Atleast the worst modern movie ever made. Nothing of value here. Nothing. After success with that Outlander movie I decided to give this unheard of movie a shot. Big Mistake. It blows. Bad acting, Bad direction, Bad editing, and a complete incoherent plot - and I mean that, "incoherent" might be an understatement. This is the first movie in a long time that I really wanted to turn off, and I usually don't walk away from movies. My favorite part was the end credits. They feature stills and images from the movie. Like anyone watching this shit fest is going to be sitting there saying "Yes! Behind the scenes pics!" These filmmakers actually deluded themselves into thinking they made a great movie. That's the shocking part! Para rates this - Not Worth Your Time.
No. Portal is the worst. I've seen every MST3K and Portal is the worst. There is nothing of value in that film. Not even anything to laugh at, it's just bad.
Behold! After MUCH searching I found this piece of trash! Who the heck actually took time to upload this garbage?
Wow. I was digging through my old posts and came across this. I have absolutely zero recollection of this movie. So good news, Mr Past Para. You succeeded in completely removing this movie from your mind. Apparently I hated it. I wonder what was so bad about it? I'm tempted to look it up. But I feel like I owe it to past Para to honor his wishes and never view this movie ever again.
I watched Score: A Hockey Musical at the local discount theatre, it was so bad that as soon as it was over I started making plans to kill myself that same evening. I ended up getting distracted by a cute hobo, but I was walking to the most convenient high bridge when I ran into her.