Repairing the Foundation

Discussion in 'The Help Desk' started by Kyle, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Kyle

    Kyle You will regret this!

    Mar 29, 2004
    Hey folks.

    Likely won't be making too many announcements, but here's the big news. I just upgraded Apache and PHP - we're now sitting at Apache 2.2.9 and PHP 5.2.6. Pretty cool, huh? Yeah, yeah, downtime. Sorry folks.

    Anyway, a lot of you have been seeing "Forbidden" errors lately. The tech team (i.e. myself and O2C) hope that by recompiling Apache and PHP, we'll have wiped these errors out.

    However, we need your help. If you see any errors, please report them to the Help Desk thread I've created here. We'll sort through 'em and, hopefully, figure out what caused 'em.

    Have a good one, folks.
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