Please Start a New Thread for Different Issues

Discussion in 'The Help Desk' started by Ancalagon, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Ancalagon

    Ancalagon Scalawag Administrator Formerly Important

    Mar 29, 2004
    First off, thanks for the patience as we try and get this board fixed up. I know it's annoying having to relearn everything, so we really appreciate it.

    Secondly, please keep the suggestions coming. If something is missing please ask. Maybe we need to switch it on. Or maybe it is just done a different way or located in a different place. Chances are if you are looking for it someone else is so you're helping the board out by asking.

    If you have any suggestions (for examples skins, addons, hacks, etc) please post them, with links if you can.

    And lastly, for organizational purposes please start a new HD thread for a new question, suggestion, feature or feature suite. We're trying to fix what we can but requests fall through the cracks when posted in multiple fast moving threads in multiple rooms.

    Rock on! This has actually gone much smoother than I anticipated thanks to Nick and the other staff (John deserves a call out) and you all being so laid back. Hopefully we can get the major issues worked out before your tolerance runs out!
    • Agree Agree x 2