I don't know that it's an either/or thing. Could be all of the above: federal over-spending, supply chain problems, and greedy corporations raising prices because they can and get away with it, for lack of healthy market competition. But the last definitely deserves our attention.
Competition is healthy. The supply chain is not. Low interest rates have jumped the shark though. Demand is higher than it should be. Just in time manufacturing and free trade need reconsidering. Corporate and individual greed is a given. I just glanced at the article, but I think it's a sloppy opinion piece. Inflation is high across the board, even where competition is healthy.
I started a thread last month about a possible looming recession, but the article I posted did also talked about inflation and blamrd it on the government printing too much money.
"Corporate," not "cooperate." And it's all due to the extreme fixation on short term profits above all other considerations.
Long-term growth. Continuing to provide shareholder value well into the future instead of a couple quarters and then kerpoof!
They are not teaching that in MBA school, just the current quarter's financials. Obviously you lack experience in the private sector.