

    You could almost just start with episode 2.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  4. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    Lucas should have started with episode 2 for sure. Agree that Padme and Anakin should have been close to the same age. Clone wars should have been from the get go. In my version the Clones are established via Syfo Dias sensing an impinging war and orders the clone army without the Jedi knowing, Palps finds out and kills him, leaving Maul in charge. Maul would replace Duku until Anakin kills him in episode three. I'll get to that though.

    My main goal is to take things said in the OT match the PT, hence Anakin being a navigator on a spice traiding ship, Obiwan knowing Les and the damn fooled mission.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  5. Spaceturkey

    Spaceturkey i can see my house

    Nov 23, 2004
    good sketch, but it needs filling out.

    first thing is a duel with Maul and Kenobi; although I think Maul should not only survive, but also maybe even be on the verge of winning before something breaks up the fight. For dawg's sake, give Maul some dialogue.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    That's exactly what would happen, Anakin would probably stop the fight in a burst of rage.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  7. Will Power

    Will Power If you only knew the irony of my name.

    Apr 26, 2009
    On one of the coasts!
    So true about Padme & Anakin!

    She's about ~10 years older than him.

    They should've been the same age, & both teenagers, in Episode I.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Zor Prime

    Zor Prime .

    Dec 28, 2013
    It's really a shame. Episode I could have been epic. It had all the ingredients. All the hype. All the grand mythology established by the original trilogy.

    But Lucas shat on his own movie by letting merchandising dictate the story. Episode I was marketed to kids. Almost all of its major flaws stem from that. Stupid kid Anakin, pod races, Gungans and Jar Jar's slapstick humor, lifeless dialogue, etc.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Spaceturkey

    Spaceturkey i can see my house

    Nov 23, 2004
    I was thinking more Force ex machina...
    the platform they're fighting on crumbles after an errant laser blast type of thing.

    Five, I thought?
  10. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    As for Maul having dialogue, he would have dialogue between Palpatine, Jango and Obiwan. There woul likely be more with Obiwan as they fight. Perhaps he would reveal something to Obiwan about there being a Sith Lord amongst them like Duku did. It definitely would be more than we got. Oh and he would get away, he lives on in episode two. The reason I said Anakin would stop it is to show that there is anger and rage in him, even if he doesn't know it. I think it needs to be shown from the first episode and build from there.
  11. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    Episode Two: (you guessed it) The Clone Wars
    Two or three years have past and the galaxy is in all out war. The Malandalorians have allied with a group of separatists who Sidious has managed to manipulate into fighting because of reasons. They are pretty much the same separatists from the actual movie and they have an overwhelming droid army. Palps has told the Senate of Syfo Dias and has basically convinced the Senate that the Jedi are incompetent because he's lied about his conversions with Syfo Dias. He blames the Jedi for not taking him seriously. Padme, Bail and Mon Mothma have built a coalition that seeks peace and a diplomatic solution to the war.

    Meanwhile Obiwan, Anakin and several Jedi are busy fighting the war via ( Dayton will like this) space battles. Unfortunately they are defeated in a major battle which causes the Separatists to gain many sectors. Anakin displays very good piloting skills, but is frustrated because he feels he's being held back and blames the defeat on the Jedi generally and Obiwan in particular.

    After the battle Palpatine brings Anakin to discuss his feelings and assures him that he's the most skilled Jedi and also the most powerful. He basically does the same as he did in ROTS, boosting his ego and casting doubt on the Jedi.

    Meanwhile, Obiwan visits the council where he shares his concerns over Anakin, Yoda is basically like I told you so. Qui Gon sits on the council and pretty much replaces SLM's character. Suddenly Anakin bursts in and makes a bunch of demands, one being that he wants to be a master. Qui Gon explains that there is a process to becoming a master and Anakin is not ready. Anakin force chokes Qui Gon, but is stopped by Obiwan. Anakin storms out followed by Obiwan who confronts him asking what's wrong with him. Anakin reveals that he's frustrated. Obiwan calms him him down and they hug it out. It becomes clear that Anakin is losing it and we see the first glimpse of the yellow eyes. Obiwan doesn't see this and just suspects Anakin is just blowing of steam.

    That being said, Obiwan still senses the dark side creeping in Anakin.

    Obiwan goes to see Padme. By this time there's a real romance between Padme and Anakin. The bullshit no attachments thing is scrapped in my version. Anyway, Obiwan also shares his concerns with Padme. She then reveals that she is pregnant with twins. She hasn't told Anakin yet because he's been away. Obiwan assures her that it's probably nothing and that she should not worry, then leaves.

    Meanwhile, Anakin visits Palpatine and vents to him. Palpatine questions him and starts to decipher where his head is at. He asks him about his fears or anxieties. Anakin claims in his cockiness that he's afraid of nothing. Palpatine uses a mind trick and Anakin reveals that he's been using the force to see the future. Palpatine pushes further. Anakin reveals that he's worried about Padme dying. Palpatine has the Opera scene conversation. Anakin asks how he knows this. Palpatine reveals himself to be the Sith Lord. Anakin pretty much has the same delima from ROTS, but Qui Gon bursts in because he senses Palpatine. Yoda tags along too. Pretty much the same thing transpires. Qui Gon is killed and Yoda is forced to retreat. Palpatine gives Anakin the name Darth Vader, but explains that there can only be two sith. Palpatine reveals that Maul is his current apprentice, but is less powerful.

    Padme discusses her Concern with Owen. He blames Obiwan, but still trusts him. There's some tension, but suggests maybe they should keep Anakin out of the loop.

    In the Senate, Palpatine gets the votes to bring the Clone Army because A) The Jedi are incompetent B) they are overwhelmed.

    Swipe. Anakin confronts Maul and a duel happens. Maul gets the drop on Anakin and he's badly injured. Palpatine creates a suit for him. At the same time, using the force, Anakin kills Maul.

    Finally, in the Senate, Mon Mothma and Bail are defeated. Palpatine declares a galactic empire, at this point, most have turned against the Jedi and Palpatine secretly orders their destruction.

    Sensing that Anakin has turned to the dark side, Obiwan, Bail and Padme decide to split up the twins. Obiwan suggests that Lars go to a Jedi safe house type of place. It's his covetr story. Obiwan reveals that he is in fact a Jedi. Lars reluctantly agrees to go to Tantooine to become a mousture farmer. Padme and Bail agree to go back to Alderan and stop stirring up trouble.

    There's a vote for the Clone Army which passes.

    I think it should end there, but I'm sure there's something I missed.
    Last edited: May 26, 2017
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    Star Wars: Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith

    or as I like to call it, fixing more of George Lucas' mistakes.

    Five years has passed, I wanted less time, but Leah has to remember her mother. Anyway, Obiwan arrives on Aldaran where he's greeted by Padme and a young Princess Leah. Obiwan talks to a Leah a bit and Padme says to Leah to go with Bail, he'll watch over her while she's away. Padme and Bail are really close, but Padme refuses to give up hope on Anakin. Obiwan and Padme are now en route to Curasaunt. By this time Vader has hunted and either killed or captured Jedi. They are being held prisoner and are too weak to use the force. They are being forced to work on what is quietly being called the Death Star. There's Kevin Smith's answer about the workers. Vader is overseeing the camp while Krenic is overseeing the work.

    It's Padme's goal to try and convince Anakin to come back to Aldaran with her and while Obiwan attempts to rescue the remaining Jedi including Yoda and Qui Gon. Padme pleads with Anakin and tells him he has a son. His eyes turn back to normal for a second and she's starting to reach him. She then proceeds to tell him he also has a daughter, but is interrupted by an alarm. Suddenly he senses Obiwan and believes that Padme has been lying to him and was just trying to distract him. Out of rage, he force pushes her against a wall which breaks her neck and she dies instantly. Vader' eyes turn yellow again at this moment. I forgot to mention that Vader has a suit, but no mask and no breathing thing on his chest.

    The alarm is Obiwan attempting to free the Jedi. He, Qui Gon and Yoda escape in a hail of fire. Obiwan calls for Padme on his comm, but she doesn't answer. He wants to rescue her, but Yoda say, she's dead. "Gone, she is". Vader chases after them, but they escape. Qui Gon is badly injured and dies on the ship. Obiwan tells Yoda that he's sick of war and death. Yoda tells Obiwan that there's a way to cheat death. Obiwan says that's why Anakin turned. Yoda says that the Sith misunderstood that meaning. He tells him that while he was at the camp, he had a vision and practiced meditation. Vader would watch him closely and may have figured out what he was doing, but it required tapping into the light side. Yoda then decides that it's no longer safe for the both of them and that they should hide. Obiwan agrees to take Yoda to the last known refuge which is Daggaboh. He then says there's one more thing he needs to do.

    Back at the camp the remaining Jedi are rounded up. Vader makes an evil guy speech then has the now storm troopers exicute them. He's then called to Palpatine&s office. Palpatine informs him that her must go to Mustafar where Jango and the other Separatists leaders are meeting to discuss terms of surrender. Palpatine tells Vader to kill them all.

    Obiwan arrives at Yavin where a group of Senators are meeting, including Mon Mothma and Bail. Obiwan informs them that Padme died. Bail is Leah's godfather and agrees to adopt her. This group of Senators are accompanied by military defectors who are the beggings of the Allience. Obiwan tells Bail that he's returning to Tatooine where he'll watch over Luke until the time is right for training. Suddenly a transition is intercepted and Obiwan finds out that Vader is heading to Mustafar. Some of the Separatists leaders are willing to join the alliance, so Obiwan decides to try and stop Vader.

    Vader arrives on Mustafar and it ends up the same as in the movie. Obiwan arrives and pretty much the same conversation is had and they fight, it ends the same, except Vader, realizing he's dying, asks Obiwan to give Luke his lightsaber. Obiwan picks up his lightsaber and walks away. Palpatine senses Vader is in trouble and it pretty much ends the same, he gets the mask, but doesn't yell noooo at the end. Obiwan returns to Tatooine. The end.

    Post credits scene.
    Ten years later...
    We see the Falcon land at Mos Isley.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  13. Shirogayne

    Shirogayne Gay™ Formerly Important

    May 17, 2005
    San Diego
    It was five years, but yeah.

    Ad others have said, having a nine year old who barely understands what's going on around him makes no narrative sense and given their romance is sorta a big deal, it needed waaaaay more groundwork than what it got in ep 2. Hayden Christensen is hardly Lawrence Olivier but in scenes where he was spewing less of Lucas' clunky dialogue and allowed to act, he was okay. :shrug:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Will Power

    Will Power If you only knew the irony of my name.

    Apr 26, 2009
    On one of the coasts!
    @Federal Farmer

    Your remake & re-imagining of the Prequel Trilogy is superior to the one we're unfortunately stuck with.

    IIRC/AFAIK we're jam stuck with the Jar Jar Trilogy as being part of the official canonuity, which sucks donkey balls infinitely.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    Thank you.

    Yes, we're stuck with it because TFA references it a few times including Anakin's racing flag from the pod race.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Bickendan

    Bickendan Custom Title Administrator Faceless Mook Writer

    May 7, 2010
    I take it omitting Mace Windu's intentional? SLJ was one of the redeeming traits of the PT.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    I would replace Mace Windu with Qui Gon Jin. Mace often had conversations with Yoda that were quite important. I would have preferred Qui Gon take on that role. I could see Mace replacing Master Plo. So the prominent Jedi would be Yoda, Obiwan, Qui Gon, Mace Windu and Plo Koon. What I hated was you had Masters Plo Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi who were good characters in Clone Wars, but sat on the council in the movies, but basically said nothing. Master Plo seems to fit SLJ's personality better, so I feel like Mace and Plo should be combined into one character. Then take Ki-Adi-Mundi and merge him into Plo. It's confusing, but each Jedi needs to have a distinct personality. Obiwan should be the maverick and Qui Gon should be more like Mace. I don't know, I just feel like there were too many generic Jedi that we just shouldn't have seen unless in certain battles where they are just red shirts.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 2
  18. Will Power

    Will Power If you only knew the irony of my name.

    Apr 26, 2009
    On one of the coasts!
    @Federal Farmer

    What do you think of this idea being bandied about the 'net that Supreme Leader Snoke is really just a real angry much older vengeance bent Mace Windu?

    I've seen & read some amusing articles & videos around the web supporting this theory, but in the end I just couldn't see Mace Windu becoming an Evil Jedi Master.

    Being Snoke isn't a Sith, he's some other species of Dark Sider, maybe he's just an Evil Jedi?

    Then there's the S.N.O.K.E. hypothesis:

    Sith No One Knew Existed

    I don't think I buy that either, especially when one of the makers/producers of "The Force Awakens" said that there are NO SITH in "TFA".
  19. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    If it were me, Snoke would be Plagous. It makes the most narrative sense and it ties all thre trilogies together. Palatine and Plagious try and create life, they make Anakin, Palpatine kills Plagous, Anakin turn evil, but turns good again and saves Luke, but kills Palpatine and himself in the process. Luke begins to train new Jedi, Plageous returns after being badly injured and thought to be dead, he turns Ben Solo against Luke, Luke goes in exile. And if you really want to get crazy, Snoke attempts to create life again and creates Rey, but she's abandoned. Rey is taught in the light side by Luke and in the final act of episode nine Luke sacrifices himself to save Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren sacrifices himself to save Rey and Snoke is killed. That would kind of bring things full circle, but maybe a little too spot on.

    As for Mace Windu being Snoke, no.
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